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It's another uncut episode of SKAM Norway Season 3, just for you, our Patrons!

...and let me tell you... WE WERE NOT READY FOR THIS!

A lot happens in this uncut episode, so we hope you can keep up, and of course enjoy!


Alex and Josh



Diane Furlong

Okay Giddy up, let’s go

Jacqueline Hahn

Oh lads! Joined your Patreon specifically to see your reactions to this episode and the next sooner, but does it have to be right NOW???Got shit to do, and now it's going to have to wait!


Yay! Can’t wait. Will watch when I’m home later today.

Diane Furlong

Oh WOW, I was just thinking that Even was being controlling. Didn’t expect that last twist!!!

a s

I don’t think you missed anything in this episode, but if you go back to the locker room scene in episode 5 now that you know, you can see Even’s face drop when Isak says he doesn’t want mentally ill people in his life. It also gives context to why Even went back to Sonja later that episode. The cool thing with this show is that, while Isak is the POV, Even is also going through his own journey off-screen lol.


So many things that were brought up in the previous episodes make sense now: Even being much older than the others in his class coz he apparently had to skip some semesters coz of his bipolar episodes. Also him having this mental illness made Even withdraw from Isak when Isak mentioned the problem with his super religious (almost obsessed religious) mum and telling Even he therefore prefers to stay away from 'those' mentally ill people. Imagine how Even must have felt hearing Isak saying that. It defo is one of the reasons why Even didn't tell Isak about his illness. And another reason surely is that at that point in time he already was fast rushing into this new manic phase. Looking back you can clearly see his massive impulsive mood swings in another context now.

Jacqueline Hahn

Tarjei, who plays Isak was too young to do more explicit scenes when this was filmed, otherwise I strongly suspect they would have done more.

Jacqueline Hahn

We warned you! I thought it was incredibly brave and selfless of Isak to call Sonja. His only thought in that moment was for Even's safety. To hear her tell him that his relationship wasn't real was utterly devastating. Also, Even's Pretty Woman thing. That's the film he referenced while making breakfast. "I didn't know what you liked, so I ordered everything". Sorry, sad that I got that straight away....So much of Even's behaviour is explained in this episode. Keep your seatbelts fastened though.

Berni Sweeney

This episode is a LOT! Some of the SKAM's kept this mental health arc but the german one had a different reason to create similar amounts of tension which was interesting.


The thing I think you guys have missed is that Isak's mother isn't just religious, she's mentally ill; it's never specified what kind of mental illness she has, but it's heavily implied that her obsession with the Bible is the main manifestation of her mental illness. In an earlier episode Isak even tells Even that he doesn't have much of a relationship with his mother anymore because he doesn't want mentally ill people in his life. Comment that obviously Even doesn't take very well since he himself is mentally ill, but he doesn't say anything nor reveals to Isak that he's bipolar in that moment.


so re coming out by text: a couple of yrs ago, a good friend of mine wrote a letter to his parents to come out. I did not understand it at the time but he said, that it was easier for him but also, this would give ppl that he loved the time and room to process and not say something hurtful by accident through an immediate reaction. they took it very well and they had kind and accepting discussions after the letter. so, as you righly said - there is not "the one right way" to come out. everyone does it they way they want to and on their own terms, and this is exactly the most important part of a coming out...


And yeah as others have said in retrospect it's obvious that this comment from Isak against mentally ill people is what makes Even withdraw from Isak & get back with his ex.

Sarah G

Oh crikey, how dare they end the episode there! This was such emotional whiplash for poor Isak. And I while I see how Sonja must be exhausted by dealing with this, attacking Isak seems so unfair. He's not responsible for Even pursuing him and not telling him what's up--and as you two rightly say, Even can be gay and bipolar! I'm so curious what happens next to these two.

Heidi D

Yes, this is true. I believe it was talked about briefly in one of the interviews.

