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Big news for me! As we move closer to the date, I want to inform you all that I am finally getting my breast augmentation done! I have contemplated this for over a year, and it’s been something I’ve been interested in getting done for a long time now. My closest friends whom I’ve told have all been very supportive of my decision. It would mean the world to me if I had the same support and respect from the rest of you guys also. Thanks so much!! Surgery starts tomorrow. Wish me a speedy recovery! 💘

It will take me a minute to recover, so please understand when you don’t see me post. I don’t know how long just yet until I can start taking my usual photos. I kindly ask that you all be patient while I recover, and when I do, I’ll get back on track to posting regularly here and even more on Snapchat. This is a decision I made for myself, and no one else. I understand this is something not everyone may care for and that’s okay. All I ask is that you respect it.

Thanks for your understanding and support. I look forward to the confidence boost this will give me, and all the new content I will be able to create for you all once I’m heeled and feeling better.

LOVE, blackberry ❤️😉




They already look perfect, but congratulations


May you recover fast and you gonna look even more beautiful ❤️