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Danielle's vocabulary is expanding beyond "ih."




Danielle and Timmy are the smartest people in this universe. You can’t change my mind


First of all, Sabrina fixing her hair like that is super cute. Second of all, OMIGOD!!! DANIELLE'S FIRST WORD!!!!!! She's well on her way to becoming a chatterbox like Tabitha.....


Her first word coulda been Zig!

Glenn Sellers

Get used to it, Sabrina. This is only the beginning, only the beginning.


Oh god, teen speak already. Danielle is really ahead of the curve.


And here I thought her first word would be "Amiga".


Don't feel too out of place, Sabrina. After all, Lindesfarne had verbal obstacles with Coney when she started to speak back in 2005; https://www.kevinandkell.com/2005/strips/kk20050501.jpg. (Plus, one hair ruffle and your hair's back to normal? Most women would kill for hair like that)


Does Sabrina had stockpiled Amiga Shirts back in the 90's to still have fresh ones today?


Pity, "ih" was such a cute sound.


That just far beyond cute!!!!


I have a question for Stacey and Tracey: I going to test both of your knowledge, is the earth round or flat!?


You must work for the government


Now it is official, Danielle has a tail with rings. I really loved the slow change from a striped underside and a plain light grey top into the pattern she has now. RCs genetic heritage was a bit stronger than Sabrinas.


Maybe she got them from a custom print shop. I like the amiga ball as well.


I guess that could be the answer!? But I'd rather wait until we find out!


YES! I just want Stacey and Tracey answer this simple question: is the earth round or flat? LOL! *giggles*


By the way Eric, I do like your artwork and the Sabrina Online series!

Tazer Silverscar

I'm a man with hair like that, and I can say, it takes some real thick hair to do that, it is not fun 🤣


sometimes colors shift as they grow up - my tortoiseshell kitty had a lot of white as a kitten but it turned to orange later :)

Paulie Lombardo

I don't know what anyone else thinks about this, but I feel like Danielle is aging a bit fast. I mean, I know that Sabrina's youth can't last forever. Yet, I think that she probably should have said her first word in the next chapter.

Paulie Lombardo

I think R.C., Warren and Sabrina are the most intelligent people in the series.


Can’t wait for the next comic.


the next word to learn is "No"