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We're back with the last re-record uncut for Young Royals season 1!

Enjoy! xoxo



Diane Furlong

Oh Yes!!! I’ll definitely watch as I have my breakfast (it’s 7AM here). Thanks Alex and Josh

Graham & Ruth May

Excellent! I have been waiting for this! Thanks, guys! ❤️👑❤️

Stian Kristoffersen

Oh Goody!! ❤️🌈 Thanks for taking the time to rewatch "The Lost Episodes" 😘

Sara Nissen

Again I feel bad for Felice, that her mom tried to force her to wear the dress, even when Felice said it didn't fit her and she didn't want to be Lucia, but great that she stood up to her, and I love that it fit Sara beautifully, and she got to be the Lucia bride instead. What August did was horrible, and only made me dislike him more.

LM-Entertainment Australia

yay! love the reaction! :] ive seen lots of reactions of the series and everyone goes "WOW!" about the capital punishment "we say yes" line. i have a feeling they're doing it as a form of debating and arguing for a particular side.. not necessarily agreeing with it... but rather presenting the case for "yes." there's a reference in ep 1 or ep 2 where felice and madison are in their room and felice tells her that it's ok for her to speak swedish around her. i think it's implied that she knows swedish and understands it (obviously) but is self-conscious about speaking it herself.


i'm from finland and i remember when i was younger and we did the lucia thing at school a few times. i always wanted to be lucia, but it was always someone else and i remember even crying because of it XD that's why i was so happy when felice gave it up for sara, because she actually wanted to be lucia :) (the closest i got to being lucia was holding a candle ONE TIME) 😭

Graham & Ruth May

Thanks for this and for taking the time and effort to record this again, guys. ❤️ I’m still loving every moment of your hatred of August. 😂🥰 Your faces at the point when August uploads the video of Simon and Wille and when everyone at the St Lucia sees it on their phones! When Wille goes to Simon’s house, I think it’s possibly the first time he’s actually been in an ordinary little suburban home and in Simon’s bedroom, when he comments that it’s ‘cosy’, I think he really means that as a compliment, that it’s a welcoming, warm family home and that Simon’s room reflects Simon himself, with its music poster and personal possessions. Josh thought it was rude, but I think it highlights something Wille has never had and that he wishes he did have in his own family. In the first few moments of season 2, Wille wakes up in a cold, impersonal palace bedroom which has no warmth or traces of himself in it. Even the lighting of those two contrasting scenes is telling: Simon’s room is bathed in a soft, warm, golden orange light making it an intimate space and Wille’s room is lit by a cold, pale wash of grey-blue. There are a lot of these subtle and layered references in Young Royals, across both seasons; the cinematography, the small visual details, the lighting, even the physical placing of the actors- just so well written and so effective.


I will never get over the aquarium scene 😍🫠🫠🫠🫠


Madison speaks English because she has a Swedish parent and an American parent but she was raised in America. She understands Swedish but does not feel comfortable speaking it. And the majority of people in Sweden (and Norway and Denmark I would say) speak and understand English almost as well as their own language.


Read about Lucia here: https://sweden.se/culture/celebrations/the-lucia-tradition We have it in Denmark as well.


Re: the discussion around drugs at about 11:45, some ADHD medication (methylphenidate i.e. Ritalin/Concerta) is actually considered a Class B drug in the UK and carries up to a 14 year prison sentence for supply/production. (When I go to the pharmacy to pick it up, it's an entirely separate prescription form and I have to sign something basically saying I won't distribute it/take it abroad.) Obviously this is Sweden and I don't know how things differ, but here, at least, the punishment is the same as any other Class B, e.g. ketamine, cannabis, amphetamines!

Diane Furlong

For the Record, Alex and Josh, you Each have Great Hair! I enjoyed rewatching this episode with you. As always, Thanks Guys!


When will Looking episode 3 be uploaded?

