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A lot of content coming to finish out the month! 3 images in your Story Lovers' folder!

Restless and Unanswered

Dana looked at her deceased sexual toys, all grown men dressed up in snazzy uniforms that conveyed authority and threatened violence—even if they were just mall rent-a-cops. Her pussy churned at the thought of how easily she used and demolished these so-called powerful people. Her smooth heels and dainty toes left the floor as she languidly began to touch herself, using just a tiny fraction of her super speed. Her hand blurred as her long fingers churned far more powerfully against her sex, penetrating deeper and more forcefully than any of those pathetic, weak, male members.

Her beautifully, tanned, smooth skin flushed bright red, something that powerful man-made weapons could not achieve. No weapon she had been struck with by any mere mortal could leave a mark on her skin, let alone blush as cherry red as she currently was. Her heated skin and fiery swishing blood flowed through her immaculately gorgeous, incomparably powerful, hyper-feminine form as she reclined back, long luscious limbs splayed out and decorated by the impressive twin swells of her impossibly firm ass and absolutely unrepentant, large breasts.

As her biceps flexed, working herself harder and faster, much more so than the force it took Dana to lift an automobile, her perfectly manicured toes began to curl as the ambient temperature around her lascivious body grew unbearably hot. Her back arched even further, showing off her sublime flexibility and supple body, despite her invulnerability and super strength. Dana wasn’t just some brute—she was an icon of female sexuality, with far, far more raw strength and power than any human being ever in existence.

Dana’s exquisite, lush, large breasts bounced on her slender frame, her dark nipples perking and quivering as her right hand continued to churn between the hot, sweet junction in between her long, full, athletic thighs. Her sweet, tangy nectar squished as it flowed down the length of her fingers, those delicate digits curling deep in her tight embrace of her nether lips, hard enough to melt steel as she stimulated herself to new heights.

“Yes! Yes!” Dana gasped, her fluid, wide hips bucking furiously, slamming into the heel of her hand as she sought the kind of stimulation she could no longer get from any man or woman. She tilted her head to look at her conquests, her half lidded eyes and long, dark lashes opening like stage curtains to reveal the otherworldly bright glow of her mesmeric green eyes, scanning the lifeless bodies of the men she’d used against their will, and all a brief, fleeting hedonistic meeting where she made them experience so much pleasure that they literally died for her, and, and...

Dana’s super hard, super strong body clenched in a furious orgasm.

The things she had done to those men! The things she could do to anyone, or anything! Her fingers continued to pump furiously into her aching womb as her excited exhalation blew a hole through the ceiling. Plaster showered down upon her, hard, dense building material slamming into her beautiful face, those protruding, gravity defying breasts, but her diamond hard nipples put their deep, unique imprint on the falling material before her quaking body tore it into little pieces from the intensity of her orgasmic vibrations.

“Mmmf... yeah...” Dana moaned softly as her hand still churned faster than a drill, though considerably slower than before. Her left hand reached up, fingers extended, to trace against the lines of her marvelously defined abs, flowing up past her cinched waist and into the deep valley of her awe-inspiring cleavage. The valley of her femininity was still red hot, and she luxuriated in its feeling as she softly caressed the inner slopes of those substantial globes, sending tingles through her already tingling body.

Her fingers slid up the dramatic slopes of her breasts as she rolled those invulnerable erotic peaks between her fingers, squeezing hard enough to crush stone to dust. The sensation sent bolts of pure pleasure through her body, as if she’d just been shocked by an electrical current. Despite having just orgasmed, Dana’s body recovered from the crippling rush instantly and launched into an immediate second orgasm, her flight now erratic and jerky as she seized and clenched, folding and unfolding the long lines of her beautiful limbs and the sinuous, swerving slopes of her dramatic curves.

Dana’s phone dinged again.

“Dammit,” Dana muttered as she shuddered in ecstasy. Immediately, she was rejuvenated again, recovering immediately from her earth-shattering climax.

She floated over to where she’d left her phone and checked it. It was her mom again.

“And ask your dad for more money. He hasn’t been answering my calls,” it read.

Dana clicked her tongue. Her relationship with her mother was... icy. But a thought occurred to her. What if... what if Mom had super powers too?

No way. Why would she live like that in such a slobby house, getting by on Dad’s money?

Still, Dana touched down on the ground once more and curled her fingers one by one into a fist, flexing her arm so that bands of steel ran down her wrist and forearms. What if, for whatever reason, she did?

A quick angry glance and a sweep of her head, and Dana turned all of the guards’ bodies to ash. She walked through a random store’s security gate, hands on hips, colliding into its metal bars with her breasts first. The metal bent away from her before her swaying hips did its work as well, widening the hole to feel a dramatic outline of her dramatic figure. Throwing on any old pair of clothes, they conformed to her body like a second skin, hugging every curve of her goddess’s shape, dressing her in a white crop top that showed off her six pack abs and a pair of black shorts that put her stunning ass on full display. A pair of knee high socks and shoes formed on her feet and lower legs despite the original outfit not covering that part of her stunning anatomy.

