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We're back with the saucy boys of San Francisco!

Enjoy xoxo



Chris Mackenzie

Marriage is the leading cause of divorce!

Diane Furlong

Woohoo!!!! I know what I’m watching after dinner. Josh, it appears that you’ve gotten a haircut. Nice

Angela o grady

"you bad gays" cracked me up !! I adore your reactions.I remember watching this show soon after it came out and I felt really represented as an awkward young woman by that awkward young guy


All the main characters in this show are very flawed which makes them very round and human in my opinion :) the beautiful thing about watching them is the strong and deep friendship between the three of them - I found myself finding them more relatable and similar to the ones I have in my life than any show I've seen beforehand. Even though they are not teenagers at all they have a lot of growing up to do, which is depicted as the show progresses (and it's done very well 😉)

Kent Smither

There's an episode coming up that is one of my all-time favorite episodes. No spoilers, but i can't wait to see your response!!!!

Dd44 🌈

Richie and Patrick are literally soulmates. Their conversations just flow and since Patrick is an awkward gay Richie can really balance him out 😂 it’s not that Richie isn’t into Patrick they are looking for two different things at the moment while Patrick is looking for a fuck buddy richie is looking for a relationship which is why he didn’t immediately wanna go to Patrick’s place after the restaurant. I find the awkwardness to be cute <3


I died at Josh crushing on Jesus. I can just see him walking into a church and being like, "Wow, now that's what I call HUNG on the cross!" 🤣


I don't think I've ever seen Josh so scandalised!

Henry Riley

I’m so happy you guys are doing reactions to this show. I’ll never get why HBO cancelled it but ugh the memories!!

Trisha Renee

I totally agree with Alex regarding intimacy vs sex. I'm a woman and to me, sex is not particularly intimate; I prefer to find intimacy in other ways. Monogamy is actually a colonial social construct. Not saying other pre-colonial societies didn't have that construct, since I am not a historian, but modern monogamy is actually a concept that was forced on a lot of first nations/indigenous people during colonization.

Diane Furlong

Alex and Josh, I laughed a lot but I got tickled when you’re talking about the “retro” music! Me not recognizing the music just confirms my Vintage Status 😂😂


I do actually think the story of the double leg cramp would be worth telling! 🤣

Stephen D Sundhausen

What I love about your reaction to Looking is that, what you enjoy about the show is exactly what was hated by a lot of gay men when it first premiered. It was ripped apart because all the characters did was talk and "had no life." It's great to see it finally get embraced as it should have always been.

Darrin Bodner

I struggled with Looking in general. It's more enjoyable watching you watch it. You've homed in on something about the characters. I think it's because most of the main characters are just not very likable. Maybe that's the point of the whole thing. But that's also probably why it only lasted two seasons.

Joseph Carriker

Agreed. Yeah, I feel like lots of people conflate sex and intimacy. Sex can be one way of expressing intimacy, for sure, but for some of us, sex doesn't always express intimacy - it can express other things, too.

Jonathan Weber

Just a little thirsty for Jesus, nothing to see here…


I can completely understand feeling uncomfortable about religion or not being sure how to react when someone is religious. Not in relation to sex, because I don't believe so I don't care about being judged, but in general. Being completely non-religious myself, I'm never sure to what extent my views might offend someone. Unfortunately you never know how sensitive people are to the fact that you yourself do not believe and that we will never agree on the topic. My reaction when I learn that someone is religious is very close to Patrick's. A nod, an okay, a hmm, something like that usually. Some reaction that expresses as little opinion as possible. Even though I know that most people see it like I do - to each their own - there always remains a slight uneasiness and I try to express myself as neutrally as possible, if the topic should come up, in order not to step on anyone's toes... And the song playing in the club is 'Rice and Beans' by Cazwell.

The Tommo Way

Dont get me wrong, I LOVE "young royals" and "heartstopper" (really really love) but I am not gonna lie, I enjoy watching you reacting to a more adult series. Just love Looking and really looking forward to the next episode


What a fun reaction video! I watched beginning of this series well before I let myself admit that I was bi and wanted to explore with guys. I honestly didn’t know if this was a true representation of gay life or just exaggerated entertainment for tv. Now that I’ve had some personal experiences, I relate to it a lot more. And it’s so much fun to watch along with you!

Jacqui Chesterton

Murray Bartlett was also in the Tales of the City Netflix adaptation - not sure if you two have come across that but ... speaking of lgbtqia content, it doesn't get much queerer.


This reaction had me crying with laughter, the one liners. You two crack me up. This show is really good. No chance of you getting cancelled, Josh’s reactions to stuff Alex’s says is brill. The crushing on Jesus 😂


Yeah. Looking really needed a little more humor/silliness to make the characters more likable, kinda like SATC or Girls.

Diane Furlong

That’s another great series with so many characters to follow on their journey

Michael Craig

You two have never been more British! It's so endearing...

Michael Craig

If you're looking for content with shit representation, there's a BL from Thailand called 'Together'. Very popular, the leads are quite handsome, but the script is absolute shit. You might want to check it out.

Mimi M

For bad representation in movies, i nominate Gigli and my father, myself.

Chris Metzger

As much as I'm still not onboard with this show, watching it for a second time, I do so love the banter you lads have about it. That makes it all worthwhile!

Sam S

I find the discussion about “intimacy” vs “sex” an interesting one, as those of us on the asexuality spectrum self-identify by separating our romantic and sexual attraction. For me, at least, the intimacy comes from the romantic and emotional connection, and not necessarily from the sexual side of relationships. It almost feels as though Alex’s argument is simply the flip side of that same coin.

Henry Riley

When’s the next episode coming? 👀✨


I wanted to see this show long after it was cancelled but bc it was cancelled and I saw some mixed reviews I didn't watched it but since you guys are doing the reaction I just finished the first 2 episodes and I actually like it so far, makes me wonder why people were so critical of the show

Hannah Howden

Just watching it now and I love the conversation around sex and intimacy!! I do think humans as a social structure mate for life within our family groups but I think that life has become a lot longer and lots of people “mate for life” several times, or have some form of open or poly relationships, and I definitely think that for some people, romantic attraction just isn’t a thing they feel. I don’t think there is a “right” or “wrong” way to form relationships, as long as trust and respect are at the forefront


super interesting, gays being less monogamous doesn't translate to queer and religious/quasireligious circles. if anything, the gay cis men are most likely to be monogamous and married, often for decades, and the cis women constantly changing partners. i think there's a desire to prove the assumptions of the institution wrong (that men are "too sexual" and women are "not sexual"), but i do wonder whether folks are actually exploring what they personally want.


really just need to start saying "fuck your journey" to more people honestly