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Hannah Howden

I came out to my sister at the same time as I came out to my cousins, and she was furious I didn’t tell her sooner. My mom was mad because I came out to her in my early 20’s, but she’d asked me if I was gay when I was 15 and “I lied to her”. It was an awful feeling and at the base of both reactions, they weren’t comfortable with my sexuality. In my experience, that reaction comes from people who are homophobic but who are trying not to show it because they know it’s wrong, and in all fairness don’t want to be. 10ish years later they’ve really tried and come a long way, but there have been some very difficult moments and I’m no longer comfortable bringing significant others around as the first time I did… was horrible. It’s pretty shitty to be told “I’m not homophobic” by someone, only to have them turn around and act in an extremely homophobic way.


The Isak telling Jonas scene is probably my favorite in OG Skam. I dont get why, when they copied so much of the narrative from OG Skam, they would change that one and go with this weird narrative instead..? But I agree that apart from the similarities in the story, this version has a totally different vibe. Personally I miss the realness of OG..