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Stories from real life - not mine, but probably someone's.



Dave Van Domelen

Yeah, a friend of mine had her kid spend $1400 on mobile games when she forgot to log out before letting the kid use a tablet. Managed to claw back $800, IIRC, but the other company was "LOL sucks to be u".


she got lucky...it could have been a LOT MORE ZEROS!


Whoever thought it would be a good idea to make a system where a baby can accidentally spend money without confirmation? Remember the old days where the shopkeeper would actually be responsible for not selling items to a kid with no money?

Viro Veteruscy

Damn, good thing they're paid well >.>


Candy can be very expensive...


I think this is the first time she is being shown with a facial expression differently from smartphone zombieism / slightly disdainful of everyone around her.


Yeah my nephew spent $40 on my phone once on some painting game, it wasn’t too bad but I was pissed


Maybe that'll teach them girls about allowing a baby to handle their personal phones... (Still, it's kept her from acting like a baby Timmy around their chests)


Yep. She's definitely going to be a bigger tech genius than her parents once she's old enough.


Good thing both Sabrina and R.C. have good paying jobs


While $200 is a lot of money, how about these A young teenager from Belgium spent $46,000 dollars over a period of 3 months, on purchasing 9million+ in-game gold for Game of War: Fire Age. or how about a 9 year old from the UK, where only in just a few days, he spent $12,000 to slay dragons in the game Dragon City, wiping out his mothers credit cards and her entire savings which was connected to the card. but, while she did have to borrow money to tide them over, she was able to get it all back after 2 weeks.


Tracey is so cute <3<3