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It's finally here: the finale you've all been waiting for to watch in full in anticipation for the finale season!

We also insisted on wearing our crowns for it (OBVIOUSLY!)

Enjoy xoxo



Sara Nissen

First time I watched it, I got a feeling of shock and understanding when Wilhelm pointed the riffle at August, like it was so dramatic, but I kinda knew, he didn't have it in him to kill him, but threaten him and maybe shoot him in the leg I could deffinately see, if it came to that, because of what August did and how angry Wilhelm was. I also really understand why everyone was angry at Sara for what she did, even if she was in love for the first time and it blocked her judgement. Now she has a serious amount of redeeming to do, that I hope she gets in the final season, even if reporting August might have even more consequences than she might think, because of what might be revealed about Simon/what August might throw back at him to protect himself, no matter if they still let Alexander take the blame or not, or if it didn't go as planed(I could see him use whatever tiny chance he got). I love Wilhelms speech. Their life will deffinately not be easier, but I think, it was the right thing to do.

Gina Lipkin

Some moments reminded me of Heartstopper. Brand new chapter everything will be different for them, it's on their own truthful terms now, pleased they can express their love for one another and not hide it. Interesting to see how the reactions will be in Season 3, from families, friends, enemies, and media spotlight, stay strong Young Royals

Hannah Howden

Completely forgot how much I loath August and Sara… season 3 predictions is that there is no way in hell Willie can let August take the thrown Im irrationally upset at the thought of him having any power ever 😂


Finally I got to see all the episodes uncut. Thank you 🫶🏻.

Amanda Balser

I can’t wait to see the rest of your reactions to S3 now

Monti Munchi

The silence in the end between you two, just the best. After several rewatches I still am shocked and speechless witnessing Willes strength.