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Hi Friends!

It’s officially spring! Although last week definitely felt like summer.

I finally bit the bullet and put out my first video on YouTube in a long time, it definitely feels like the fresh start I needed. Whilst I’m currently having a few technical hiccups with storage and editing software the aim is to have a new video weekly and you’ll all have early access to those! So stay tuned!

I started this Patreon to support my work on Off Limits comic and am sorry that it has taken a back seat, but progress has been happening behind the scenes. So this month you will be seeing updates on that as I begin prioritising the comic and my YouTube, sorry Instagram! This means teaser snippets of issues 1-3 and some early views of sketches for issue 1. It’s been a long time coming!

I am pushing to continue my work as an illustrator and content creator full time after the pandemic dies down, so I am beyond grateful for the support you all have given so far.

Be sure to catch up on last months content if you’ve missed it and as always, a massive thank you to everyone for your support:

Cath Shanks
Zeus Williams
Steve Nemzek

-Immy x