Sara Nissen

I was just thinking since last episode, that you should prepare for another rollercoaster, and watching this with you made me almost feel like watching it for the first time with all that intensity and uncertanty, when you were not knowing and guessing, what could be going on. But I was thinking, that you wait and see, it's not drugs, Just wait and see. Yeah Sonjas words were harsh, and now he's doubting it all, I just think Sonja was worried like Isak, and therefor she burst out all those things in his head, and she knows and have delt with Evens behavior in situations like that before, but still it could have been done a lot better on her part, instead of leaving him heartbroken like that. I think in her head, she thought, she knew best, and that was just her instant reaction, but I feel so bad for Isak having to process it all, thinking was it even real? First time I saw this episode it really hit me, my mom has schizophrenia but is very well medicated, and that's really good, I know it's not the same as Even, but I can understand it being hard sometimes for Isak to deal with his mom, but also that it must have hurt Even so much, when Isak said in episode 5, that he didn't want mentally ill people in his life, and that's why Even took a step back like he did. A really intense episode with such good reaction from you guys yet again. And next episode will hit you again, trust me...

Heidi D

Some important takeaways may include: - Even is bipolar, and that’s why when Isak said “my life is better without mentally I’ll people around me” in Ep 5, Even decided to take a step back, but didn’t want to explain why to Isak. - Isak’s mother has an unknown mental illness that broke up his parents marriage (suspected schizophrenia) which is part of why Isak said that in Ep 5. - Sonja was trying to explain this / warn Isak in this episode. - Bipolar episodes generally begin with a manic episode followed by an extreme depressive episode. It’s debated exactly when Even’s episode began, but you can see the inklings in a couple scenes in this episode, with full blown mania at the end. - Isak’s mom latched onto religion when her illness progressed. This started in Season 1. Hence all the Bible verses. (Perhaps relates back to the Jesus tee shirt that goes from Eskild to Isak to Even - all the gay or bi/pan characters.) Isak’s dad does not seem to be religious (at least not excessively.) - It’s suspected that Even is pan or bi as opposed to gay. - Poor Isak! Breaks my heart, and Tarjei’s acting is superb! Thank you for giving us a reaction to Skam to feed our hunger for more Skam content!

Mariah Daley

We knew from something that happened in season 1 that Isak’s mother had some struggles with mental illness. At least one manifestation of that is her sending long, incoherent bible verses at 3 am. I think that prompted him to ask Sana about religion. By the way, I’m pretty sure Sana wasn’t calling gay people genetic dead ends. She was just pointing out that Isak’s chosen belief system (evolution) didn’t have great answers to some of his questions either. But then she saw the text from Vilde asking if he’s gay and realized that she screwed up. In fact, right after she sees the text, she stands up and the writing on her shirt fills the screen. It says “AH-HA”.

Jacqueline Hahn

Also, I think Sonja has been manipulating Even for 4 years, and when he talks about her "controlling" him, she has literally been doing just that, and that's why he went back to her briefly. She knows how to twist him around. Perhaps she was doing it partly out of concern for him, but I do think theirs wasn't ever an equal relationship, like he has with Isak.

Crystal Pritchard

A few weeks ago, someone said it was hell week for this show, I’ve always considered this coming week to be hell week. So welcome to hell week.

Graham & Ruth May

Well, we did try and warn you, but without giving you any spoilers, so I am not surprised that you are both completely shocked and confused. AI think Josh is right, saying that the pieces are starting to come together now and when you have had time to process what actually happened in this episode and look back at what happened in previous ones, it will fall into place more. I unapologetically am not a fan of SKAM, but I really appreciate watching it with you guys and I always enjoy hearing your thoughts on representation as well as laughing at your humour and entertaining interactions. Your friendship is great to see. Also, uncut reactions are definitely the best. So much more of you guys is always welcome. ❤️

Graham & Ruth May

Typo above, sorry. I was going to say that Alex heading into oncoming traffic is not a bad idea of what Isak is experiencing!


even's mental illness reveal really puts everything else into perspective. it explains why he went back to sonja, because isak had told him that he didn't want to have mentally ill ppl in his life :/ also the impulsivity even shows throughout the episode being a subtle build up to the end is really well done. skam's portrayal of bipolar is incredibly well done and is one of the most accurate representations of it.

