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More Play Things

Dana laughed as she soared through the polished hallways of the mall with her superspeed. The overall area was still open for business, but it was a non-Friday weekday, and shops were beginning to close. Stepping out of the diamond shaped hole in the gate that she’d pried apart with her bare hands and feet—well, pried was probably the wrong word, it was more like... barely pushed with her fingertips and toes—Dana scanned left, scanned right, before pushing off of the marbled floor with her toes and floating straight up. The building was a high ceiling two story affair, and the heart-stoppingly beautiful and very very nude redhead drifted straight up like a diver in reverse, a beatific, joyful, sinister expression on her supermodel face, her long arms and even longer, wonderfully sculpted legs extended as she ignored gravity per her will.

Dana didn’t fly fast by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, anyone could have spotted the stunningly nude beauty as she performed her impossible feat. But the mall was sparse enough that nobody noticed, and certainly none of the shoppers were interested in looking up toward the ceiling where Dana had easily turned herself parallel to it and the world below, hiding in plain sight a few dozen feet above the heads of all the pathetic weaklings below.

The rising heat, thanks to both natural forces and the pumping air conditioning was palpable up in that untraveled area. Her lips curled into a sneer as she decided she would help it out. Thinking of the Christmas decorations and the fake snow that the workers put up, Dana thought to bring them Christmas in summer. All at no cost to them!

Still floating with her bulging butt pressing against the ceiling, she ground her delectable ass cheeks into it just for fun, sending plaster crumbling down as deep cracks fragmented across the structure. Then, pursing her thick, ruby red lips, Dana summoned upon her newest power.

As Dana inhaled deeply and satisfyingly, those superhuman lungs seemingly never reaching any sort of capacity, her awe-inspiring breasts pushed outward, so huge, full, and dramatic considering her hyper feminine willowy frame. She cut off her deep inhalation, held that supercompressed air in her unfathomably powerful lungs, and exhaled through her cupid bow lips softly and gently, like one lover might tease another’s ear or neck.

But her sexy breath, capable of making men and women alike both orgasm on the spot from her sweet, aphrodisiacal scent, came out in a translucent, sparkling, shimmering blue instead. The cool breeze wafted through the air, instantly icing over the ceiling and all of its fixtures, crackling loudly as an expanding outward cone of ice emanated from Dana’s otherwise hot, sexy mouth.

It didn’t create a nice snowy effect like Dana had imagined. Instead, she’d caused a bunch of the electrical components to cease working and permanently damaged the building material with what was basically a decade of permafrost.

Dana closed her lips, cutting off the stream of her breath that still traveled outward in a dissipating cone. Yeah, this was way better than a snowy surprise. She couldn’t wait to try this on a person...

The ambient temperature dropped precipitously below. Families and teens, dressed in summer clothing, suddenly began to shiver and huddled from warmth as Dana chuckled overhead. Their skin was already turning blue, their teeth chattering! Meanwhile, Dana’s awesome body and smooth, silky skin still retained their perfect slightly sunkissed perfection, her bright teeth shining brilliantly as she remained in perfect control of her body. Or, almost perfect. Her pussy was dripping her sweet love juices and her large, dark nipples, while not bothered by the chill, definitely got hot and bothered.

While everyone shivered and stumbled their way through the icy halls, seeking the relief of a sweltering summer day, Dana perused some clothing from her high vantage point. Seeing one of the big retailers that sold dresses for high schoolers for prom and the like, Dana somersaulted in the air during her descent, performing a graceful, beautiful acrobatic performance to no one in particular.

Landing on her bare feet, Dana could feel the cold seeping into the marble floor. She wiggled her toes and flexed her bare arches, bouncing on the balls of her feet up and down, shattering the tiles beneath her just for fun with some light bouncing. Her sensitive ears picked up a soft gasp from somewhere within the retailer... Dana’s ears twitched as she picked up the sound immediately and pinpointed its source with her all-seeing, glowing emerald eyes, peering through the racks of clothing as if they weren’t there.

Wrapped underneath a bundle of clothes and shivering for warmth, an older adult man wearing an employee’s badge was peeking out, staring right at Dana’s nudity. An instant later, she was standing right before him, her fists on her child-bearing hips, legs spread and standing, towering over his crouching form.

Barely had he registered her sudden arrival when he was hit by a cold blast of air. All of the clothing in the wake of Dana’s movement got blasted, being blown off their hangers. Those that remained fluttered, blown violently as if they were windsocks in a violent storm.

“Did you see me flying?” Dana asked, her expression stern.

