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Alright, this is now my dinner show <3

Sam S

*reprioritises evening plans…. 😂

Ivy Yap

So glad I'm working from home today - will be watching over my lunch break!

Stian Kristoffersen

Haven't had time to start watching this yet but I think I'll prioritise it tonight so I don't fall behind. Excited to see what the hype is all about. Thanks 😘


Yes! I was just going through my nostalgic rewatch of other KP reactions while waiting for this one to drop. Oh, btw, don‘t forget that between Episode 6 and 7, there is a 15 min Episode 6.5 that you should watch for context.

Steph K

First kiss! First kiss! And finally, a wild Kim appears!

Onesan Talks

I need to go listen to that theme song again LOL, his voice is so pretty

Sara Nissen

Nice one. The bar scenes was over the top, but Porsche was trying to get Taykun to get out of the house and have fun in other ways than just watching series at home, get him out of his comfort zone so to speak, but I get why that had become his comfort because of the trauma of getting kidnapped, and I get it, when you said Porsche might be trying to mix both worlds, cause he kinda introduced them to his friends, at his old bar. And he is trying to accept/live with the terms of his new job, and I understand him being comflicted. It's still just not anything his brother should be involved in, so he kept it away from him and was secretive about it/only told a fraction of the truth. Btw the song that played when Kinn and Porsche was outside getting closer was sung by Jeff Satur who plays the younger brother Kim.


You guys had me in hysterics literally crying with laughter 😂😂

Magical Adorabella

I keep watching because I like it!🏳️‍🌈


I’m so not ready!!!!!!!!


I was about to go to beeeed ! Guess not, now.

D.A. Rowley

Episode 3 is just the start. I love this episode. Now Alex and Josh know why KinnPorsche was recommended to watch. It is a brilliant series and worthy of many re-watchings. Yep, I am guilty of having watched the entire series over and over again. Not wanting to give anything away, but I will be curious about reaction to Kim. Oh and btw way Alex and Josh, the end song that was played while KinnPorsche kissed was actually sung by the actor who plays Kim, Jeff Satur. Look him up on Spotify as this song that is played is basically the theme song for the entire series. It is called "Why Don't You Stay" and it is haunting and beautiful as is other songs he sings through out the series!


Okay now that I've watched the whole reaction I have so many things I want to say, but I'll have to hold back so I don't spoil anything. All I'll say is, yes, the show is easing you into its darker aspects. It's a mafia love story with very flawed, morally grey characters so naturally things are going to be less than ideal. Just the fact that Kinn and Porsche's first kiss happened while they were under the influence really sets a certain tone. it's cute and you want to root for them, but also you realize this isn't a happy, cute romance setting. NO spoilers, just saying from here on out is where people will get the most excited about your reactions. Looking forward to the next one <3


Josh: "Would you go to a gay universe?" Alex : "first I'd be wondering how babies are made ". All of us : " OMG, HE WANTS US TO TELL HIM ABOUT OMEGAVERSE!!!"


I was thinking the same thing. Omegaverse has entered the chat

D.A. Rowley

Oh no, He really doesn't want to know about Omegaverse it would totally blow his mind...lol BTW love your Bible photo Saye! I have one of him dressed in ancient Chinese costuming with all that yummy long hair! Oh My!


„I am very ready for this to get dark.“ 😆 Oh, my sweet summer child… Lovely reaction!


I love watching you react to KinnPorsche, right now I'm watching the new show of the directors of KinnPorsche (My Stand-In) so I have two wonderful entertaining moments per week!!

D.A. Rowley

I am so happy that Alex and Josh are enjoying one of my favorite BL's. There are many more to watch but I will not post here. Here is the thing about BL's....I would put them up against anything that comes out of Hollywood, Europe or any other film county. Bl's are that good. Sure some are not that good but when you come across those that just leave your breathless you know you have watched something that ranks up there with Hollywood or other cinema. I am not joking. I won't list the ones that I think are masterpieces but Kinn Porsche is definitely on that list.