Brian Moore

Great reaction. This subtitling is much easier to follow, particularly the text message translations. They lost their impact a bit when subtitled on the bottom, and some felt glossed over. All of the mother’s texts have been fervently religious. In the episode when Isak asks Sana "why do smart people still believe in religion", he had just received such a message from his mother. From Isak’s perspective, I think he was trying to get insight from a peer who was religious; however, Sana, not knowing his internal struggle, got defensive and turned the narrative against science/evolution without stating her religious belief on the matter. In the last episode, Sana clearly sees Vilde’s text where she tells Isak that there is a rumor he’s gay. Sana also saw how Isak reacted when he appeared uncomfortable and put the phone away immediately. I think that’s the moment she realized their previous conversation was more personal for Isak and sought to undo any emotional damage she might have inflicted. In one conversation, a peer he kinda looks up to, has helped him deal with perceived religious and scientific shame he was feeling. Their conversation is a great moment. These 2 have more great moments in season 4 (Sana’s season)


Isak's mother is very religious. And she has a mental illness (that's why Isak's dad writes that she is easily stressed). This episode just reminds us all that we don't know what people are going through. Isak's comment to Even (in episode 5) about his "crazy" mom and that his life is better without mentally ill people in it, is heartbreaking now that we know about Even. Even could have handled the situation a lot better of course but it's understandable that he backed off and didn't tell Isak about himself. He is young and recently diagnosed, he hasn't figured it all out yet. I get that Sonja lashes out on Isak because she is upset, hurt and scared but Even's feelings are just as valid and real as anyone elses. And also, maybe you've been told this already but Skam was released in real time. That's why each clip begins with day and time. There were also texts and social media posts. Isak apologises to Eskild in a text for example. I know some reactors thought Even stalked Isak to the coffee shop in this episode. But they agreed to meet up at KB in a text: Isak: Done. Sitting in KB. Even: I'll be there in 15. ❤️🐬☀️🍆💯


When you spoke about the representation of sex in this series it made me think of YR. in YR the only sex we saw was the terrible sex between August and Felice - when he had feelings for Sara we didn’t see it anymore and we didn’t see anything more than the video of Wille & Simon. What the show did was to put the emphasis on the intimacy of the relationships and the build up to sex on an emotional level. I feel like that’s missing in Skam and that’s what makes the romanticising of early sexual encounters feel jarring. The rest of the series seems to be quite gritty and real but there’s no awkwardness about sex. Unless I’m completely misremembering YR and misunderstanding Skam! I haven’t seen it other than in ASWT videos 😬


This would be an interesting link to Sonia saying that Even memorised the Quran.


I guess in slight defence of Sonja (although I hate everything about it because I’m Team Isak), if we try to see it from her point of view she probably has a right to be angry because she’s effectively being cheated on or recently dumped when she’s supported Even through a difficult illness and taken the crap that comes with it.

Amira Mustapha

The conversation in the hotel room, about the balcony and stuff, is from Pretty Woman as well (even though he mentions Romeo and Juliet.) I think all the other comments fill in anything else that was been missed.

Mildred Locke

I don't think you missed anything, it was a bonkers episode! I'm curious, I saw your IG story about the representation of sex, and definitely agree with you that it's glossed over here. As a cis woman this is something that is totally unfamiliar to me and I was wondering, out of all the stuff you've watched/reacted to, what would you say has the best representation of gay sex?

Rosie Dickinson

I don't think Sonia has been controlling him their whole relationship. I think she was there for his diagnosis and her just trying to be there for him became controlling. They are all so young and it cannot be easy to watch the person that you care about spiralling like this. She should not have said what she said though it was disrespectful to both Even and Isak.