The man’s gasped as his eyes traveled upward, drinking down every luscious inch of Dana’s beauty at surprise close range. They lingered at her muscular thighs and beautifully glistening, moist pussy lips, up past the exaggerated outer curve of her hip and the swooping counter curve of her rigid abdominals, until his eyes finally reached the magnificently rounded spheres of Dnaa’s breasts. They had a gravity of their own, sucking in his gaze like a black hole from which there was no escape. Indeed, his member had already grown completely hard at the sight of their unbelievable perfection. Not only were the largest pair of womanly swells he’d ever had the honor of seeing (and it wasn’t even close—he seriously could not believe that this girl’s chest outdid the sizes he saw on girls who had underwent plastic surgery), it really was the best pair of breasts he had ever seen. If he’d seen them as a picture, he could spend weeks masturbating to it while knowing that they were photoshopped or edited in some other way. But to see them in real life...

And not only were they large, they were firm. They jutted forward proudly, arrogantly, casting their own pair of twin shadows over his vision. How could a girl who was that slender, that strongly built with an athlete’s body, have a pair of tits so mind-bendingly sexy!?

He scanned one luscious sphere of female flesh, then the other. They looked perfectly symmetrical, with a brief gap between them as he transitioned from her erotic left breast to her lust-inducing right. That canyon right in between them... she was so large that they would engulf his cock entirely. He could lose himself in that experience as he lost his cock in between those proud tits as she pressed against his rock hard dick by squeezing those luscious sweater puppies.

Or fuck that. He could play with them himself. He wanted to place his palms on those balloons, squeeze, and knead them for all he was worth. He probably wouldn’t even be able to fit them in his hands!

It was then that he noticed her nipples. Clean looking areola, perking chocolate peaks that made him salivate as his penis surged even harder. He gasped at the shock of the tip of his sensitive head pressing uncomfortably against his slacks which were far too cold. Just how had it gotten so cold!?

He was losing it. He thought he had just seen this girl descend from the air completely unaided. And then, the sight of her bouncing had brought a cacophony of cracking sounds. Had the floor become so brittle from some cold?

And why was she, glorious as her beauty was, completely naked and wholly unaffected by this freak weather event?

“Are you done yet?” Dana tapped her bare foot on the floor.

The arch of her foot began to shake the foundation! What was happening?!

“S-s-s-s-sorry,” his teeth chattered. “Y-y-y-you can... fly?”

Dana had to make a decision on the spot. It was true that she had used and abused her powers on people near or around her for fun. But she had always hypnotized them to silence them. The thought of going big time, being broadcasted as a leader of Earth as an unparalleled, unprecedented superhuman, having everyone worship her...

It just didn’t appeal. Dana liked picking when and where, on a whim, who to seduce, dominate, and utterly destroy. What fun would it be to be actively worshipped? If everyone already knew about her, where would she find people who would resist her beauty and power before she broke them?

And also, what if there were other people who had powers? Maybe even more power than her?

She scowled at the thought. Completely unacceptable. She made up her mind.

“Yeah, I can fly. It’s easy,” Dana smiled as she softened her expression. Remaining completely still, her bare feet left the floor once more to the sound of his now familiar gasp. Dana spread her legs, fingering her pussy with her powerful fingers before crossing one long leg over the other. Sitting there in midair, she sucked her own fingers and plunged them back down between the junction of her thighs as she anticipated living out a fantasy that she’d always dreamed of.

“H-h-h-how...?” His cock surged even harder at the sight of her masturbation.

“That’s not the only thing. You know how cold it is here? I did that!” Dana grinned.

“Y-y-you... what?” His teeth chattered.

“With my breath,” Dana answered. She turned her head to a side and placed the palm of her hand underneath her chin and exhaled another soft, cold breath. The cone of frost immediately expanded outward, turning a bunch of clothing brittle with frost.

And he, already cold, was turning a pale shade of blue.

“And I just don’t want anyone to tell the world just what I can do, you understand? It would be such a hassle! So it’s goodbye for you now...”

“W-w-what!? N-n-n-no, please!” he begged.

“Don’t worry! I won’t freeze you! Anymore...” Dana winked a bright green eye at him.

Kissing the tips of her fingers slowly while her other hand plunged into the molten hot depths of her tight coils, Dana lowered the palm of her hand and blew his way. This time, there was no cone of frost that greeted him. But instead, the sound of a windstorm inside the little store began to crescendo until it became absolutely deafening.

All of the clothes that he had buried himself under began to fly away from him. Her sweet breath battered and cut his face as the metal stand fixtures that supported the clothing began to groan as they tipped away from her. The ones that were bolted to the floor, at least. The ones that weren’t immediately succumbed to the supergirl’s sexy puff, scraping loudly along the forzen floor.

He leaned forward instinctively against the fragrant windstorm, trying to keep low to the ground to increase his resistance. But the floor was so cold, it burnt his skin! But if he got up, he would be carried away! Tossed aside, by nothing but this redhead’s shockingly sexy, perfumed breath...