I was waiting for this! You MADE my lunch break!! I loved watching your reactions!!


Oh my!! I don't think they are ready for Omegaverse.

Ivy Yap

No one is ready for Omegaverse when they first encounter it 🤣


I know exactly which ones you mean...he was stunning in that outfit . Longer hair really does suit him. What I would give to see him in a period movie or series.


Another ep yay, just made my entire day!!!

Ruth May

Beautiful song, phenomenal voice. The KinnPorsche world tour version is my favourite but his voice is just so gorgeous that I don’t mind whichever version. He’s very good as Kim, in my opinion and in many ways, he’s the most dangerous of the brothers, although that’s not fully apparent until later..


Also Josh and Alex, didn't you find the last scene at the bar looked strangely familiar ? You may not have noticed the large mural at the back , it' s a copy of a 1857 painting by Daniel Maclise, who arranged the scene as a frieze . It represents the death of Admiral Horatio Nelson, an iconic queer moment since his last words to his friend in Battle Captain Hardy were reported to have been : "Kiss me, Hardy" ( a much debated story, see Liverpool Art Museum - Nelson- Thomas Hardy for more details on why it is a queer reference) . At the very least, it is attested Hardy did kiss Nelson twice, not on the mouth it seems . Then at Yok's bar all the drunken men are positioned so as to mirror the painting, with Tankhun as Lord Nelson. It is a big statement on the queer essence of BLs that they can have this background . Secondly, it is a major spoiler of what is about to follow... Also, it gives more depth and context to the scene on the river bank, because it is all about the uncertainty of the budding relationship between Kinn and Porsche, the master and his subordinate who have just been under the fire together ( and this relationship always has water as a recurrent theme ). This is why we keep rewatching KP, there's always a little more to see and to understand behind the slapstick comedy or spicy moments .

Sam S

Please remove the link you have included in your comment as it goes against the Community Guidelines (see the pinned post from a few days ago). Thank you. -Moderator-


Done ! Sorry, I was a bit too enthusiastic about my lecture on that work of art.

Nini L

Just to clarify, about Porche's motivations in this episode. Working for Tankhun is BORING, for him. He wants to be active, and do his job, and feels more like a babysitter than a bodyguard while working for the older brother. When he finds out that Pete went out on a mission, he inserts himself into it because he's tired of just doing nothing. That backfires, because he finds himself face to face with being on the other end of a debt; as the collector; which is why he is so affected by it at the end of the ep.

Natalia Karyaka

Love Love Love Love Love ittt!!!!


your amazing reaction to the kiss, omg i loved it

Lizeth Morpal

Just remember that the atmosphere in which "Mafia" romantic moments can be questionable, even so, the series is top, of the best, I want to see your reaction to the next chapters, they are very good!!!

Lizeth Morpal

By the way, they should react to the MV of "Why Don't You Stay" background song in the kiss scene, sung by Jeff Satur, actor who plays Kim, Kinn's younger brother, is one of the most beautiful voices. 😍


Hi am here from YouTube, and a new member on your Patreon hopefully u guys continue with the BL series. So I’ve been a BL girly since 2020, my first BL is called tharntype. I love this series but some people don’t like it. But if u did get a chance please see it. Hopefully this isn’t a spoiler but the main character one is gay and one is (straight) homophobic with a tragic pass that made him think all gay men r bad, I don’t want to say more but it was my first introduction to BL and haven’t left 😍. And the 2 BL that broke my heart and made me feel literally pain in my chest are called history 3 make our days count and until we meet again. BL is beautiful to me and it’s my daily medicine that helps me. 😊

D.A. Rowley

I think he would be so good. His look, his voice is just so captivating.


I recomend they do so after they finish watching the series so they don´t get spoilers, they haven´t even seen Kim´s face yet.