Curtis Weeks

I've watched Skam season 3 so many times, and this episode and the next continue to capture me so strongly, it is odd to watch this with your pauses and breaks. There's a rhythm to what is happening on screen, particularly important after they reach the hotel elevator, and pausing to discuss some things in detail breaks that rhythm. I wonder if this is why Josh felt you'd missed some things. For instance, in the midst of what is happening inside Even and Isak's experience of things, I never once, in all my times watching this, felt the sex was something to critique, lol. It's always been a part of who they are, to me, and their desire for one another. Skam doesn't have to fit within preconceived notions of the kind of representation "we" need. I fully understand the importance of discussing representation, and I love your discussions on this channel. It's just that some passages, some events on screen, will automatically lose something when they are broken into little parts with extended conversation in between. To use the highway analogy again, it's like getting into an engaged conversation with someone in the car but not seeing or experiencing everything that's passing by outside the car lol. Now onto something far more serious: I am not at all certain I can wait a full week for your reaction to episode 9. Really, these two episodes, 8 and 9, ought to be considered a conjoined pair, heh. Please don't make us wait so long.

Rosie Dickinson

I think you are the first reviewers to see the connection between Sana and Isak in season 3. I would really like you to review the other seasons. I think that Isak's journey while on the periphery is really interesting. I would like to see your take. I also just think you will like it. Eskild's introduction is fantastic.

Curtis Weeks

This version's subtitling is the best I've found, and I'm glad they've found it also.


I believe in the next season we find out that Even had a crush on Sana's brother or another Muslim friend of her brother and that's one of the reasons he did that. It's been awhile so I can't remember exactly, just remember that isak was jealous of the guy

Hannah Howden

So this isn’t available in Canada so this is the first time I’m watching this too… my heart goes out to the three of them damn

Stephen Young

It should be available on Tumblr or on dailymotion. Look up "AlllofSkam" (3 "L"s), that's where I've had luck with Skam and all the remakes. Hopefully happy watching!

Hannah Howden

I don’t have a Tumblr account aha but might look up dailymotion, thanks for the suggestion!

Graham & Ruth May

We don’t see sex as such between Wille and Simon, but in season 1 episodes 4 and 5, we do see them making love in very intimate moments together in Wille’s room after Simon rescues him from the football field and later in episode 5, in Simon’s bedroom in the fish tank scene. The reason we almost see it in season 1 episode 4 is because Lisa wanted the audience to be complicit in invading their privacy along with August and when Wille closes the curtains in season 2 episode 5, they finally do have their privacy and what they do next is just for them. I completely agree with you about the emotional build up to those intimate moments and the closeness of that connection. Incomparable chemistry, in my opinion.❤️👑❤️

Brian Moore

Not sure you need an account. I'm able to view the "skamenglishsubs" page on Tumblr without being logged in. Never spent much time on Tumblr, so not sure if some pages require account and others don't. That page is the same subtitles as this episod, but only has the Norwegian series. This is how i watched. good luck!


I thought the same thing. I yelled, “don’t be too harsh on Sonja, Alex!,” watching this. She’s no Emma. I can’t imagine what’s it like from her pov.


Thank you for sharing the info that Even wasn’t stalking Isak. I didn’t watch this live but didn’t think that.

Dennis Verner

I have a copy of this season with the improved translations and thought I would look ahead to this episode. Barely a quarter of the way in I could see the darkness approaching and thought, I'll wait for Alex and Josh and I'm glad I did. Not been a fan of this series but it is well done and I have appreciated watching it with you guys.


Thanks for showing love to your Patreon fans!! We love you guys, too! 💜💜 and please watch the show recap for the next episode!!!! Don’t skip it!

Henrik Schröder

Wow, I super disagree with your take on the sex in this show. 😛 I agree that the sex scenes in this show aren't hyper-realistic, but this isn't Sex Education. Comparing with the earlier seasons of this show, this season is doing a great job of giving Isak & Even just as much sexy screen time as the straight couples got, and it's great at showing passion between two guys, when earlier shows than this would usually shy away from showing male intimacy completely. I am also super happy that we have no idea who's doing what in bed, the show doesn't ever go into the whole top bottom thing, and it doesn't *need* to. It's not important for the story. There are way, way too many young gays these days who are super anxious whether or not their personality fits their preferred sexual position or who make that a huge part of their personality and it's so unnecessary, so I very much like that this show doesn't fuel that particular shit.

