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Here is the ninth patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: the birth of the modern restaurant, military intelligence, and how I write the show.

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!


Jacob Hufstader

Thanks for taking my question. Really interesting stuff


Was there such a thing as a war correspondent or embedded journalism in this era? How did news of the campaign get back home?

Nathaniel Webb

Thanks for answering my question! Now that I know we can ask process questions as well, here's mine: have you considering making your episode scripts available as text? I would love to be able to reference the episodes without scrolling through audio, and even do text searches, when I want to go back to a particular fact or segment. I can only speak for myself, but I'd be happy to pay for a higher Patreon tier or otherwise fork over cash for this. No need to answer on air—just think about it! :)


I have looked into this and unfortunately it gets into some weird areas legally. I might try to do it anyway, but it will require a little more research. Sorry.


The question about the ranking of the Marshals reminded me of the Epic History TV Youtube video about it. They also produced videos about the campaigns from 05 to 14 and are now working on the Italian Campaign. Have you have a chance to see them? They are extremely entertaining, I've lost count of how many times I've watched them. I'll leave them linked bellow if anyone wants to check them out. Mareshals ranked - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nj2leSnjr4 05-09 Campaigns - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91OmO2YMiDM 09-14 Campaigns - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBSGSkIasRY


Thanks for everything. Question: if you had to recommend *one* book that would act as a "spoiler" for the rest of the Napoleonic Age (/your podcast series), what would it be? I'm aware that Waterloo / Elba happened but am ignorant as to how we got there -- would love to read a historical overview that could give me a foundation for the rest of the show. Thanks again!


I have always wondered which French regiment was most feared by the coalition forces, I am aware of the fame of the imperial guard (specifically the Grenadiers of the old Guard) but I was wondering if there were any other lesser known regiments with similar or better battle records and do you have a favourite regiment that you find interesting? Keep up the good work!


My brother in law has recently gotten into “Master And Commander” and has become an anti-Napoleon “Nelsonist”. Do you have suggestions for a tactful way to ban him from future family functions? Thanks.


Hello! For whatever reason I am having trouble finding the podcast about the post Napoleonic wars to WWI mentioned in this dispatch. Could someone point me in the right direction?