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Viro Veteruscy

Yay! Zig x Endora fun! lol


Baby thought bubble. That takes me back to when Amy was pregnant with Timmy "Resistance is futile" LOL


and with ZIG ZAG she can DRINK UNTIL SHE DROPS! I remember the end of the wedding after all. hehe.


The baby can think just like Timothy


A craving for soy sauce? Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Magnesium and Copper, and a very good source of Protein, Niacin, Iron, Phosphorus and Manganese, but lots of sodium (salt).


The one Zig Zag should settle down with is James Sheppard. And we all know it.


I've been meaning to say this for a while. As a pioneer of web comics, I really respect you and your work. Sabrina and her friends always make me smile and I want to support you in any way possible. I might buy a plushie, but becoming a patron is a bit more difficult (unemployment). Keep up the good work.


In unrelated tech news, a company named Apollo Accelerators will release new Amiga hardware by Christmas. Sabrina likely had one on order a year ago, maybe even wrote the design specs for it too.