With that, Dana was done with her shopping trip at the mall. She ascended up to the ceiling once more, floated through the closing mall at a normal pace, and exited the mall to make her way home high in the sky, under her own impossible powers of flight.


Dana landed at the porch of her mom’s front door. Her heart was pounding for some reason. Butterflies danced in her flawless stomach. What possible reason could she have to be nervous? She was a fucking superpowered goddess now!

Remembering at the last moment not to rip the door off its hinges, Dana traced the lock with her nail and willed it to open. The tumblers turned as the huge metal bolt submitted to the power of her telekinesis immediately.

“You’re home?” her mother called from the living room. “I thought you were at Dad’s.”

Dana was fairly certain she’d been quiet. The TV was blaring with canned laughter at whatever sitcom her mother was watching. The redheaded teenager almost instinctively turned on her X-ray vision to look through the little two foot solid section of wall that impeded her view, wondering if her mother was staring at herself right now with her own X-ray vision. The thought of someone having the same powers as her—nay, probably even stronger than her own; the woman was her mother after all—scared her. Even her clothing suddenly unglued itself from Dana’s body, becoming a little looser. Less arrogant. Less confident.

“Oliver dropped me off,” Dana answered as she turned the corner.

Her mother was lying there splayed out on the couch, a bowl of melted, half eaten ice cream on the coffee table. Couch cushions everywhere, stained blankets littered around the rug. And despite how she ate, she still had a fairly impressive figure. Especially for someone at the age of 40.

“Well shit. You got lunch money? I can only give you half for tomorrow. You ever consider getting a job?” she continued to stare at the TV screen while never looking up at Dana.

“Whatever, Mom.” Dana walked past her mother, toward the staircase that led to their upper floor bedrooms.

Her mom said nothing. Didn’t even move from her position.

“Hey, Mom?” Dana asked midway as she half stepped, half floated up the staircase.

She didn’t answer.

“Mom!” Dana, in all of her power, was losing her patience now.

“I’m watchin’ TV here,” her mother with the long blonde locks drawled.

“What do you... think... about power?” Dana managed to blurt out.

“What is this, part of your little debate club homework? The hell kind of a topic is that, ‘what do I think about power,’” she mocked. “Power is great if you’re in power. Debate club these days,” she muttered under her breath.

Of course, Dana’s sensitive hearing picked up that little tidbit. She stood there, staring over the banister, one leg on the step and the other leg raised, floating in the air, completely forgetting that she was vaguely trying to tease out any information from her mother while hiding her own magnificent abilities. The redhead peered critically at her mother, who continued to behave as if nothing was out of the ordinary. That is to say, a total deadbeat focused on her stupid TV.

Dana couldn’t resist anymore.

Her already bright eyes glowed even greener, incandescent and beautiful as she stripped away any solid objects of her choosing from her view. She checked out her mother’s body—for purely scientific reasons, of course—noting that her flesh and bones looked just as normal as anyone else’s. Which she confirmed by peeking through her neighbor’s walls, and then their neighbor’s walls, and then until the end of the next three blocks down, just for good measure.

Still oblivious to Dana’s peeping, her mother remained on the couch, reaching over for her disgusting bowl of molten, three flavor blended ice cream. Dana looked down at her own body. Well, mostly her breasts, considering they impeded her downward view of everything else. Unlike everything else which turned into a glowing wireframe, or disappeared from view entirely, Dana’s eyes could not penetrate her mountainous breasts. Or the back of her hands. Or any part of her long, extended leg that she flexed upward.

No, if her mother were super, it certainly wasn’t in a way that Dana recognized.

Realizing that she was floating there in the stairwell while performing a perfect standing—well, floating—split, Dana’s smug smile returned to her face. She put her leg down, and her clothes immediately returned to their form flattering skintight look. Dana floated to her bedroom, fairly confident that whatever was happening to her, was happening to her alone.

And that was the way it should be.

Still keeping her ears attuned to her mother, Dana flew absolutely silently up the stairwell, aside from the sound of a whoosh filling the vacuum where she had been right before she’d bolted away with her superspeed. A short blur later, and Dana was naked once more, her whatever outfit a pile on the bedroom floor, transforming back into whatever unflattering thing it had been. She intertwined her fingers and cracked her knuckles loudly, knowing that she could shove a car miles through the air with that little gesture. The muscles on her back flexed, her feminine strength rippling with so much furious potential underneath her satiny smooth skin.

