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How about starting the week on a high?

It’s SKAM Episode 3 UNCUT

Enjoy fam!

Love Alex and Josh





Hugh Campbell

Turgid = "swollen and distended or congested". Hmm.

Sara Nissen

It's kinda like with Emma, that he's trying to make it work with her, because he don't want to admit to himself yet, that he might be gay/trying to figure stuff out, (but still he shouldn't lead her on) or with her it comes easier because she is just nice and pretty, but there is nothing more to it, and with Even it's more complicated, because there are genuine real feelings there. I love the scene with the eye contact on the dancefloor. FYI the girl at the end is Noora, the one Eskild, Linn and Isak were having a skype/zoom call with earlier(She went to London with her boyfriend William, but now she has come back)


Noora's life was the story of season 2, like it's Isaks story now.

Diane Furlong

Good one! Is it wrong that I was yelling at my screen saying “Go on, Just Kiss Him”?!!!! 😂

Graham & Ruth May

I enjoyed your enjoyment, guys. I am still not a SKAM enthusiast, although I can see why others are. I am really just watching this because I love your reactions so much. And this was a particularly interesting and enjoyable one for those, so thanks. ❤️


Thanks for your reactions 😍. I really enjoyed the uncut version. Skam ends just as interrupted as Young royals episodes did ☺️, just when you want to see more❣️


yup, you're definitely getting hooked! :D it's the skam effect! that dancing scene with the glance and the robyn music in the background (btw the lyrics are pretty on point too) will probably live in your heads rent free forever from now on, it has a tendency to do that!! :D your reactions were so good! and yeah it's never what you expect, with the friends i think one of the points is that the there isn't just one type of behavior and reaction from Isak's friends... while they all can be/are quite sexist, Jonas is able to call out Isak's homophobic comments, and be wise and thoughtful about it. it's also that your views can change with time. (Jonas, whom the show hinted Isak had a crush on earlier, used to make negative "what are you, gay?!" comments too, btw - which they all still do even this season.) Alex, i actually love that you're not a fan of Vilde, a lot of people love her but she's an annoying character to me, too. it's the cheery entitlement/cluelessness that she just gets away with all the time. (there's some stuff from previous episodes, as well... she can be quite judgemental, conservative/prejudiced, but she gets excused for that attitude, and while in general skam does this thing where characters will make wrong choices or say the wrong thing and in later scenes they will realize what the problems were, and make up for it, Vilde continues to be this way, and is not called out for it very much or at all...)


Btw the name for locker and closet is the same in Norwegian, Isak struggling with his locker is a fun metaphor for him struggling with his sexuality and it's a recurring thing throughout the season


Haha I love your reaction to Even looking back at Isak on the dancefloor! 😆❤️


I had the same thought, Sara! There’s nothing at stake for Isak when he talks to Emma, so he’s charming and neggy and acting like the straight-dude bro. W/Even, he’s shy until he relaxes a bit more (like in ep. 2, he didn’t say much on the train but he opened up more to Even when they were talking in the window).


Vilde drives me nuts too! I eventually found sympathy for some of the other girls (no spoilers), but having caught up on the rest of the series, Vilde irks me.


I screamed trying to watch their faces and one of my favorite scenes. Just delightful.


Definitely a great way to start the week! Thank you for the humor, as always. The series has a great Spotify playlist created by the NRK network, btw.


haha glad to hear it. we're in a minority, people find her charming and funny. i don't get it?!? i mean i sympathize with her on some level, sure, but she gets on my nerves 99% of the time and yeah no spoilers but even in this season she does some very questionable things... and we're supposed to laugh it off and most people seem to be happy to forget she wasn't actually nice (cause she gets that "oh oops i'm so naive" attitude that's more passive aggression than anything, but unfortunately people fall for it all the time). anyway. i actually like the other girls a lot, especially Sana, my favorite character of all time! 😁 and the Sana-Isak interactions in s3 are among the things i enjoyed the most at first watch, and on every rewatch since. they're so funny (Isak is actually quite funny with her!) and sometimes so important... not much Sana in this ep., though!

Mariah Daley

Great reaction! You are definitely missing some context because you didn’t watch the earlier seasons. And also the subtitles you have are not the greatest. As far as I know, there are no official English subtitles. People were so excited to share this show that a lot of different people went to the trouble of translating it. But translation is a tricky thing, and some did a better job than others. This is important to keep in mind later, when the specific way that something is said really matters. I really enjoy hearing you bring your own experiences into your discussions. Thank you for sharing, and for being “funny gays.”

Katie Holmes

i love the gay quiz scene so much because THAT WAS LITERALLY ME. i literally took the same exact am i gay quiz that isak took and i also changed my answers like he did to get the results we wanted. isak's interalized homophobia is one of my favorite thing's they do with isak's character during his season because it is absolutely so realistic to some people who are gay's experience.

