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The moment has arrived. The time has come!

Join us for the most exciting drop yet: Heartstopper Episode 1 - UNCUT

Please note: If you have watched our YouTube series, you'll know this adventure is a journey for ASWT - so please, forgive us of our doubtful and unconvinced sins here... you know by episode 6 we'll be crying our eyes out and our hearts will be stopping!


Josh and Alex

Xoxo <3


Diane Furlong

I just gave in and ordered the Series of Heartstopper Books. I think that I’ll wait until Season 3 finishes before reading them. I’m already a little nervous about what will happen in season 2 so I don’t want to know ahead of time.

Graham & Ruth May

It’s really interesting, seeing how the graphic novels have been adapted for the series. I had never read any graphic novels before the Heartstopper books and was surprised at just how much emotion and nuance comes off the page of apparently simple drawings. Alice Oseman is a genius, in my opinion. There are also 2 non-graphic novellas, This Winter and Nick and Charlie. I recommend both of them. Enjoy!

Diane Furlong

Thanks. I’ve never read any graphic novels either. My Heartstopper series arrived yesterday. I’m going to start on them soon. The covers are absolutely beautiful.

Graham & Ruth May

They are. If you want to start reading the books, Heartstopper 1 and 2 are covered in season 1 of the show, so if you’ve seen the whole of the season, you won’t have any spoilers. Heartstopper 3 will certainly be season 2 but it could be the case that at least part of book 4 is used too, depending on whether any of This Winter and Nick and Charlie as well as book 5 are going to be used for season 3. You probably already know that Heartstopper 5 is due out sometime in the not too distant future and will be the final volume in the series, according to Alice.

Diane Furlong

I definitely had planned on holding off on reading the 3rd and 4rh books until I’ve seen Seasons 2 and 3. I didn’t know about Book 5. Thanks for telling me.

Graham & Ruth May

It was originally scheduled to be out in February I believe, but Alice got too busy with the show and had to pause. I don’t know exactly when it will come out but she’s said she definitely wants to publish before season 3, which suggests to me that some if not all of it will be in that season. If you like Tori, her story is in Solitaire, by the way.

Graham & Ruth May

Agreed. Aled doesn’t appear in the show but his story is Radio Silence as well as appearing in the graphic novels as one of Charlie’s friends. Isaac has kind of taken his place in the show but doesn’t feature in any of the books.


Lol I had completely forgot you didn't like the show at all this is a fun rewatch

Ivy Yap

Have only now been able to watch this. So much fun seeing your full reaction. I never thought your Ep1 reaction was overly harsh or critical even on YouTube - it was just honest!

Adrienne Gosselin

I'd be so interested to see what you guys think of Episodes 1 and 2 (and the new stuff that you would catch) now knowing the characters and the tone of the show better.

karolina tersa

i found you on youtube yesterday and was very pissed for destroying my safe space, but then i remembered i had very similar feeling starting heartstopper/aliceoseman journey last year. i just didnt share it with broad audience and have been able to forget about it 😂