Curtis Weeks

Lots of things are taken out of context by the characters, because they are human and young and therefore don't fully understand everything they are experiencing. This goes for Sonia too, because her understanding of Even's obsession with the Quran isn't fully informed.

Curtis Weeks

I fully agree. Also, my own impression is that they *probably* had sex after the pool scene, before lying together making out and smoking joints, or afterward, so the awkwardness, if there was any, happened off screen earlier in the season. Reasons for this: Isak wakes up alone but without his shirt and pants on. Clearly, he lost the clothing between their existential discussion the day before and the morning after. When Even appears at his door in ep. 7, they take no time getting down to business. They've clearly been here before, imo. So by the time they are in the hotel suite, they've already become familiar with one another's body and have developed some sort of understanding about what they like to do.

Henrik Schröder

Like, it's a scale? Take Heartstopper, those kids are only a year younger than these kids, but there's *no sex* in that entire show. It's all kisses and dates and going out and hugging and making out, but no sex. They don't even *talk* about it. It's not an option, on the table, that they've decided to wait with. It's as if sex doesn't exist in that universe. That's even less realistic, but I love it, because it's not important to that story. And I'm so happy that there are queer stories like that, it doesn't all have to be r-rated and realistic. And on the other side of the scale you have shows like Sex Education, which is absolutely realistic, and goes all in on the awkward realism of gay sex, with for example Anwar being allergic to strawberry-flavoured condoms, or Eric and Adam both assuming they'd be bottoming, or Rahim teaching them about douching. That show is all in, and it's the right choice for that show.

Stephen Young

You missed what a hashtag is in the beginning bits (its the social media/Twitter tags with the # or "hash" in front of them) where Isak was maybe not being 100% literal ("man of your dreams") but Even pushed a little bit on it and he folded because his hot older crush was excited. He can't see Even clearly, not just because of what he didn't know about him yet, but because he's placed him on a pedestal which just makes more distance (something Isak did earlier with the "no mentally ill people" comment earlier in the season). There's been a theme of Even running in a bit too quick (definitely impulsively) and Isak creating distance one way or another which they haven't yet reconciled. Also get ready for the next two episodes because they are fantastic!


I don't think Even is struggling with his sexuality at all, and I don't think Sonja was unaware either. He is very confident with Isak from the start, and when Isak first visited Even, remember he saw a "Everything is love"- sign on his wall.. I think his struggle is solely about meeting someone new, who doesn't know about his illness, after being safe with Sonja for 4 years. Especially after what Isak told him about his mother in ep 5. In season 2 Noora had a sign on her wall saying something like Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be kind, always. And I think that line runs like a red thread through the whole series, especially visable in the last ep of season 4, which is why I really hope you will watch S4 too!!!

Kim Engel

I 1000% prefer the way Josh and Alex pause the show to talk in-depth though, compared to speaking over the show and missing important details.

Stephen Young

Yeah that's the Tumblr page I watched on as well and it should work without an account.

Curtis Weeks

For most shows, and most scenes in shows, including Skam, the pausing works great. I just feel some parts need to be watched continuously because the subtle ebb and flow of things is important. I can't really blame Alex and Josh for not already knowing what is going on in the hotel room, lol, since they've never seen it before. There is a real difference between solo reactors and couple/group reactors. I find that those who react together sometimes distract one another from what is going on in the show. For instance in this episode, both Alex and Josh saw Even's naked tush, but then there was some joking and laughing, and they missed the fact he'd left the hotel room naked. Josh picks up on that later when Isak leaves the hotel's lobby, but it was a delayed reaction. Again, I can't blame them. This is the nature of the format. For me, 95% of the time, what Alex and Josh do works wonderfully, and the other 5% is just the price I pay for loving their interactions so much.