Emily Willmer

I think you guys would also really enjoy My only 12%


I really love this series and I’m enjoying hearing your take on it. I’d like to start a petition for you guys to watch two KP episodes per week 😩😩😩😩


My Only 12% is one of my all time favorites, it’s so wholesome <3

Lisa M T

Oh the twists and turns in upcoming episodes will make you question until the end of the series. So excited I joined your Patreon for this journey. Thai BL aren't typically of this high production quality. My first BL was called "Semantic Error" a innocent S. Korean one. It holds a special place in my heart. Thai BL can be more risque..as the Thai culture is much more open than other Asian countries. My favorite one this past year was a Taiwanese BL titled "Kiseki Dear to Me." The second lead couple had incredible chemistry.

Shelby Frost Bay

I joined your Patreon just for the KP reaction!!!! I’m on tenterhooks waiting between reactions. Lmao. Your reactions slay!

Shelby Frost Bay

I am OBSESSED with Jeff Satur and am waiting for Happy Ending (no not that kind of HE. Lmao). Don’t watch the trailers until AFTER FINISHING THIS SERIES! also I watched ALL OF HIS MVs. He is so good!

Natalie A

Absolutely love your reaction I was cackling the whole time and can't wait for you to continue down the rabbit hole that is this show. There are still a few more major characters to come in which I'm excited to see your reactions to. Thank you for putting these out so fast :)

Yowela M

at 4:20...I thought...who is going to tell them about the omegaverse? 😆


The MV is full of spoiler clips from the series, so they should watch it after watching the series. But I agree, they should definitely consider watching it.


Btw, they have released Behind the scenes footage for every episode which is a delight to watch as well. In some of them the actors give insight into their characters and explain their views on certain scenes which is incredibly interesting. All of them are so invested in their characters and so kind to each other. It‘s especially sweet to see how much they take care of Barcode, the actor who plays Porsche‘s brother, since he was the youngest on the set and this was his first acting role.

Janine M Hall

Love your reactions to this series so much! I can't tell you how excited I am for you to properly meet Kim (younger brother) because the actor that plays him is my favourite!

Janine M Hall

I cannot wait for Happy Ending, the trailer was amazing. Jeff Satur is such a genius! Can't wait for them to meet him in this series!


1. There WILL be questionable and even outright nonconsensual situations in BLs that we in the West agree are those things like the maybe/maybe not okay drunk kissing, etc that gets dismissed in Eastern pop culture. Things are improving, but some countries are still behind. So just be prepared that when watching Asian content as a whole some uncomfortable situations will arise that you’ll have to brush off as “oh that was….romantic?” Like it’s a Snow White situation. As more Western audiences are getting involved, it IS slowly getting better. Some of the earliest famous BLs have what we would call just plain nonconsenual sex as the beginning of a loving relationship. Writers and producers are learning better. But slowly. Slowwwwly. Different countries, different standards unfortunately. 2. Yall made a few comments that are so precognitive to what is going to happen that I have died laughing. 3. The song played during the kiss is the OST (original soundtrack) for KinnPorsche “Why Don’t You Stay”, sang by Jeff Satur. OST’s are huge in Kdramas and in BLs. They really set the scene for the show. Why Don’t You Stay was my number one until a few months ago when Last Twilight came out and ended me. 🫠


TharnType isn’t one to recommend to people you want to make interested in BL. I’m super into BL and have watched it, but there is a reason it is so looked down on by many now.

Tina Oestreich

"We don't endorse any of that, but it's drama mama" is pretty much the Kinnporsche tagline lmao Really enjoyed this guys, thank you!!

Tina Oestreich

The episode 7 behind the scenes is my favourite, the whole 10 minute piece of Apo and Mile just talking about the last scene and how they thought about it really brings it so much more depth

Tina Oestreich

Yeah the issue of consent is all over the series. And in a way.. how could it not be, with the whole "the major family owns the bodyguards" undertone. There's no way to really resolve stuff like the first kiss in the setting they're in because of the roles both characters play in the family. They let the theme simmer and reemerge throughout the entire show, and imho do a pretty good job with it, but it's absolutely also a "gotta see it all to really form an opinion" sort of arc, I feel.


