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Possibly one of the best films of 2023?

We were blown away by this unique and emotionally captivating film. 10/10 representation right here. So great to see more human stories about the LGBTQ community that tell our stories in such a humbling and relatable way

Get the tissues ready





Sam S

You are spoiling us today, Alex! I’m going to look like a mess for the school run, aren’t I…after crying all my makeup off? 😭🫠

Diane Furlong

How much coffee have you had this morning Alex? You’re on fire!🔥 This is a great movie. I’ll be back to watch after breakfast. Thanks for All that you and Josh do 😘

Stian Kristoffersen

You're really on a roll today! Thanks 😘 A very enjoyable and emotional movie.

Chris Mackenzie

Another reason that Fridays are my favorite day of the week. Not only does it signify the start of the weekend, but it also brings the joy of ASWT reactions. The timing is perfect, especially since the cricket had just finished.


I liked this movie, I didn't love it as much as I wanted to. I will watch anything Dan Levy does, but this movie just lacked depth for me. Ruth Negga is always amazing and I was so excited to see Himesh Patel because he's fantastic, but he's kinda wasted in this movie which is disappointing. It's probably not fair but I saw the masterpiece that is All of us Strangers like 2 weeks before this movie which is also a movie about grief and the way its portrayed in that movie is so affecting, thought provoking and resonated so much more with me.


I'm afraid to watch this, cause it'll be so sad. But I'm sure it'll also be lovely in the end. At least I can watch it together with you guys <3

Jacqui Chesterton

Oh I'm so excited. I loved this and can't wait to see your reaction.


Put GBF (2013) on your list, it's a funny movie.

Chris Metzger

I truly adore this film. To quote Alfred Lord Tennyson, "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all". It took Marc most of this film to realise that truth. He was able to heal not just the wound he experienced from losing Oliver, but he was also able to finally heal the loss of his mother. This was really powerful. Top tier indeed!

Diane Furlong

Josh, I think this is the first video where you haven’t cringed as soon as the singing started earlier in the movie. Wow, mark the calendar 💕

Diane Furlong

I first watched this movie last month and it happened to be close to the 3rd Anniversary of Jimmy’s passing. (Not great planning on my part). The movie hit pretty close to home but it also helped me resolve some things in my mind. It’s an excellent example of the roller coaster that one goes on during a grieving period.

Sam S

I have been half-dreading watching this movie, because I’m such an empath and find some storylines very emotionally exhausting. So this was my first watch of it. It was nothing like I was expecting…it was beautiful, it was poignant and it didn’t shy away from the messiness of loss. The people we lose aren’t perfect, so what we feel when they pass can be complicated and multifaceted. Grief looks different for everyone, and it’s not something you just get over, but rather something you pass through. It’s something that can sneak up on you again, months or years later… This film is one of the best things I’ve seen in a long time, dealing with such a heavy topic while still being uplifting. Bravo, Dan Levy! 👏🏻

Jenny Lukan

I totally agree on Himesh Patel’s character being wasted. I didn’t connect to this movie as I did All of Us Strangers. I’ve seen AOUS three times now and it’s incredible. I notice new things every time and every time hits me just as hard.


Watching you guys watching this movie was actually my first time watching it as well. I really enjoyed it. As you said, it felt very real and not cheesy at all. Although it was emotionally quite challenging to watch, I’m so glad I did. And I have to mention your commentary again!! You guys always find the right words to describe certain situations, emotions etc. and always sharing your personal experiences with us. I appreciate that a lot. So thank you guys again for another great reaction. 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

Diane Furlong

Yes, there are the predictable times where one expects grief and memories could be difficult like anniversaries, birthdays etc. Then there are the random moments that can blindside you. It’s just one day at a time.

Dennis Verner

You guys are amazing. Another film I would probably not have watched on my own. But I always know, whatever it turns out to be, I will enjoy it with you. Great pick gentlemen.


I have been all three characters as well. It took me a long time to want to commit to anyone after my first relationship when I was twenty. She was my person and when it ended, I was like "Well, I'm not doing THAT again" and went kind of on a hoe spree if you will, and then I met another ex who broke up with me on my birthday while we were out of town and my best friend had to come get me by driving like four hours because I was miserable and couldn't stop crying. It's funny now. I can sort of laugh at my dating history and what a mess I have been, but yeah, it's not been that great. I think though, if someone told me they wanted an open marriage in the way that Oliver did, I would go live in the middle of nowhere and never try dating again. LOL There is nothing wrong with open marriages, I just don't think that that, for me, is the way to go about it.


