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Whats this? A double release of SKAM this week... oh go on then!

Here's our episode 6 uncut reaction. YouTube version coming tomorrow!

Thank you all again our dear queer fam for all your love and support.



Alex & Josh



Nui Tammakoon

Can’t wait to watch!😊

Diane Furlong

Woohoo! I’m off from work tomorrow so I can watch it in the afternoon! Josh and Alex, Have I mentioned lately how awesome you two are?! Well, I guess that I’ve said it now. 😁 I just reread your post. Okay I’ll watch this tonight and then YouTube tomorrow 👍 Sounds like a win win to me!

Mathew Aquino

OK this was amazing. I wanted to say thank you for not only being hysterical, but for being very heartfelt and for sharing your own journeys in your sexuality. I really appreciate you for recognizing that I characters behavior is wrong, but also recognizing that it’s difficult to judge them because of what they’re going through. I just wanted to mention two things and they’re both about the last scene. In season, one which I also did not watch, but at the end of season one it was revealed or at least strongly hinted that Isak did have a crush on Jonas. That is apparently going away, washed away by the glory of Even. The second thing I wanted to say is that dialogue actually came from a real conversation that are Norwegian teenager had when he came out to his best friend. Quite a lot of the series was improvised, and quite a lot of the script was taken from real life. Julie Andem did hundreds of hours of interviews with Norwegian teenagers before she wrote the show . And they were deliberately only shooting about a week or two ahead of the release of the clip so that they could respond to the public . Thanks again for an amazing reaction. I really can’t tell you how much you guys touch me with how you respond to the shows you watch. You’re very sincere and that is not a common property in today’s world sadly.

Sara Nissen

I really like, that in this episode Isak finally opens up to Jonas about, why he has been acting out/being strange lately, that Jonas could sense all along, but it's nice for him to know the reason behind it. I love that Jonas ask questions and are really understanding and accepting and supportive of Isaks situation. I love the school nurse. Even though she is funny and intense, she has some good points, and the way she explains things, actually makes sense in her own way. And yes this is the shortest episode of the season(only about 15 minutes or so). I feel it's only meant to show the most important, that he has the talk with Jonas, because he really need to have that talk, and the day/hours leading up to that.

Katie Holmes

it's funny because isak had a huge crush on jonas in season 1 (and that caused a lot of the drama in s1 even tho it wasn't revealed until the last like 30 seconds of the s1 finale lmao) so jonas saying "is it me" and isak going NEIII NEII is so cute...love besties

Katie Holmes

one thing i love is when this show was airing and they were posting the clips in real time, they'd post them on the show's website and fans were able to comment and give a heart to each clip (they'd also post the text conversations and insta updates on there as well) and even when the show was completely over (after sana's season) the clip of isak coming out to jonas was still the most liked clip of the show, not clips of isak and even hooking up or crazy dramatic moments, but the moment we see isak tell his best friend he's gay and his best friend give the best gift he could give to isak in that moment and act like it's no big deal. i just love that that moment is what speaks to most fans. now i'm sure by now the most liked clip on the site is probably the last clip of the entire show, but for awhile that was the most liked scene.


this is a gift indeed - and a easter miracle (in these parts easter is tomorrow) haha THANKS


One more so soon?? omg, i love you so much!😍

Graham & Ruth May

Well, this was pretty wild..kebab choices, crazy doctor who might be an imposter, car crash description, strange overheard conversation in the doctor’s waiting room about a gynaecological problem that an unidentified woman was experiencing…(she hadn’t been doing her kegel exercises, btw, basically squeezing exercises to strengthen her pelvic floor muscles.. and there are equivalent exercises for men experiencing issues after prostate surgery for example)

Graham & Ruth May

So, after all that, yes, an interesting episode and a much-needed conversation from Isak’s point of view. But not the end of the rollercoaster, guys..just saying..😬


there's actually an episode later that's even shorter than this one, and they're probably the most important ones of the entire show, this one because of the coming out scene - and yeah as someone else mentioned that scene is based on a real life story told by one of the kids they talked to when doing research for the show and it's such a perfect jewel - and the other one... you'll have to see. :D but the beauty of the storytelling in Skam is that 19 min (and the other super-short episode will be 18 min) are more than enough to show multiple scenes, with a lot of substance, and packing such a punch! and they don't feel rushed either!


also, i think in the cafeteria you thought the guy that first comes in is his friend (Magnus), right?! but it's not :D the reason Isak looks up at the guy, though, is that he thinks it's Even's voice - it does sound exactly like Even... at least that's what Isak hears.


