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Here is the third patrons-only Dispatch. Topics include Napoleon on film, food and drink on campaign, and the Irish patriot Napper Tandy. 

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. Thanks for your support!



A bit off topic from the history, but I am curious if you are interested at all in strategy videogames. If so, have you played any that you think capture either the geopolitical complexities of the time period or the battlefield realities of this period's warfare. For example, I think of EU4 for the geopolitical element, but find that by the time you're in the Napoleonic era, the game no longer accurately represents the time period. For battlefield simulation, my mind goes to Total War: Napoleon. But that game has not aged well. A similar question around board games might be even more interesting...


Catching up with the Patreon episodes. Charles Heidsieck's son carried on in his father's footsteps attempting to take advantage of the American Civil War only to be imprisoned by Benjamin Butler in New Orleans on accusations of being a spy in 1862. A proud lineage!