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  • patreon update.m4a



this is a little update audio bc no energy to type too much 😭 happy holidays first of all ♡ unfortunately i caught covid from an irresponsible coworker so here we are. double vaxxed but this is still so brutal, i honestly wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. fever brain makes this audio really all over the place so sorry in advance im kinda fucked up rn but i will upload as soon as physically possible — please be careful out there, i love u guys

thank u for being here and for everything u do for me

xoxoxo from a safe distance




Take good care and hope you get well soon Rina!!! Much love and Merry Christmas! <3


Please don't worry about it. I think we all understand needing to take some time, your health is more important than anything else! ❤️

Karamel Thunder

Oof. Covid sucks like hell. Sorry to hear about it. Rest up, take it easy, hope you feel better soon! And happy holidays!


Please take the time to heal and recover. Hopefully this passes soon and you feel 100 percent again. Happy holidays to you too Rina!