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Sorry about the audio drift!

Now Corrected




Gina Lipkin

No winners in that war, they are both so head strong. I like the realism of the clothes, words, actions, and how they portrayed a realistic beheading, great art work and props to achieve the whole ambience of the sets

Chris Metzger

Okay, before we get into this episode, I've got to ask who has your favourite Full English breakfast? I've got a few places on my list for when I come to London in June, Duck and Waffle, E. Pellicci, and The Breakfast Club. Now to business. If James could have beheaded George with a stare when George spoke out of turn during the privy council, he would have, and rightfully so! Speaking of beheading, what a way to go! Damn!!! An executioner's job is a rough one, but maybe Mary could consider it a position for John! I think he'd be a pro at it! lol I'd heard of Sir Walter Raleigh, but knew nothing about him other than the city of Raleigh, North Carolina was named in his honour. Mary's in a rough spot. She's fallen out of favour with her husband, George, and the Queen. Let's see where this goes next!!

lisa mcarthur

i love your reaction i love this show its good


Good for reminding us that they are hard at work. And we do love your channel.