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No, Tabitha is not an avid pornography enthusiast. I really hope no one is disappointed by that.



Tazer Silverscar

Well, Tabs ain't a teenager yet, things don't start getting truly weird until yer halfway to adulthood. Good on Zigzag for actually having a truly sensible answer to that. That's astoundingly deep for her!

Kenneth Chisholm

Those are really some wise words on that subject coming from Zig Zag.

Viro Veteruscy

She's still got some years to get through before talking to Zig Zag about it again or even her sister. Least she was about to talk to Zig Zag in the first place and not go through less favorable means.


mature way of dealing with it

Tyro Thunderdrone

Tabitha is not an avid pornography enthusiast.....yet XD

Glenn Sellers

Truer words were never spoken in the last panel.


Good. Tabitha is definitely not ready and Zig knows it. Excellent words there, Zig. :)

Kenneth Chisholm

Yes, odds are she will outgrow the cootie factor in due time and find something that arouses her. I remember when I did, after being put off by porn video's typical shlockiness and fell in love instead with furry erotica comics as done by masters like Steve Gallacci, Vicky Wyman, Paul Kidd and Terrie Smith.

Wild Card

Zig is showing the experience she has dealing with the same subject matter asked by her younger siblings.

monstersquishy .

Tabitha is going to be like sabrina, where she is going to be around "the porns" because of zig but wont really care for it


I love these Zig and Tabby moments. Same with her moments with Sabrina and Timmy


A lovely little insight to ZigZag's soul Schwartz. I must confess I hope we get to see more of what makes up Ms Zag.


I wonder if this means she'll also stop obsessing over having breast to control men until she hits her teens. As cute and funny as that was it was getting weird coming from a five year old back then.


Maybe this early exposure will keep Tabitha from thinking porn is some sort of hidden treasure. She'll be able to assess it for what it is, good or bad.


And some go to their graves knowing exactly what's what.