If you’re looking for fantasy book recommendations, I recommend everything by TJ Klune. The House in the Cerulean Sea, Under the Whispering Door, and In the Lives of Puppets are all incredible.


Also, adore the two of you. I have loved watching with you both these past couple of months.

Dawn Johnson

I agree with Jami. TJ is a spectacular storyteller and SO funny.


It’s so impressive that this is Dan Levy’s film directorial debut! It really feels accurate to the messiness and unpredictability of grief. I’m glad you watched this one. On the queer fantasy books front, here are few: In Deeper Waters or So This Is Ever After by F.T. Lukens (young adult, but fun gay takes on fairy tales); A Marvellous Light and the subsequent books in the series by Freya Marske; Cemetary Boys by Aidan Thomas; Red Heir by Lisa Henry; The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer; A Darker Shade of Magic series by VE Schwab (gay main characters in featured 2nd and 3rd books)

Henry Riley

All of us strangers reaction when?! 😭💜

Nikki Hearn

I love the simplicity of how this film was shot...it could have been easily more chaotic, but it went a more authentic route, which just captured the grief journey brilliantly!👏 It showed the process of feelings from a queer POV and I just appreciate it alot more because of how raw the emotion can be when losing someone. As we all know, feelings are complex and sometimes you don't feel much at all for a very long time! It's a well written script and the actors were just perfect 🥰


spoiler alert reaction would be amazing

Gina Lipkin

Healing Art, Healing Hearts, very much a Story Worth Telling, all their hearts were finding their own ways of healing, as indivduals and as friends sharing their pain, loss, grief, sadness, they told this story so well, as human beings living well will all encounter dying and exploring how to navigate these times in our lives is so vital to communicate and discuss however hard it is to do. Big thank you Josh and Alex, humanity at work, facing our fears and not running from them, sending good love

Jacqueline Hahn

Loved your reaction to this. This is SUCH a great film! It could so easily have been maudlin or an awful, saccharin mess, instead it's a beautiful, thoughtful, thought provoking study of human loss and how we deal with it, or don't. It's funny enough to not be depressing, and serious enough not to be a silly pastiche of grief, in all its forms, death, loss of trust, broken relationships or just the mini-grief we feel when we are forced to grow up as life moves on and we change, our relationships & friendships change & evolve. I think Dan Levy is hugely underrated as an actor, writer & director. This was perfect.


There’s already been some great suggestions for you Josh to add to your queer fantasy TBR list. I’m currently making my way through Ben Anderson’s books — he has a few different series I think you might enjoy. Next on my list is The Last Sun by K.D. Edwards. You would also like C.S. Pacat and K. Sterling, so check them out, too. I have LOTS more recommendations for you, so come find me on discord and I’ll send them over


Looks like I'm in the minority here. I was hoping for something great from this film but it never arrived. I just found it to be sentimental, "Four Weddings And A Funeral" , Richard Curtiss style Twaddle. Good gay representation? maybe but as a representation of grief (which I know is a multi faceted emotion), for me, it fell far short. if you want to watch a film that represents grief and loss watch something like the Oscar nominated film, Close.

Gina Lipkin

Discovered another great gay story on Netflix called "Halston" about a fashion designer and his lover, on a true story, he made the hat for Jackie Kennedy first lady, then in 60s women stopped wearing hats and he had to create new ideas x

Michael D

This movie was a miss for me. It's my third watch of it in the hopes that I would latch onto it more. But maybe I just havnt had the experience of loss on this scale to be able to relate. As for the queer fantasy TBR list. I've been forming my own thanks to queer booktok. Just started one called Heir to Thorn and Flame. I've heard Wolfsong, The Last Sun, Angels Before Man & A Darker Shade of Magic are all top tier reads.

Sara Nissen

I think I understand what Alex means in the start; some LGBT+ movies and storylines in tv series can be rather grand in the storytelling, maybe because a lot of them deal with the very important theme of coming out (often for teens, people in their 20s/early 30s) and the impact of that, but it's also nice to see a movie etc. about someone coming out late in life or just experiencing everyday life. Good review, I really like this movie; felt very real, not too cheesy, now I finally got around to watch it.

Hannah Gibson

On the singing front, my wife and inlaws always sing at christmas. The first time they handed out the hymnals (no none of them are religious) and told me to sing the tenor part, counted in and sightsang! They were flumoxed that I was flumoxed! Anyway, I've learnt to sort of keep up most of the time now and really enjoy hearing them every time! For me it's their magical ability and the beauty of it that is part of what makes our Christmas now


Wow, I cried the first time I watch this, cried and laughed this time. Amazing film and amazing reaction. Dan levy and his writing