Photoshoot / filming from home BTS (Patreon)
Thought I would share these with you now that the MAY '23 Photoset has been posted !
These are little BTS of my home setup. It's still a work in progress and there are still alot of issues to work out....but I think this could massively help productivity from here on out.
I tried to film at home a few months ago and it was a disaster. I really made myself sick about it and for a while I felt very stuck and trapped by my situation.
I was so bitterly disappointed I was letting people down; that I wasn't good enough.
I felt so out of control of my life and felt like I had no options left. But then I realised that it was ME who was the problem. I was expecting perfection when that never had and never will exist. I also wasn't in control of what people thought of me regardless of what I did or how hard I tried. I had to just let it all go.
So, I changed my mindset to believe that I could make this new situation work. Whatever happened happened. I could master it! Adapt and overcome. I had to believe that people who were empathetic would understand that I am trying my very best.
All my fingers and toes are crossed that this new filming setup will work well! If it does then I can breathe a big sigh of relief and get stuck in to creating some awesome content!