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Here is the twenty-fourthpatrons-only Dispatch. Topics include: Luxembourg in the Napoleonic Wars, the Baker Rifle, and the royalist émigrés.

Don't forget to leave any questions for the next dispatch below. And once again: thank you for your support!


Will McCabe

Thanks so much for all your hard work on the podcast, Everett, and congrats on two years of the Dispatches! After I finished Mike Duncan’s Revolutions, I sorely needed a new historical narrative podcast, and The Age of Napoleon quickly filled that niche. It’s also reignited my interest in the Napoleonic period, so thanks for that, too! It’s always nice to revisit a topic after many years and find there is still so much more history to discover. I have a question about the French colonies. I know you discussed this a bit at the end of the mini-series covering the Haitian Revolution, but what was life like in the colonies under Napoleon’s reign, considering the reimposition of slavery and the British naval blockade? To what extent did the re-enslaved people of France’s remaining Caribbean possessions resist efforts to turn back the clock, and how did the political struggle between “grands blancs” and “petits blancs” play out under the Empire? Did Britain attempt further invasions of French colonies, as they had during the Haitian Revolution and the War of the First Coalition? And how did France manage its colonies while Britain dominated the high seas in a time of war?


Thanks so much for making this podcast! You do an amazing job of bringing the narrative and the characters to life and I always look forward to the episodes each month. There has been a few times when you've closed these shows out with folk songs from the Napoleonic wars. As a fan of traditional music, it is really striking how much of an impact the wars had on the folk songs of the time and you can find plenty of sympathetic and not so sympathetic treatments of Napoleon in Irish and British traditions, offering a fascinating insight into how the geopolitical ructions touched the lives of ordinary people and what their responses were. My question is do you have a favourite folk song about Napoleon and who is your favourite interpreter? I like Nic Jones' interpretation of 'Bonny Light Horseman' and highly recommend Dónal Lunny, of Planxty, and Franke Harte's collection 'My Name is Napoleon Bonaparte'!

Mason Mcintyre

Between talking about your show and the recent movie, my friend told me a story he had heard about Josephine and Napoleon. My friend claimed that Napoleon once sent a letter to Josephine requesting that she not bathe before he got home. Is this true? If not, how’d the rumor get started?

Geoffrey Dellar

Thank you for continuing to make the podcast and these patron only dispatches. How common were sieges in the napoleonic wars? How impactful were they? And how were They fought?