Amira Mustapha

I just paused at 18:35 to say I love you guys. I am cracking up! (Also, I love that you watched this right after Young Royals so it's fresh in your mind)


Really!?!? (About most people loving Vilde) ugh. 😁 I 💜 Sana a lot. I’m thankful about something specific w/her characterization but don’t want to be spoilery.

Henrik Schröder

Vilde drove me nuts as well in the beginning, but her characterization is fantastic, and I changed my mind on her after seeing the entire show.

Henrik Schröder

I love how this show can still make people forget how to breathe when the suspense is just too much! The dancefloor scene and the kitchen scene are so good at turning up the tension! 😄

Henrik Schröder

In three episodes you've now managed to dig up three completely different versions of subtitles, so I'm gonna be the subtitle police, as always. 😋 Please, please, please go to skamenglishsubs on tumblr, clickie clickie the "download" link, and grab all the subtitled episodes from there. No, don't clickie clickie the masterpost or the season links or the dailymotion links, because you'll get versions that have partially muted music (for copyright reasons). And the reason I'm whining about these subtitles is that it's gonna get important the further you get in the season, other subtitles aren't as good at handling both regular conversations and text conversations that happen at the same time, but these ones do. Do yourself (and everyone else) a favour and grab these ones. You had them for episode 2, please carry on with them!


What a great video loved the conversation at the beginning 🍑🍌😂😂😂 And your reactions throughout, and especially at the end were priceless! Can’t wait for the next one!


if you're referring to what we learn about her much later on, then looking back and reinterpreting her behavior, yeah maybe - but still no (for me). people really like Vilde as a character without/before knowing her background, and it's good that she's not a stereotypical one-dimensional high school girl (she really isn't anything like a popular mean girl, as Josh points out) but that dynamic where she does meanspirited or at least "clueless" stuff to others and doesn't take responsability for any faux pas or downright prejudice because she knows she can get away with it, so she continues being the same, is something very common in real life, and she doesn't even need an excuse to behave that way - because everyone including the audience does just let her get away with it. she just gets a lot of automatic sympathy WHILE she's being consistently annoying and worse, and to me it's a very realistic thing in skam, but also very obnoxious.

Curtis Weeks

I'd suggest they Google search "All of Skam" and follow the link to the seasons of the original SKAM, then the link to MEGA to download copies with good translations. (Although I followed your directions, and it looks like those download links are also to MEGA, so they may be the same, heh.)


and @snellahej yeah, i believe Vilde is the character that most people wanted to see a season 5 for... i get it issues wise, it would be interesting to go into those within the skam universe, but i still wouldn't enjoy a whole season focused on her... but she's LOVED! she's supposedly v. funny and endearing

Curtis Weeks

I feel like these episode are so short and packed with important info and occurrences, looking away for just a second can cause a little confusion. Missed glances, missed subtitles, etc., can convey so much, heh. Particularly as the season progresses, individual moments can become quite powerful and evocative. I'm loving the reactions so far and can hardly wait for the rest of the episodes.


I love how this show conveys so much of the story through subtle gestures and body language. It makes a point of highlighting awkward/evocative silences, which feels so genuine. I love that they don’t fill those spaces with music to subliminally suggest you feel a certain way in that moment.

Jayne Riley

I agree Nina it makes everything so real. l love this show. I really like that it allows you the time to feel the emotions of the characters and allows you to draw your own conclusions.

Henrik Schröder

They should be exactly the same links, because they're the ones I sent to Alllofskam. 😋


Agreed. I love how they use music really effectively to further the story. Every song has a reason, and it’s not to overpower the characters.


That’s it! I’m just gonna watch this on loop until the next one! 🫠


as Henrik said earlier, here's the link to download all episodes of season 3 with the best subtitles: https://mega.nz/folder/H3Q3naLJ#078erAbeoNIUkfiov8wBxA/folder/H6xwyahK it really does make a huge difference, the texts are much easier to read and you'll get the clearest translation.


i hope you end up giving vilde a chance! she's really sweet, if naive. i get coming in this season she may come off strong but i think you'll end up liking her!

Jacqueline Hahn

Turgid, lit. opposite of flaccid Josh. 🤣

Jacqueline Hahn

There really is an issue with Isak's mum, which presumably Jonas knows about, as his best friend. That's why he looked uneasy when Isak said it, and was looking at Mhandi like "please drop it!"

Anne H

You also lost all their Instagram Posting and messenger chats between the clips. All clips and chats was dropped in real time, so no one knew when they were coming, it was an exciting time.

Anne H

We saw Jonas helped Isak with his mum in season 1


turgid adjective Distended beyond the natural state by some internal agent, especially fluid, or expansive force. ;0)