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I wanted to give you all this Thursday's video EARLY :D I had so much fun making this one and I hope you enjoy it! It's the perfect balance of caring and reassuring. Find the link down below now!

Lately, I have been wondering about LOVE. Hoo, wee. Aren't we all? I have come to find that there is no greater honor than to find someone who genuinely wants to understand you for all of your quirks and messiness. It's easy to run away when things get hard, but it's honorable to stay through the waves and have the curiosity to ask "why?". 

It can be hard to find this in others for ourselves, after all, if building community was easy, I don't think it would be so worth it! So in order to attract open-minded people, we ourselves must have the willingness and curiosity to get to know others on a deep level. 

So today I encourage you to start with yourself. In what ways have you changed recently? Have you given yourself the space and grace to accept this new change?

We are ever-changing works of art. I hope we can all view ourselves with more grace through changes <3

Feel free to discuss with me in the comments or just with yourself :)




Love is truly interesting. I have thought about it a lot lately as well. Though there are so many different kinds of love that you may not experience them all during our lives. There is family love, which is strangely difficult at times. It's more like you have to love your family. My family has talked about it before. While we don't agree with things some of us do, or how some of us act, we will always be there for each other when needed because we are family. Then there is the love you give a pet. While it's not as strong as some of the other kinds of love, it's still up there. Many would die for their pets because of the bond they have. And many pets would do the same for their owners (mostly dogs). Then there is love between two different people. It's weird because you both know you don't have to love each other like the first type of love I explained. It's not expected and purely a choice, which makes it so powerful. I have experienced this yet in life, but I can only imagine the bond it would make if everything goes right. Especially the honor of sticking beside your partner during the worst parts of life... I bet it feels like something out of this world. The choice to be fully loyal and there for someone who once was a complete stranger in your life is just so intriguing. Then... There's the love parents give to their children. The love I don't think could ever be matched by anything else. I have thought about it many times before. While it's similar to the first type, it's also very different. After all, it's that choice (most of the time, not always) to come together with a complete stranger at some point in your life, and make another life form with them, and raise them together (hopefully). The commitment, loyalty, bravery, endurance, teamwork, and so much more to do that is just on another level. Hopefully I'll get to experience that one day. There are other types of love. Like self love, which so many struggle with including myself, but I haven't really thought about those types as much as I thought about these four. Love if truly fascinating and even a little scary. Hopefully we get to experience as many types of love as we can. Huh... Never thought I'd write about love... What have you done felka!?


I’ve personally never been in a relationship, I always get shy at the thought of asking someone out. But despite that, I believe that one of the most important forms of love is actually self love. The friends that I’ve made, and the incredible people I have gotten to meet have really boosted my perception of myself! Before, I could hardly strike up conversation with people, even my own friends! But over the years I have been shown so much love that I have seen myself change for the better! I do hope to enter a relationship one day, and I’m glad that I have grown more at peace with the fear of being rejected, because as I have grown more open with my emotions, as well as gaining more confidence, I know that there will be plenty of opportunities in life. I want to show up as the best person I can be in a relationship! And that means being comfortable with being vulnerable 😁