Milana Smile

love your reaction as always! yes, everything is happening so fast, but it‘s like that for isak as well, don‘t forget that. and it was amazing how the show let us slowly know that something is wrong with even and how isak slowly get confused. but it‘s hirs first real relationship and he likes even a lot so he tries to ignore it. i feel for all three of them. what sonja said wasn‘t okay, but she is also young and she was by even‘s side for 4 years and he cheated on her and broke up with her, so maybe she really hopes that this is just a manic episode from him.. poor even.. and poor isak who was on top of the world and now doesn’t understand anything. i remember how dramatic it was when we all watched this live 🙉 can‘t wait for the next episode :)

Stephen Young

Also a lot of the "games" Even was playing through the season was probably anxiety driven as he has a partner who he's lost interest in but knows about and has accepted (in her own way) his mental illness and a potential partner who he really wants but who has expressed trauma around dealing with other people's mental illness. He ended up concealing the truth from both of them to control a chaotic situation and he just made it worse. Everyone would have maybe reacted better with more direct communication.

Henrik Schröder

Curtis, given the extra material and social media posts that the show also did, I'd say the most likely interpretation is that they didn't have sex until episode 7. In ep5, they got back dripping wet from the pool, Even borrowed some dry clothes from Isak, but they just spent the weekend snuggling in bed, not having sex. At this point, Even is technically still together with Sonja, everyone else in the Kollektiv is home, so I don't think Isak wants to risk anyone else finding out, and he's not comfortable going the distance with Even yet. Whereas in ep7, Eskild purposefully drags Linn and Noora out of the apartment so that Isak can be alone with Even, and after the episode there's a bunch of pretty sexual texts between Isak and Even, suggesting they had sex a bunch of times the week of episode 8, which then culminates at the hotel. (I don't remember if Julie said anything explicitly about this, so the thing is certainly up for interpretation!)


Even is Pan, he wears a pan badge in his video for Isak in season 4 ☺️


The reason the other week (after Even goes but to Sonja) is hell week was when watching it in real time in Norway when it aired, Isak goes MIA and there is nothing. No episodes, no social media post, no text messages, nothing posted from the SKAM team for over a week. So no one new what was going on with poor Isak, hence he’ll for those watching. As watching now where we can binge one episode after another in quick succession, this coming week does seem more like hell, but that coz we actually get to see it.


This was a lot yes but it also made everything prior to this episode suddenly make sense. The reason Even has been so back and forth... The way he pulled away from Isak when he said he decided his life was better off without mentally ill people in it... Just everything. And the way we were confused with Evens progressively strange behavior right along side Isak because we were only seeing what he saw and so we as viewers only knew just as much as he did. That was actually the thing that made Skam so special and essencially the first of its kind in this regard. As for the sex representation if my memory serves me Tarjie (the actor who plays Isak) was only 17 when this season was filmed and too young to be in anything more explicit.


Isak is actually talking about a hashtag trending on social media, disparaging people who like Gabrielle. Even runs with it and Isak plays along, he’s not quite deep enough in to call Even the man of his dreams just yet, maybe in this scene he is hoping he will be. - This sentence comes back again, as with most things in Skam.


As for the sexual representation as others have said, Tarjei was underage at the time so they couldn’t film anything more explicit. WTFock (Belgian remake) handles this a better / shows more. And Druck, from Germany, is also great in showing a better representation of what it’s more like for to high school kids going through this for the first time, nervous, soft, slow, quick.

Susanne Marshall

There are two things that has been mentioned in various comments over the last episodes, that are really important to be aware of for context. SKAM was a ‘web show’ when it was aired. Clips were posted in real time at the time they were intended to have taken place. If you are aware of this you will know that there is sometimes a significant amount of time between key clips, for example there is a whole month between Isak and Even’s weekend in bed after the pool, and when Even shows up at his door that Friday. You guys keep making comments that they are moving really fast, when according to the show’s timeline it’s actually not. The other thing is social media content. Most of the characters had instagram accounts where posts would add to the story, and on the NRK website where the clips were posted, there was also screenshots of chats and text messages between the characters. These are sometimes key to the story, and without that content you are left to fill in the blanks, which is why you are confused sometimes I think. There is a particularly beautiful and important message exchange between Isak and his friends in the flat share around episode 10. There are also some messages between Isak and Even that hints at how ‘advanced’ they are being sexually… it’s probably pretty innocent still in my opinion. In season 4 we will be introduced to a new group of guys (Sana’s brother and friends) and they have a YouTube channel called Hei Briskeby. There is one episode on that channel that effectively wraps up Even’s story in season 4. So without this other content, just watching the clips in these episodes probably only gives you 85% of the actual story how it was written by Julie.