At 50:26, Josh : " Is it Disneyland ? " Us : " ---- ! "


Josh at 55: 40 :" who is that ? Kinn? " No way a bodyguard, no matter how drunk, would dare to do that to his boss ! Plus Kinn is not wearing a white T . It's Pol, the big tall goofy guy nobody wants to let dance at 53:26. Nerdy "Q" Arm who does the stripping and shy Pol are always seen together, the innuendo to what they may become one day is not very subtle there.


They can do what ever they want to do, i didnt say i recommend this series. I said it was my first BL and IF u get a chance watch it. I didn't use the word recommend. And like i said people dont love this series and u just made my point valid. I still love that series and i actually prefer season 1 then season 2. The difference is that i see things differently then other people which is why i still love that series even after so many years. And am not here to argue. So please be respectful, everyone has there own opinion and we all have different taste in life. There some series like bed friend that r so bad but people still like it. I prefer Tharntype over bed friend any time

Sam S

A gentle reminder that the only place where ASWT take recommendations for reaction videos is through the Discord. Please revisit the (pinned) Community Guidelines post from a few days ago. 🙂 -Moderator-

Sam S

A gentle reminder that the only place where ASWT take recommendations for reaction videos is through the Discord. Please revisit the (pinned) Community Guidelines post from a few days ago. 🙂 Please remember that all comments should be kind and respectful, as this community is meant to be a safe space for everyone. -Moderator-

Sam S

A gentle reminder that the only place where ASWT take recommendations for reaction videos is through the Discord. Please revisit the (pinned) Community Guidelines post from a few days ago. 🙂 -Moderator-

Sam S

A gentle reminder that the (pinned) Community Guidelines request that you don’t ask about what content is coming and when. That also extends to requests for more content, or that episodes be posted more frequently. -Moderator-

Sam S

A gentle reminder that the only place where ASWT take recommendations for reaction videos is through the Discord. Please revisit the (pinned) Community Guidelines post from a few days ago. 🙂 -Moderator-

Sam S

Please be mindful of posting spoilers. I know that your first point was made as a general point of information, however is flies very close to being a spoiler, which will potentially spoil the natural reactions of ASWT (and other members who are discovering this BL for the first time alongside Alex and Josh). Please could you remove that point and include it in the comments of the upcoming reaction video that it will directly relate to. Please revisit the (pinned) Community Guidelines post. -Moderator-


They were talking about a drunken kiss at the end of the episode? And if they were comfortable with it? My comment was related to that and didn’t have anything to do with spoilers at all because I wasn’t even thinking about the rest of the show. I was more thinking about love by chance or Tharntype

Sam S

If you could edit down your first point then please. As I said, I do understand that your intention was general information (based on the kiss at the end of the episode). However some of the details in the comment could potentially be classed as spoilers. You make good points and I would prefer that you make some edits to the comment rather than the whole comment being removed. Thanks. -Moderator-


No worries, i wasn't recommending any series only giving my first introduction to BL and the 2 that broke my heart. I gave my recommendation on YouTube. And i dont use discord. I can barely keep up with patreon and YouTube and Facebook 🤣🤣

Joshua Shane

This is so true, I try to always reset when I watch shows from other countries. Even just on the type of humor. Every country, progresses at different rates. I mean it hasn’t been long since gay marriage has been legal in the US. And that took a very long time and a little ole show “Will & Grace”, to shift public opinion in favor of the LGBTQ community. Gay marriage just became legal in Thailand. I try to not judge too harshly.

