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Hi, guys. I'm alive, and I owe you an apology for my long absence. The last two months in my life have been monstrously comshary, in short I lost my job and got kicked out of my apartment, and I also had some health problems, but I'm not in any danger now. If you're interested in the details, you can write me a private message, I'd love to talk to you.

Animation link!

I finished my long animation with Ferry, and it turned out to be much more complicated than originally planned. I've been putting the animation together piece by piece when I had the chance, and now it's done! This is my most difficult project at the moment My friend Shegamamai is currently writing music for the animation, and after he finishes, I will post the animation on YouTube.

I no longer intend to disappear for so long and for sure, now I will do short animations and trades with other authors, perhaps I will do commissions to increase activity and make more diverse content for you.

Later on I'll post a new post with my ideas for the future and tell you what I'll be doing, but in the meantime... I'm looking forward to your feedback and messages. You really mean a lot to me, thank you all!

A few bonus renderers. (It's not from animation) Just for you!




this is my favorite of all time


Excited to watch when I get home glad you are back!!


Wow. You were in a serious pickle eh. But I'm glad you are ok. It's alright about the absence because things can happen in real life sometimes. 😁


Great animation, even greater to see you well again. Hope to hear more from you soon, take care.


I'm honestly so glad to hear from you once again. Sorry to hear about all your problems and I do wish you all the best. But let me tell you, that your animation is by far one of the best I've ever laid my eyes on. You've grown and improved so much, I don't think anyone saw it coming. This sits at the top and rivals some of AZ's greatest works, such as Diane's Bizarre Adventure and Samus as well, which I consider his Magnum Opus. Your hard work is definitely seen and appreciated, you are truly incredible. Glad to have you back and I hope that everything is better for you now. (or gets better in the future) Have a wonderful day.


An incredible animation, I love that Ferry interacts with the environment as it grows and with the doll, that makes me want to continue watching Ferry grow, I hope you continue doing animations with Ferry, you have my support, good luck with your pending projects.


hope you will be better soon.and hope you can bring more and more amazing works like this!


now you can download them! (they are at the bottom of the post)


It's so nice! I intend to continue improving, setting myself difficult tasks so that one day I could become a good animator. Art requires perseverance


I've become too attached to you all, it's hard to just take it all and give it up, even despite the problems in life 😎


I’ve always enjoyed your vids since you’ve started, but man you are damn good at this. Good luck on your future endeavors.