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Hooray, I've finally finished the soundless version!  Download link: https://mega.nz/file/SVAQzYCa#80z9PNeSCuqIcUVhEQXP5aZdsLHr22rMGGVl6fIZgjg

I moved away from the schedule a little, because I had to study an addon to simulate destruction, and solve bugs with smoke and random flashes. I don't know what to do with voice acting yet. Due to the sanctions, my wallets are blocked and I have no way to pay for voice acting by international transfer. I will think about what I should do

Anyway, tell me what you think of the animation! By the way, I'd love it if you could give me some ideas for it that I could implement before posting the animation on YouTube! I think it would be nice to extend the animation by 20-30 seconds

And one more thing. Do you think it's worth making a 4K version?




This is so awesome, I love it. You can definitely tell AZ's influence on you, it's fantastic! You've really improved so much in less than a year. I hope you get a workaround your VA problem. Wish you the best and good luck.


I must say, I did not expect that much particle effects on screen. You went way above this time around. This is an odd suggestion, but for the ending bit, I was thinking if it cuts to maybe a plane or helicopter flying above her. And as she looks up, she starts to grow overlooking the plane/ helicopter. That sounds like fun. Also, who is that guy with the paper bag that keeps appearing? 😁


I decided to try a lot of things in this project, and particles were one of the things I wanted to pay attention to! You know, buddy, I'd really like to do a sequel. I'm not sure if it's worth doing yet, but the idea of an airplane/helicopter looks very cool! This idea can be used in the sequel, I really like it. Haha, the guy with the paper bag in his head is actually something more than just an ordinary character...


Of course he influences me, he is my favorite author! It's really creative work coming from the heart and now I'm starting to understand it. I really like doing it, and people like it too. These things do a lot together