Chris Metzger

There's so many things to say about this episode, but first, thanks for rewatching for us! I think the reason why August kept looking at the video is because he was in disbelief that he was seeing what he was seeing. I don't think the idea of posting it came to him until Wille "outed" August for being broke and about to be kicked out of school. One plot hole that only really showed itself in Season 2 is, how did no one know where the drugs originated? In Season 2, August has a bottle with the name of Simon's father on it. That couldn't have been the only bottle with that evidence. We also can't really fault Wille for how he reacts to all of the situations he's been faced with. He's grown up sheltered and isolated from the real world. Even though Wille's still only sixteen, we can see that Simon is more emotionally developed. That's not to say that Simon is perfect. He's still a kid himself, and he obviously makes really poor decisions that can come back and bite him, which they do.

Dennis Verner

Thank you for this. I am hoping you will do a re-record of episode 6 or at least repost your original. I don't find it here anywhere.


Thanks for you reactions! 🫶🏻 Can we have a rewatch in one episode if Season 2 too? It’s so fun to see your opinions from today on the show. Some pointers: Simon sold drugs 3 times to August. Ones alcohol to Wilhelms initiation party, ones selling adhd medicin to August and ones forcing Augugst to sell drugs so Simon could get his money back. I don’t think Wilhelm was beeing that mean in the musicroom. But perhaps the translation to English from Swedish isn’t the same as what Wille acctually says. He says that the other’s wants to blame Simon and that he Wille doesn’t but feels confused about how to solve it and wants to talk about it with Simon. At the most he was abite egoistic. Simon did take a risk selling the drugs, that’s not on Wille. And while you two talked 😉you missed that Wille did send Simon a text saying he did get why Simon was mad after they talked and that he was gona try to fix everything. Which he did. 😊 I remember you watching season 2 episode 5 and laughing at Wille making Simon a sandwich during breakfast. That was a parallel to the scen in this episode when he made a sandwich to him. 💙💜

Graham & Ruth May

I agree with you, Lottie. Great points. But I also think that in season 1, Wille is so wrapped up in his anxiety about his identity as a prince and then as Crown Prince that he struggles to see Simon’s point of view. For me, season 2 is all about Wille learning to understand Simon’s perspective and coming to terms with his anxiety issues and who he wants to be; their whole journey is about honest communication and their reaching the point where they can offer compromises to each other. Simon doesn’t fully understand how difficult it is for Wille, too, until season 2 episode 5. That’s one of the reasons why the season 2 finale is so good, in my opinion, because they’ve reached a point of balance together. ❤️👑❤️


YAY!!! Can't wait to watch. Made my Monday!

Hugh Campbell

I've always felt the Simon was too quick to snap in response here. I would have expected more in the way of disappointment, rather than anger. Also, I'd argue that Wilhelm only initiated inquiries. It was clearly the queen who had the tuition paid.


Totally agree with you Graham and Ruth May 😊. Just that when Simon does anything wrong people dont mention that only when wille does mistakes. I think they both made mistakes and learned from it in season 2. Let’s hope for less drama in season 3, atleast between Wilhelm and Simon 💙💜.

Hugh Campbell

Yes, and that name would have been visible on those drugs all the way back to the celebration party. Maybe Simon's surname is a common one, so no connection was made ...

Graham & Ruth May

Yeah, but I am wondering if anyone else but August actually saw the label on a container? When Simon takes the drugs out of a drawer at his Dad’s home, he takes strips of tablets as well as some in a container and it’s only much later that August threatens Wille by holding up a container which has Simon’s Dad’s name on it as the person they were prescribed for. It would be just like August to have that up his sleeve as something that might come in handy for blackmail later, don’t you think?

Dennis Verner

Maddy explains (in an admittedly short sequence) that she doesn't speak Swedish because she's afraid her accent isn't good enough. "I don't want to sound like an idiot." she says in episode 2. I'm always amused that people miss it.