None of the Skam kids are the popular kids at school. Season 1 is about Eva starting senior high, with no friends, apart from Isak and Jonas (her bf at the time) and her finding herself and her place, and she makes friends with a group of girls that are also a little all on the outer for various reasons. Jonas is very politically minded, and it is said in season one that he (and by extension his friend group) are not at all interested in all of the things the popular crowd are doing like ‘Russ buses’ that they organize for graduation, that is an ongoing sub plot throughout the series - the boys are talking about ‘Russ’ music at Isak’s house before Even shows up.

Mariah Daley

If you know anything about Julie Andem, you know that had to be intentional! There are so many of these cool little details in the show


TFS! Is there a place to find the social media content in English? I’ve seen bits and pieces but nothing complete.

Mariah Daley

To be fair, this season in particular really needs a rewatch (preferably after season 4) to be fully appreciated. There are just so many hidden clues and details that a viewer can’t pick up on the first time. I love the discussions. They are definitely missing some things along the way, but so did I the first time through

Henrik Schröder

I think most of the extra stuff for season 3 is here: https://skamp3translated.tumblr.com/tags

Nui Tammakoon

Well said😊😍 I go hope that they won’t have a look on all the extrastuff just now though because it will reveal so many things. Hope they do it after have seen all episodes( and season 4 😬)

Curtis Weeks

In my mind, I always translate hashtag to meme in that scene. So, there's a meme about Gabrielle. This sense is a little clearer imo.


It's definitely not a spoiler. Everything I've said (Isak's mother being mentally ill & Isak telling Even that he doesn't want mentally ill people in his life) are things that have already appeared in previous episodes. But I think Alex & Josh missed it so that's why I left a comment telling them about it, so that they know already before watching the next episode.


as a note regarding the final scene, the writer, Julie Andem, has mentioned that the way she wrote it was with Sonja being even harsher towards Isak and that the rest of the Skam team convinced her to tone it down because it was just too much trauma. not sure how much harsher she could've been, but... i find it interesting because Julie obviously considered it really important that Sonja's cruelty towards Isak at this point be included in the show without any sugarcoating, and i don't think it was to heighten the drama, i think it's another example of a point that this show makes a lot, that what we say sometimes without thinking, or out of our own hurt and frustration, can affect other people in really big ways... that it's not ok to be cruel, and that one needs to take responsibility for hurting others (although it's not the case with all the characters, especially around outing people in this season as well as in several situations in season 4). but also this is especially impactful (and possibly true to life) as a point from Julie because Sonja might be partly based on herself -- the actors, Henrik and Tarjei, did an interview together in 2017 and the interviewer has mentioned that a bit he didn't include in the article that the guys told him was that the Even character was based on Julie's friend, who left her for a man... (fun fact: Even's 2 last names are the same as that of singer Nils Bech whose music plays a pretty significant part in the show ... and that of writer, director and good friend of Julie's Knut Naesheim - he's also thanked in the S3 credits... and the two were together around this time)


i mean i guess we don't know much at this point in the show other than what we've seen from Isak's pov, but we do find out things later on about Even struggling with his sexuality tho! (trying not to spoil)


i actually doubt that even had Tarjei been slightly older, that there would've been a lot more explicit sex - it was a show that was originally intended for 16 year old (girls) after all... and i don't think that was really the focus in the story either... they had those couple of (mildly) more risque texts... but i feel like that really was the extent to which Julie/the other cowriters wanted to go with that. however, i do think that this is an instance in which it's really relevant that this is a queer story not told primarily by queer people... (apparently the script didn't include any details about the sex scenes, which Julie said she doesn't like to write in detail, so it's all improvisation by the 2 actors, and it's fine but i agree that it does seem quite glossed over/"like in the movies" - and movies with straight couples at that; it's a bit jarring because the rest of Skam is so gritty and realistic in a way)

Stephen Young

Thanks for that! Do we know if all the texts and posts from the show have been aggregated outside the NRK site? I was aware they had those kinds of interactions but assumed it was behind the geolock.

