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Hey there! How is everyone doing today? Just interrupting your day for a little update;

I'll be in DALLAS this weekend for a Harry Potter convention, LEAKYCON! Believe it or not, I actually JUST watched the Harry Potter films for the first time this past October! ^^;; Needless to say, I loved them so much. HP while still fresh to me, holds such a special place in my heart!! Have you heard of this convention? ^___^

August 16-19th I'll be in Dallas...AGAIN for AFEST! I will have my usual artist alley booth set up there as usual! If you'll be in that area, the Artist alley is FREE TO THE PUBLIC!! 

Lastly, I may be going BACK TO DALLAS the last weekend of the month and shoot some hot and fresh Patreon content!! >.> I have soo many ideas floating around. I am having such a hard time deciding what I actually want to shoot for you guys! Do you trust me? ^^

Please stay tuned today if you're in the higher tiers~ I'm sharing some of the new photosets for the month of August!

Have a lovely week everyone. Take care, be safe, and thank you for everything!





Shame, it sounds like you won’t be attending San Japan this year


Ah, from the list, it sounded like you’d wouldn’t be there since you said the last weekend of the month you’d be in Dallas and that’s when San Japan is happening ..so Yay!