Dennis Verner

I think it's one of the main points of this story that no one is all good or all bad. Although August comes close. Every single character screws up in one way or another. They are all ages 16/17 to 18/19 for Heaven's sake.

Dennis Verner

Notice the subtle points of this series that echo. Simon is showing Wille his room and Wille says, "cozy" before things get romantic. That word will echo, if you're watching, in season 2. As, of course, will the fish. One of the many beautiful aspects of the writing of this series.


I'd say Simon's dad has one of the top five most common surnames (and first names) in Sweden, and no one at school would know who his dad is... I was in a meeting today and three out of five participants were called Micke :)


24:00 Felice actually said "have you ever been together with someone?", so just bad subtitles :)


The shot of Sara as August looks at her from the computer is so beautiful. It’s so perfectly framed.


And the difference in season 2 when Marcus asks about the fish ❤️


I was wondering this too but a lot of them are just loose strips, so maybe there was only one or something? I’m probably making excuses 😂


Agreed. When Wille says ‘I’m in a fucked up situation and I’m trying to talk to you’ I think Simon is totally in the wrong. He’s already decided that Wille is going to set him up so doesn’t communicate at all. I think Wille really wanted them to work together.

Graham & Ruth May

Exactly. Another one of those important parallels between seasons 1 and 2. That one line, ‘They don’t have names’ tells us everything about how Simon sees Markus and how he enshrines his memory of the time with Wille in his room. So simple and so effective. (Yes, I am in love with Young Royals and I don’t mind admitting it!)


I agree, I don’t think people point out enough how all through out season one (and even season two!), Simon is making terrible decisions, and not taking any responsibility for them when they blow up in his face. First he uses his dad to buy alcohol behind Sarah’s back, then uses his dad again to steal drugs for August, he takes the tutoring classes without telling his mom and then gets angry when she is upset about it. He then blackmails August into selling the drugs. When his dad confronts him about him stealing the drugs he get angry with him. When the drugs he supplied to the school get confiscated he makes excuses and talks about how the prince “fucking up”. I think that Simon should have been grateful that his name didn’t get mentioned. He acted like the part he played in it was innocent. He is responsible for bringing the drugs and yet again gets angry when confronted. This behavior continues when the video comes out too. He never once asks Wilhelm how he feels or how he is doing after being outed to the whole damn nation, he is only concerned about his face being visible in the video and then gets angry with Sarah when she doesn’t want to move schools. I think both have a hard time seeing the others perspective in season one. I felt there was a shift in Wilhelm by the end of season one though, when he loses everyone and decides who he wants to be loyal to, but Simon doesn’t make a shift until the end of season two.


I say Josh should grow out the curls for Winter!


aahahhaha, alex as a bellend :DDD


Absolutely. Grow out curls for your fans

Dionne Lakey

Yeah and Felice assures her thay she can practice her Swedish with her.

Dionne Lakey

Wille doesn't show any indication up until he shouts that at Simon that he is not going to let him take the fall. The entire conversation he is talking about himself and his family and not talking at all about Simon's fate in all of this. Simon even asks him what about me and my family and he says nothing. He has every right to snap at that point.

Pamela Chandler Rash

I agree with most of what was said in the reaction except the music room bit. Purely by a legal sense, Simon is more culpable. Not saying what Wille said was right but in the eyes of the law, the supplier is more of a risk. I also think Wille in season one would do about anything August wanted even though he didn't want to because that's what Erik told him to do and he adored his brother. I think Wille actually had no clue what to do and that's why he wanted to find out what exactly Simon did. August and Simon are both lucky Wille didn't OD, Simon more than August but I think if she lost both sons she might not be happy to protect August...but maybe. But like others said, there is no completely innocent person in the drugs thing, even Alexander because he knew what he was carrying. I don't think either Simon or Wille accepted that they were actually at fault for the position they were in.


Wilhelm and Simon are so gentle with each other in the intimate scenes 😭 it feels like there is an awe in the way they interact, as if they not only like but ADORE and care for each other. It's so well done.