Joshua Shane

Loved this one! Thank you for sharing! I know reactions are not easy work. Fans can be very demanding! Haha


Even with the West’s wider acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community, shows and movies that are based solely around LGBT+ people and relationships as the main plot are uncommon. Those shows are more niche and on streaming services and independent companies more than the big ones. Few feature films or blockbuster type shows feature LGBT+ leads. So while we accept them, it’s more of a tolerate than openly accept them and we are no where near equality yet. LGBT content is, like I said, more niche and on smaller channels, pushed as a side story to the main story. So when I want to see actual MM content that depicts relationships and characters of different sexualities, while slow going, the East is still my go-to.


What I love the most is the twists just behoren the end of the episode or in the preview

Lisa M T

Aww that's a shame because I left discord a long time ago because I dislike it's format and functionality.


I love your reaction to this show so far and trust me, the show gets even better, I can't wait!!!!!!!

Michael Craig

Did you spot the product placement in this episode? Since you didn't remark on it, they must have done it pretty well. It's hair dye...Thankun dyeing and redyeing his hair.

Michael Craig

A couple of words about Thankun. I think a big part of his dramatic flair comes from watching so many K dramas...they can be a bit melodramatic, but stylish, like him. He is really good at one thing, but you'll have to figure it out as it goes along (and I don't think it's ever mentioned, which is cool too).

Michael Craig

Glad you gave this art lesson; I was going to mention it, but you did it so much better than I could. I also love the portraits that the 3 brothers have of themselves in their rooms, so over the top. The art director sure was on top of things for this production.


Joined your Patreon for the BL reactions. Get ready for the questionable decisions and the step into the darker side of the crime underworld. Whatever you imagine, this series is probably darker. One thing about the dialogue, these subs are better than some others but I also think a lot gets lost in translation. There are many Thai words and phrases that have no direct English translation but they do their best for instance they have no word for 'kind' instead, their word for kind translates literally to 'good heart'. So sometimes the subs are a bit clunky and awkward and I think we lose some context.


I can only agree with you . It's not a show I would rewatch.


They did notice the one in Tankhun's room. I've seen this kind of huge self-portraits in Kdrama before, and even in Yaoi . There must have been a fad . I agree that the aesthetics in the series are very satisfactory, even enticing . Like the OST, it 's so good at setting the mood . The attention to details is crazy . I hate it when people presume that we are into Kp just because of the nc scenes .


So enjoyed rewatching this with your commentary. It’ll be interesting to see how you’ll both react to the morally grey content that’s gonna get real real soon.

D.A. Rowley

So true, so true. Not going to give anything away, but Kim does make his mark.

D.A. Rowley

I loved Kiseki Dear To Me....I have watched and re-watched so many times. My fav characters Aidi and Chen Yi the secondary couple....so fun. And so cute.

D.A. Rowley

Totally agree. What also cracks me up is there may be some NC scene being played out on screen and they say some nc words but the subtitles will say.....oh fudge, LOL. It really makes me laugh.


Thoroughly enjoying rewatching this series through your eyes. It's so dear to my heart. Will admit to having a good old cackle when you get things wrong, but I wasn't any better on my first watch!

D.A. Rowley

Oh, and at the end of episode 14 do not stop watching when the credits roll because after the credits there’s about a two or three minute scene involving a couple of the characters… I won’t spoil it. Oh, and I re-watched your reaction… Again, cause it’s very funny


Just a correction. Non and dubcon in fiction is common in the West too and very romanticized as well. This isn't a BL problem, this is a rape culture problem that is global. I can name dozens of TV shows, including TV shows made for teens that romanticized these moments. From the top of my head, I can name two famous shows: Gossip Girl (they all hook up drunk and thread the line of consent, and then there are characters like Chuck... Blair is drunk during her first time too) and The Vampire Diaries (Daemon full-on SAs Caroline and he often uses his hypnosis thing with his partners, he also kills Elena's brother when she refuses to kiss him). For queer media, Queer as Folk has a lot of questionable romanticized tropes, including sex under the influence. So does The L Word. There's a stigma put on BLs because it's not Western, but this is a common practice in mainstream Western media. Queer or not. In fact, it's almost a microaggression that borderlines xenophobia. The creator of Heartstopper loves to boast about how PC her story is and she is known to demonize BLs, but recently went under fire for depicting teens in sexual situations. Just... people need to be careful when discussing this. Eastern media containing heavy themes are often scrutinized for things mainstream Western media gets away with. While it's wonderful BL (be it TV series/movies or comics/novels) is becoming more self-aware, which is a thing the West has yet to do. There's a lot of unnecessary sexual violence done for shock value here, especially against women.

