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Hello Patrons! 

Some big news and big changes coming to A Story Worth Telling and we want to update you! 

Starting next month, ASWT's very own Alex will be coming on as a full time member of the channel and its resident editor! 

It’s a big move, but about time! We are so excited for this and so grateful that the channel has grown enough for this to be possible! We’ve had to make some difficult choices to make this move sustainable, and as a result we will be reducing the charitable donation from the Queer Fam Patreon tier from 25% to 5% from now onwards.

We think it’s a fundamental part of why we do ASWT, and we will continue to make charitable donations in the future. To date with your help, we have over £2,500 to donate to LGBTQ+ charities this year (more on this soon!).

In addition, Josh is running a half marathon next month for Stonewall Housing and the response to this fundraiser has been incredible - thank you so much!! 


To sum up, we’re committed to keeping a charitable benefit of our Queer Fam tier. To support Alex as he becomes a full time editor for the channel, we are reducing this pledge from 25% to 5% going forwards. There is no change to the price of the Patreon tiers. 

We wanted to be honest with you so you know exactly what changes are happening and why. We are so grateful for your support, and we literally could not do this without you.

Hope you’re looking forward to the new and exclusive content coming your way!


Alex and Josh 




Diane Furlong

Josh, Congratulations on reaching your funding goal! Since there’s still some time left hopefully it’ll continue building.


He wasn’t already ? He’s there in every video lol


I think it's implying hes quitting his regular person job to handle this full time

Chris Metzger

This is HUGE! Congratulations, Alex!! Sorry, I've been away for work for nearly a month, but now I'm back. I can't wait to see all that the future holds for this channel. You lads are honestly two of my favorite youtubers.

SA 'Baz' Collins

Hey Alex, the colors in your latest vids seem to be a bit off. Contrast? Hue/Sat? Not sure... but I go back to older vids and the colors are better managed there. Not sure what you are using as your NLE, but you might want to visit it's color segment to balance it out a bit more. Maybe extract/create a LUT from an earlier ep where the color was more balanced and apply it since the earlier vids are better in this area ? Just a thought/constructive criticism. LOVE the content you and Josh are putting out there - ever thought of reacting to Elite? <-- just my personal suggestion. Brilliant work, BRILLIANT!