It's my all time favourite coming out scene<3


oh and also, it's interesting to know that this episode was finally coming after a 2 week break, after the really traumatizing end of the last episode - and very shortly after that last clip, where Isak is fighting the bushes and falling to his knees... they released a teaser that's pretty damn teasery! you can find it on yt as 'SKAM Season 3 Mid-Season Promo'. i wasn't watching the show back then but i can imagine that people were losing it, waiting those 2 weeks with that teaser and speculating...


Yes thank you. Everyone who reacts to Skam seems to think that blonde guy is Magnus. And noone seems to hear that he sounds just like Even

Katie Holmes

lol i thought that was funny they were like “talk to him!! 😩😩😩” and i’m sitting there like “y’all..that’s just some guy” 😅

Amira Mustapha

I did not know about the mid-season trailer! I just recently saw the trailer for season 3 and I went nuts! Thanks!

Amira Mustapha

I am just so happy to be joining you two on this viewing!

Henrik Schröder

The school nurse has made an appearance in previous seasons, she's just as crazy there! Crazy, but good crazy! She does actually help the kids, although in her own special way...


Yessss!!!!! Thanks, guys. This is one of my favorite episodes w/a couple of my favorite needle drops. At the start of the episode, you can see Even’s influence on Isak because Isak has made his way to Nas’s later catalogue w/Hate Me Now. Isak told Even that he listened to NWA to feel tough when he’s walking around (ep 2, I think). That’s just what he’s doing at the start of this ep. Then, when he has the heartfelt talk w/Jonas (king!), Express Yourself by Isak’s favorite group, NWA, plays. He finally expressed himself and took some of the weight off of his shoulders. Love the nurse! She may not put things in the most delicate way, but she means well. 😁💜

Kim Engel

I had to rewatch that. I knew it wasn’t Magnus but never realised before how much it sounds like Even! Thanks

Diane Furlong

Excellent Episode! Thanks Josh and Alex


Love your reactions!💙💜❤️🧡💛💚 This is one of my two favorite episodes of this season. Jonas is such a good friend! Isac’s other friends will grow on you too 😊 Hope you watch the next episode sooooon, it’s also a really really good one! By the way- the Kebab in Norway is often very thin slices of meat in a pita bread with salad and a really tasty sauce.. I’m not particularly fond of meat but I’ll eat that any day 😋


This is amaizing


Thank you for sharing this background!! The power and influence of this show is amazing.


Loved the reaction! The school nurse is so fantastic. All her appearances are special nuggets. Side note…I’m a little late to the game on this as the show came out in 2014, but have you watched Looking (HBO)? Just started watching and my heart is melting.


Agree about the Norwegian kebab, the sauce has some secret ingridient, for real tastes like cinnamon or cardemom or something like that 😅


This is such a good episode. I loved this conversation between Isak and Jonas. It’s cute how Isak denies Jonas being who he likes with so much conviction considering the torch he carried for him and the DRAMA it caused. I love how Jonas just loves Isak and is full on about it. Besties 4 life.

Laura Cruz

this show is so delicately written <3 they really pay attention to how thing should be said, instead of just what should be said.... and you guys' reaction is the best, you are always so fun and insghtful! thank you for this!! <3<3<3


Great video! That nurse definitely had a way with words!😂 I definitely liked the coming out scene and yes, really liked the way his friend reacted, making it a positive experience. Can’t wait for the next one!

Curtis Weeks

The first time I saw the doctor/nurse, I was like, 'Uh...huh....what?' for most of the scene, but she turned out to be great, and I've loved her every other time I've watched it. She's also great in Season 4. I feel she's made to be odd because the show is always told from a teen's POV, and there's this odd relationship to health care providers at that age. But her method, though mad, works wonders with these kids.


as someone with adhd (which comes with a tendency to forget that i have friends and supports and to expect a lot of rejection), i remember first watching the scene with the nurse and feeling the "the only way to others is through words" line hit me like a train. other people can't know what you think or need *unless you tell them*, but you DO have the tools to tell them. you don't have to be a lonely little island forever. <3

Heidi D

Had to finally sub to your Patreon, and so glad I did! You guys are my new favorite obsession (along with my other obsession, Skam!) 💛xo


I always am struck by the way Isaks says Even's name to Jonas, like there is such sense of relief to say it out loud finally.

Michael Little

Fellas, "SKAM" translates into English as "shame". I'm enjoying the longer format on Patreon.