Trixy_loves_the _world

(No spoilers in this comment. I swear.) “It felt authentic”… 🎯… THAT is exactly what make Mile & Apo world famous. What they bring to Kinn & Porsche. They, as actors, are so courageous. Their courage, vulnerability, and chemistry. There will be scenes, you absolutely can’t show on YouTube anyway, so just go ahead and let yourself feel what you feel from start to finish. We’ll be right there with you and want to see your unchecked reaction. (A shame free safe zone.) You may have the urge to interrupt, the emotional flow, simply because you’re getting overwhelmed? A knee jerk reaction in most western men where being ashamed, of your feelings, has reached status as a cult. (I personally believe it’s the core to all destruction). The K&P chemistry will be an emotional experience that is not easy for many western men to open up to… BUT miss out on it here… and I think you will miss out on some validation you absolutely deserve. Love is love Baby! You both deserve to feel you have the unalienable right to genuine & loving relationships. Just like anyone else. These two can give us that courage & validation. So can other couples in here. I think the BLs (and Asian dramas in general) focus on our soul experiencing life. Western shows focus more on action and the emotions tend to lag a bit behind. To me it’s the seductions, in life, that bring us the lasting color. Oh and there is ALWAYS a male shower scene, of some kind, in every episode… of nearly EVERY Asian drama🫠. I waffle about the objectification of it all… but…🥰. You are so much fun to watch this with. My job is in global warming activism and watching KinnPorsche, with you, is a fantastic & desperately needs escape. Thank you 💋💋 ❤️‍🩹💪🏽💖

Lizeth Morpal

refreshing the page, waiting for chapter 4! 🥰


It's a whole universe within the BL universe ; sometimes the characters cross over to other universes for more confusion . I have just encountered my first omegaverse character in a guideverse story , so meta ! I swear nearly all A/B/O AU fans could write a Master of Medicine thesis on the appropriate treatment for recessive omega type patients who come across their first dominant alpha partner.




Where's chapter 4? 😩

Sam S

A gentle reminder that the (pinned) Community Guidelines posts asks members not to ask when the next reaction is coming, or what content is coming next. -Moderator-

Sam S

@Vish, you make some very valid points in your comment that I totally agree with. I think it’s important to call out the problematic scenes/behaviours in all media, rather than focussing on just Eastern media (BL) sources. It’s entirely hypocritical to brush it off as “drama” or a necessary plot device in one and not the other. I just need to post a gentle reminder that some of the more specific points you make can be seen as spoilers for upcoming episodes, and to be mindful of that. The (pinned) Community Guidelines request no spoilers, as it spoils the natural reaction of Alex and Josh, and also the experience for those members who are watching KP for the first time along with them. -Moderator-

Sam S

A gentle reminder that the (pinned) Community Guidelines posts asks members not to ask when the next reaction is coming, or what content is coming next. This includes indirect posts about when the next reaction will drop. -Moderator-

Mandi Mateer

I'd go to the gay world in a heartbeat too. There was a movie about a universe where being gay was the norm (it's called Almost Normal), and in it, each gay couple just chooses another gay couple to have kids with, and the four of them parent children together. It'd work in theory, but it's all contingent on a very heteronormative view of relationships and nuclear families, and we queer people don't tend to fly that way as a monolith. I'm loving the wild swings in this show. From murder to drinking the booze that a drunk dude poured down his naked torso in a matter of minutes! The kiss was sweet, even if it's a little harsh a conversation about mob brutality is what got them to open up