Annika Gestrin Lindelöf

And THANK YOU alwaysHenrik for taking time to do this. All the texts and backgrounds talk and more. So much better than the Norwegian and Swedish subtitles. I am now showing this for my pupils ( 14-15 yo) . It work perfectly in teaching religion and moral dilemmas. they like it a lot..😊


oh i forgot to mention, Marlon who played Jonas is even younger than Tarjei and he was involved in some of the more "explicit" sex scenes in the show - still, pretty tame

Stephen Young

I think there is an element of being controlling/condescending in her approach to accepting Even's diagnosis but honestly she's 19 and probably just trying to help. Even's frustrations living with his diagnosis don't help especially since he's not obviously taking prescriptions and his self-medicating is triggering his mania. If he had been brave and completely honest to Isak ("I have a mental illness") or Sonja ("I don't love you anymore") he'd have been better off.


You can find everything on here: https://www.tumblr.com/skaminenglish/158794946300/skam-masterpost-of-all-things?source=share I'm not sure if you can see all the clips and social media posts but you can find the texts there at least.


Sonja obviously didn't have a friend with a note in her room saying "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be kind, always." I read somewhere that Nils Bech actually was that boyfriend of Julie Andem. But I always thought that this might be a little too good to be true.


Yeah, I’m thinking he has already processed it earlier..


it definitely wasn't Nils, i guess other than what they share explicitly it's all speculation, but Nils is definitely gay 🙂 and Knut is definitely an old friend of Julie's 🙂


well if we look at the timeframe and the circumstances...

Katie Holmes

"they're playing high school kids" i mean tarjei (isak) was literally in high school while this was being filmed and when it aired he was only 17

Katie Holmes

it’s funny how you were like they’re glossing over the sex bc when i was 19 watching this in 2016 i was like holy shit! they’re showing even on top of isak like…they’re going at it! i mean i think it’s weird as an audience to know who is doing what when they’re literal children so i like that they kept it quick and simple and in an aesthetically musical way which this show typically does for all its couples lol


Very important to understand they aren't rushing it or moving too fast, this season is skating over months. School started in August and it's gonna be Christmas soon, like the Xmas thing his dad invited him too, so sure it's on and off again, definitely, but not like a matter of weeks...

Jacqueline Hahn

Find the UK version, the original Queer As Folk on YT. That doesn't gloss over a damn thing,and the soundtrack's banging.

Anne H

Tajei was not under age, that is 16 years in Norway.

Laura Cruz


Anne H

Yes, and at the school they where filming. Both Tarjei and David (Isak and Magnus) went to Hartivg Nissen. Thats the high school to go to if you are a theater kid in Oslo.

Heidi D

If you google “AllOfSkam” there’s a website that has all seasons and all remakes with English subs in multiple formats and sites, along with many of the in between clips content that was provided.


Ohhh no uncut version of episode 9? 😔

Jacqueline Hahn

I love the awkward silence after "chiller hjemme". As a viewer you join it, you want to see a typing bubble as much as Mags does. It kind of feels like you're at the table with them. This show is superb at doing that, bringing the viewer as close to the story as possible.


I’m watching this for the 2nd time. It’s my favorite of the Skams that I’ve seen. I do wish that Alex and Josh would do reactions to Druck (the German version) because it’s really gritty. As a retired teacher in the US I can see how difficult it is to be an educator abroad. I also really enjoyed the Belgian version (wtfock). It’s so interesting to see the differing spins put on the story lines.