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It's another uncut episode from the kids down under! 






aye i just finished ep 1, this is posted just in time haha


Lol his name is Dustin. Dusty is a nickname

Makayla Hall

Fun facts it's not actually a wig....... Little hint but the actor actually shaved their hair off on camera for this show so any scenes with Harper's long hair is the actors actual hair (idk the name of the actor) also I'm so excited to see your reactions to the rest!! And ofc to learn more about Quinn . They show her so well in this show!


fun fact: Chloe Hayden, the actor who plays Quinni, is autistic in real life!


quinni is my favorite <3 im autistic myself and its so nice to see actual good rep for once!! and the fact that her actress is autistic in real life is also a big plus. also, i wish i had a friend like darren omg im so jealous of their friendship


So happy, that there’s an autistic character because I never felt more autistic then watching the Heartstopper friends happily hugging a l l t h e t i m e!


I love rewatching this with you guys ! I can't wait for next episode


I can't even explain how happy I am about Quinni's character. I've only seen the first two episodes because I'm watching along with you but it means so, so much to me to see an autistic wlw represented, especially so well! She even talked about masking! Do you know how rare it is to see that in media? Very! And I can't tell you how many times I've told someone that I'm autistic only for them to go, "but you don't SEEM autistic" and I'm sitting there thinking "you have absolutely no idea how hard I work every single day of my life to give that impression solely because I've never been allowed to just be myself." (Also they act like that's a compliment. Like...it wouldn't be bad if I "seemed" autistic. It's a neutral thing. It wouldn't be a bad thing if you COULD tell.) I'm kind of meh about most of the show (the only parts I'm into so far are Quinni and Darren) but I'm definitely hooked for her storyline.

Beach gurl Bi

Paddle pops are frozen flavoured milk on a stick, popular with Aussie kids, come in many very artificial flavours. The sticks they are on look like the wooden tongue depressors used by nurses

Kay A

This is actually a reboot of the original heartbreak high (1994) and is not based off sex education


the meme is Charlie Day from Its always Sunny in Philadelphia !!

Kyren Hammond

You peeps need to do sydney pride world renowned

Beach gurl Bi

Fun fact, Darren's dad is an original character from the first heartbreak high from 1994, the show this one is based on. His character, Rivers, was a racist, sexist, homophobic bully, so to see him as a sensitive parent to a black, non-binary, queer kid is a massive character progression we all needed. This actor , Scott Major, also played Lucas on Neighbours for years.

Kim Engel

Darren and Quinni’s friendship is everything

Grace Pryor

i can’t find the discord :/

Grace Pryor

paddle pop - frozen ice cream on a popsicle stick

Kim Engel

Hi, have you configured Patreon settings to automatically connect to Discord?


Yes come to Melbourne! And no, I havent seen any dangerous spider or snake in the city in 5ish years so you should be alright =)

Kim Engel

We had an awful consent video (TV ad) from the Aussie government about milkshakes, that was very, very similar to this noodle video


I assume you are joking but incase you aren't. Both of those are also nicknames. Spiders name is Spencer and Cash is Douglas


"Just Kiss"- Josh everytime


I agree it is pure chaos. I binged but only persisted through the chaos because I wanted to know what happened to Harper. And just know the chaos continues and increases. However towards the end I grew to enjoy its many tangential storylines. I love that Quini character is brought to screen by actor who has Autism herself. Its lovely to see her story arc and have the story being told so naturally.

Kim Engel

Did you get an email from Patreon when you first signed up for a story with telling?


I love the chaos :DD

Chris Mackenzie

Just a heads up as well, but the white birds with the black heads are ibis, but we refer to them as bin chickens, they love to get into bins around the tourists spots in Sydney.

Kim Engel

For others reading this, there’s a link to join Discord on the Patreon membership page as well, only on web not mobile


I’m not sure either of you caught the joke at 50:27, which is understandable because it’s probably quite niche. Quinni responds to Sasha’s stereotyping with ‘OK, Sia’, which references the widespread dislike of Sia (the musician) amongst the autistic community due to a film she released in 2021 called “Music”, which depicted an almost caricature of an autistic person, advocated for the use of physical force/restraint of autistic people, and was supported by an organisation called Autism Speaks. This organisation is widely considered a hate group by autistic people due to the things they advocate for etc. Here, a (not so) fun crossover also arises between the queer and autistic communities, because one of the things propagated by Autism Speaks is a treatment called ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis), which shares its roots with gay conversion therapy! ABA, pioneered by Ivar Lovaas in the 1960s, used things like electroshock therapy to treat autistic children, by shocking them when they displayed autistic behaviour. This was later adapted to be used similarly on queer people. Ultimately they both work by punishing autistic/queer “bad” behaviour and rewarding non-autistic/straight “good” behaviour in an attempt to condition the person out of the “undesirable” behaviour. Apologies for the long comment but I thought it was an interesting thing to point out.

Sam S

I’m so glad you pointed this out! ♾️🌈


OMG, did not know this, and so grateful for your explanation. Thanks.

Makayla Hall

The autism representation in the media is shown but not in a good way. Its always shown as severe autism and many the times the character/characters can live on their own with us very common. My brother has severe autism and will most likely never live on his own but what you don't see is the not as far on the spectrum autism. And how good some of us are at masking it. My mom went 40 years without realizing she has autism because of how well she masks it. I mask mine most the time but in cases when I get overwhelmed or stressed I can't mask it because it's to hard to focus on "being normal" and not having a panic attack. Most of my family has autism and we are all on different levels of the spectrum. We all find ways to mask it and the part that they added about the whole "well you don't look autistic and your really emotionally intelligent" is lovely. No one person knows what autism looks like or understands it to the point that autistic people do and the way they show that plus casting an actor who is autistic themselves is lovely because they can show authentic representation versus what people and society expect autism to look like. I'm so very glad that they have her in this show and I'm excited to see your reaction to a later episode I don't remember which one but it's a good episode with Quinn.


I too was deeply scandalised when I found out rainbow paddle-pops were just caramel. They taste so much better than the actual caramel ones!


Darren's boss is also an original Heartbreak High person.

Chris Metzger

I've watched this series, and really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to seeing what you lads think!