The chilly air didn’t bother her. She sent a jet of superbreath toward the open door, blowing it with just enough force to close the door loudly, but not hard enough to splinter the wood and the entire rest of the upper floor as if a tornado had wreaked havoc upon it. She jabbed a finger at the lock and rotated her wrist with a mischievous smile, turning the lock shut before tilting her head and wagging her finger a bit more, mashing the metal together with nothing but the force of her mind. It would be no issue for her to untangle the metal in the morning, but it wouldn’t do to have someone walk in on her while she was flying.

Floating horizontally above her bed now, Dana thought to go to sleep. She yawned out of habit and stretched her well-toned arms out above her head, arching her back and turning onto her side, as if trying to convince herself that her superbod was tired.

About two minutes later, Dana was convinced that wouldn’t work.

She just didn’t need to sleep! At least, not yet. And she was getting horny again. God, her body just couldn’t get enough!

As she began to idly touch herself once more, pinching her peachy pink hood with force akin a hydraulic press, she dipped down to her bedside table to grab her phone. And despite the fact that she immediately wracked herself with an orgasm, she managed to navigate her phone flawlessly to call Oliver.

The phone rang endlessly before it went to the answering machine.

Dana grimaced in pleasure while simultaneously scowling as she focused her gaze on Oliver’s house, miles away. Sure enough, he was awake and had simply ignored her call.

Pinching her clit and swirling it in her fingers once more, she orgasmed as she poked out a text, her beautiful hand a complete blur.

“I can see you. Answer.”

She cackled almost too loudly when she saw his reaction as he read her message. His hands trembled and beads of sweat began to form on his forehead. With trembling hands, he waited for the call to appear once more, but Dana had a sudden change of plans.

The window to her bedroom opened with a flick of her wrist, and a few seconds later, Dana had flown out into the night sky, totally nude, before showing up outside of Oliver’s bedroom. Hovering in the air.

And then, she floated right through his bedroom wall.

The plaster showered down onto the floor loudly, accompanied by the cold breeze of the night air.

“Oliver,” Dana commanded. “I’m horny. So I’m going to fuck you.”

“Holy fuck! Dana! You... you broke my room!”

Dana rolled her eyes. And she could hear Oliver’s parents running upstairs to see what had happened. She ran her fingers under her breasts, fondling and squeezing, tilting her head back and moaning. The sight of her immediately got Oliver hard. She could hear the sudden rapid thumping of his heartbeat.

“Oliver! What happened! Who... Dana!?”

Dana squared her head and opened her eyes to gaze down upon Oliver’s parents. She aimed her tits right at them, bringing all of her hypnotic power to bear. They immediately froze like deer in headlights before their eyes drooped and their lips went slack. And his father was suddenly sporting an uncomfortably hard erection.

“You will always stay out of my way and not tell anyone about my power,” Dana began to command.

“We will,” they both droned simultaneously.

“Guhhhh...” Oliver tried to protest, but he was being battered by Dana’s mind control as well, despite her not targeting him directly. Her breasts simply cast too wide a net with their sexual allure.

“You approve of the fact that I come and rape your son on a regular basis, whenever I want, wherever I want.”

“We approve,” they droned.

“Good! You can leave now,” Dana concluded. “Oh wait. And you’ll both lust for me, and you can never orgasm without thinking about me, but you will feel immense shame about it,” Dana cackled.

“Shame, shame, shame...” they both chanted.

“Now come, and then leave,” Dana ordered.

Both of them shuddered on the spot, staining their pants. Then they turned on their heels and left, flooded with a feeling of shame.

“That was fun!” Dana chittered. “But now I’m here for the main course.”

The supergirl with the hypnotits flew over Oliver’s head, placed her long, long legs on his shoulders, and squeezed her thighs around his ears. The sweet, honeyed scent of her aphrodisiacal juices filled his lungs, and he began to orgasm immediately.

“And to think somebody wouldn’t want this,” Dana examined her fingernails as she squeezed and floated into the air, taking Oliver with her. “Can it even be called rape if I make everyone come?” Then a sinister grin. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Oliver screamed, his cries muffled by her superhuman sex. He wrapped his arms over her thighs, hanigng on for dear life.

“Suck!” Dana ordered.

Oliver did as he was told, fighting a losing battle against Dana’s womanhood. Every lick was painful ecstasy, his balls churning with need as they struggled to keep up and produce. But Dana’s will, her sexuality, her superhuman power overrode all of Oliver’s limits, forcing him to give her pleasure while she inadvertently doled out more than he could handle.

“What the hell is going on here!?” Pauline walked into Oliver’s room. “D-Dana!?”

“I didn’t know your big sister was in town!” Dana chirped as she squeezed Oliver’s head a tiny bit more with her legs. “This should be fun...”



Fuck!The third image is amazing, a super goddess with a steel body, floating lithe in the air. She has absolute freedom, she can go anywhere in the universe, no obstacle can stop her invincible body, no gravity can restrain her flight.