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Did someone say Romeo and Juliet?!

Check out the full unedited review of this romantic tragedy!

Joking... it's SKAM episode 2... but with a lot of Baz Luhrmann references.


Love Alex and Josh



Sara Nissen

So you know the reason why we don't see the teachers face is because the main focus is on the young people and them dealing with their problems, so not a lot of grown ups are shown, so it is intentional. Someone might also have commented that you should always pay close attention to the text messages. I would love you to react to season 4, when you are done with season 3, it's Sanas season(she seems to be your favorite character so far), it's the final season to wrap it all up for the OG SKAM, and there are still some good Evak moments in the final season. I'd love to see your reaction to some of the other versions of season 3 like Druck(The German version), WTFOCK(The belgium version) and Skam France at some point as well, if you feel like it, I love them too.

Diane Furlong

Just finished watching. This episode was a lot easier for me to process 😂 Alex, thanks for explaining the “Romeo and Juliet” and Baz Luhrmann (Sp) connection. I was only familiar with the Elvis movie. Yes, I’ve been living under a rock for a bit. Thanks for sharing your reaction, Josh and Alex. It’s always fun.

Monica Haggemark

Cant wait for the next episode! 😆


Isak is 17 and Even is 18. Though most Norwegians live at home until graduation at 19, it is not uncommon for teenagers to live with flatmates. It might depend on where you’re from or what school you choose. Isaks reasons for not living at home will be disclosed later in the season. By the way, did you catch that Isak already had a Grindr account? Love that you’re doing Skam, I really enjoy your channel.


Yay, excited for the next episode :)

Kim Engel

I love that Alex is a Baz Lurhmann fan 🇦🇺


you're so right about the perspective thing! one of my favorite things about skam is that each season is from the perspective of the main character. not only do we only know what they know, but we see the world and other characters from their pov. so yeah, the boys constantly talking about sex with girls is definitely more prominent than other conversations they might have because those are the conversations that make isak uncomfortable and cause him to overcompensate

Laura Ibarra

The look on both of your faces when Even introduces him to Sonja was priceless! AND probably what I looked like the first time I watched it! 🙀


squeeee! I had to pause the video to comment. 💜💜💜 you guys! Josh-I saw you jammin out to Wu Tang at the beginning of the ep. 💜 Alex-love your sweater! [points at my eyes, points at Alex] we were HERE in our thoughts during the episode! 😁 I love music so much and hearing the opening notes of Radiohead from the R+J soundtrack made me super happy. It is iconic! All of the Skam shows have great music choices, but I think I like the OG soundtrack the most. And they definitely handle hip-hop & hip-hop culture 1000x better than Skam Italia. Funny how Baz Luhrman remains a legend with his protagonists dying, while SP has thankfully returned to obscurity. If you guys are ever in the states & have a fan meetup of sorts, please “holler,” so I can buy you your beverages of choice. Be well!


Which alt version is your favorite? I think I like most of Druck slightly over France, but I’ve been changing my mind every other day. ☺️

Sara Nissen

I have a soft spot for Lucas in Skam France; I love Axels acting, and I love the twist/differences of Druck and how it was handled, but WTFock is really good too. Skam Italia and Skam Austin are okay, and I haven't watched Skam Espania yet.


Forgot to add: if you haven’t guys, please watch the trailer for this season. Even if you don’t post a reaction, it’s worth a watch.

Laura Ibarra

BTW - not sure if anyone else has mentioned it before but in case they haven’t 🙂 the word closet and locker are the same in Norwegian something to keep in mind when Isak is struggling with his locker at school


Thank you for this! I didn’t know the translation but definitely tracked the visual.


Hi Diane! I’m in Texas. Don’t hold it against me though; I’m a transplant. 😊

Diane Furlong

It’s okay. I’m a Delaware girl living in NY. Been here 25 years but I’ll always be a Delaware girl.

Amira Mustapha

This review had me dying! Like tears in my eyes cracking up! I cannot wait to watch you watch the rest of the season!

Laura Ibarra

That made me laugh! We won’t hold it against you. I’m in Southern California


Great video. I have not seen this series before and I’m watching along with you here. I was also shocked at the end and had a similar reaction!. Let’s here it for these uncut videos! Yay!

Curtis Weeks

I'm still thrilled that my favorite reactors are watching my favorite show. I'm just not sure I can wait a whole week for the next episode


Just love all the eye contact in that windowsill scene - big contrast between fuckboy Isak with Emma in the first ep and soft boy Isak with Even


😂 thank you! I know every place has its highs and lows. It’s another reason why I appreciate this growing community. More perspectives for me to learn from!


I am so happy you two are enjoying this series even though it may be another coming of age, gay awakening story. At the time of its release in 2015, I’d seen nothing like it and found the whole series incredibly moving and fore thinking for the kind of content that could be depicted on mainstream television. Also, Isak lives on his own due to family issues that unfold in earlier seasons. Looking forward to the next reaction!


also there is a whole scene that exists just in written form, of when isak met eskild at a gay bar and how he ended up staying with eskild (and noora and linn) and why, it is very poignant. it was never filmed but it's there, you should check it out sometime - i'm pretty sure you will want to by the end of the show. also, since you didn't watch the 1st two seasons you're not aware but there have been hints that isak may be gay - more than a hint at the end of s1 when 2 of the girls look at isak's phone and find searches for gay porn and "meeting gay guys in oslo" and then in s2 there's some back and forth on whether he might be gay - he's not in the season very much and he seems to be dating a girl, and the questions about him are not so much in the show itself, but there were discussions between some other characters over text - not sure if you've checked out this other media attached to the show at all (chats and instagram posts), but they do add some info and context to what happens in the video clips, and give you more insight into the characters.


i have to say that one of my fav parts of your reaction was when isak was gonna start rapping. :)))) i concur. (they did film him doing an entire song but thankfully left that out of the show!)


PS: the director of the show - julie andem - is the same person who wrote it, as well as came up with the idea and the format and the way they went about making the show first interviewing a lot of teens to find out what kind of stories and characters and issues they wanted to see on tv. they also hired age appropriate actors, and let them have input in how the characters speak etc - so it's as real as possible. it's a show that's very intentionally made, as well as skillfully directed


I’ve always assumed Even lives with his family.. something about the way he calls out to see if anyone is home. And isn’t there childrens clothes in the hallway? Although it is’nt uncommon for 18-19 yo to live alone or with friends in Scandinavia..