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I felt inspired this morning, by another creator, to make a group chat for you all! This will be a space where you can ask me about freelance work, progress on the comic, new videos and just generally about life and were I can hear stories from you guys as well!

I think this is going to be a really exciting and fun thing to have and I hope as I grow that the chat will also grow and you’ll get to meet and hear from loads of other amazing and creative people!

Here is the link to join, please don’t share it yet as early access is only available for you guys 🙏

Chat link - https://t.me/joinchat/Pj67exdCaq68imclMyn88A

I look forward to hearing from all of you!

Loads of love!

Your Friendly Explorer Spidergirl x


The chat is on an app called Telegram, it’s free and you can download it here for Apple:


And here for Android:




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