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Here is the sixteenth patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: the legality of the Duke of Enghien's execution, games played by Napoleonic soldiers, and India in the age of Napoleon.

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!



My question is, if you had been born 200 years ago in France what would your relationship with Napoleon have been? In my case, I would've been born in 1799, so I can imagine my view of Napoleon and this period would be one of huge nostalgia and maybe even some jealousy that I was too young to join the army under him. More broadly though, how did people who were born under Napoleon's rule come to view him? Of course, if you don't feel comfortable saying what year you were born that's totally understandable.

Maxim Beckers

I like this question, i was born in ‘94 so i would likely also be to young to have the chance to serve under Napoleon, or to grow in the ranks alongside him and possibly build up a reputation with him as his generals and marshals did.


To build on a question asked in this dispatch, how did mail work in… the navies of this period? I’m almost done with the Aubrey-Maturin novels, the historical fiction series about life in the British navy in the Napoleonic War. True to life, I’m sure, letters to and from home are a constant preoccupation of the main characters. But how did it work with ships that were on missions, like those described in the books, that took them far around the world? In a few cases ships happen to be carrying mail for each other, happen on each other, and swap packages… but is that a fictional convention or something that actually happened? (I asked this question on r/AskHistorians and was referred to a great answer about 18th century mail among sailors, but a key assumption of the answer seems to be that the sailor would be stationary, not mobile, which is more of my concern.) https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/13lye8l/how_did_mail_between_home_and_british_sailors/


IMAX debut tickets for tomorrow! Can’t wait

Kevin Xu

When talking with someone folks they mentioned the Grand Sandherin that Napoleon made. It seems we missed it chronologically, but wondering if it has the same impact as the Concordant in terms of shaping modern government and religious(or Jewish) relations