THANK YOU! (re-cap 2024 May feedback) (Patreon)
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the first ever 'Patreon Monthly Feedback' Post (lame name but it does the job lol!)
I really appreciate you all taking the time to write to me and express your honest thoughts!
So to summarize...
AD-FREE CONTENT - Most of you have youtube premium so ad-free isn’t necessarily useful - but you like the idea of patreon cuts of YouTube videos. So lets come up with how these would work; together! Maybe it's as simple as cropping the video on YouTube (which would work better for me algorithm wise as YT hates boobies and is demonatising my content) And then making sure I record a slightly spicer short segment for Patreon? Would this work?
More everyday pictures - from my life and what I am up to. Maybe open this up to free members too.
More ramble videos - I really want to get back doing the 'films I watched recently' - even books I have read. Not long now until my internet is upgraded and I can film these again. Do you guys mind if these had like ambient noises in the background? The pigeons are breeding here and they just like coo all the time. Its not loud loud but you can still hear it!
The exclusive content NEEDS MORE SPICE - ok ok I hear you :D I have some ideas which I 'think' would satisfy ya'll's thirst...I'm still working out my own levels of comfort still hahah. Ideas are welcome!
More character role-plays! - sure! Just let me know what type of characters you want to see!
You are enjoying the chat and interaction - not only with me but with other Patrons too. Me too! We need to play that guess a film game again! Any other cool ideas we could do?
So here is the plan.
I have June's content already pre-filmed (prior to the feedback poll) So I will be working on making these feedback changes for the content of July.
If you have any burning desires or a video suggestions get them in now so I can plan ahead!
Again THANK YOU so much for the feedback. I know I won't be able to please everyone, and this is ok. But I will try my absolute very best :D
Love you all xx