His hair quivered violently against Dana’s puff. He tried to look at her, but her kiss was so forceful it stung his eyes. And all the while, she remained there, sitting in the air, looking like she didn’t have a care in the world as she tormented him with her sexy blowing...

And then Dana blew just a tiny bit harder, upending all of the metal fixtures and sending them crashing into the wall behind. The sound of frozen metal crashing into each other, bending and breaking to bits, filled the air.

Meanwhile, her little victim lost his footing. He was tossed helplessly against the wreckage behind, leaving his body broken.

Dana merely closed her lips and smiled. Oh god, she was horny!

After a quick, planet crushing pinch of her gooey, engorged clit, Dana trembled in delight in midair before she remembered that she had a date with the security guards. Her body recovered instantly as she flew off to make her self-declared appointment. But not before picking up a frozen, cheap dress, throwing it into the air, and flying headfirst into it. Her movement was impossibly fluid and graceful as the dress, like a partner in a choreographed ballet, began to conform to her body, changing from cheap frozen cloth to a black number that probably outshone the fancy boutique that Dana had just “struck” a deal with.

Then, Dana flew off toward the security guard’s room.

Standing before the solid wall, Dana landed on the black heels that had just finished forming over her feet. Without ceremony, she walked forward. Her long left leg clicked on the cold floor. Then her right, with no room in front of her, smashed right through the solid wall. Her toes and her shin impacted first, bashing right through it with more force than a wrecking ball. Her thigh followed, carving out even more space, before her protruding breasts wreaked utter devastation.

Another step, and Dana’s entire body carved through it, covering her perfect hair and body in plaster dust. The wall crumbled away into nothingness, leaving tiny pieces of rubble at her feet. But even the dust didn’t mar her as her morphing power simply let the pollution slip off of her skin, leaving her pristine and perfectly unmarked.

“W-what’s going on!?” one of the three guards stared at her, her hands once again resting on her hips with her chest thrust out.

“I raped and killed your co-worker George,” Dana recalled with her perfect memory from the throwaway scan that she had performed across his entire body, “and now I’m going to have some fun with you!”

“Is this some kind of joke!? What just happened to that wall? And why is it so cold?” another guard asked. None of them took her threat seriously.

“No, it’s not a joke. I just walked through the wall. And it’s cold because I made it cold. Now, I like it when my toys fight back a little. So if you don’t mind...”

Dana lifted one arm off of her hip and extended a single finger. One of the guards suddenly floated into the air. He screamed and flailed his limbs, but he flopped like a fish out of water, rising higher and higher as Dana raised a single eyebrow and maneuvered him with her telekinesis.

“Bob? What’s happening!?” they both gasped.

“H-Help!” he cried.

“Hahaha! Now watch this!” Dana cackled.

She began to twirl that one extended finger. His body began to spin in circles like some sort of game show wheel. Dana covered her mouth as she began to giggle, watching him spin clockwise in the air. Faster and faster he twirled before she retracted her finger, letting the stunned and dizzy man flop onto the floor.

“Well?” Dana idly examined the fingernails of her hand that had nearly incapacitated someone without even touching them.

The two guards weren’t supposed to use their batons. They weren’t actually supposed to use violence at all. But both of them immediately reached for it and rushed Dana. She just stood there and continued to inspect her hand as they tried, over and over, to club her lascivious, perfect, unbreakable body with their pathetic toys.

The third one, a little wobbly and green in the face, also attacked her, seeking revenge. She let their rains blow down all over her lovely face, the curve and countercurve of her waist and hips, and of course, the twin magnificence of her sexually alluring breasts.

Soon, their blows began to weaken in fervor. They were getting tired already!? They had barely been striking her for fifteen seconds, and she couldn’t even feel it!

“My turn!” Dana declared to the three huffing and puffing men.

She looked at them, freezing them on the spot. Not with her breath, but with her mind. Her telekinetic tendrils gripped them all and lifted them into the air, slowly and ominously. The batons left their grips, floating at eye level toward Dana.

“Now, since you guys tried to beat me with these sticks, how about I try hitting you back with them?” Dana offered.

She turned her head to look at one of them. It was hovering completely stand still in midair, and then, it suddenly launched forward as if it were a bullet being fired out of a gun. It struck one of the guards in the chest, bending him in half, breaking his body and sending him smashing into the video console that they sat at all day.

The guards screamed, or tried to, as they saw what happened to their colleague. But Dana’s mind grip was so powerful, they couldn’t even unclench their jaws unless she let them.

“And you...” she looked at another with her hypnotic eyes.

He suddenly felt the straight jacket of her telekinetic bind disappear. Without her aid, he began to fall toward the floor. But before he could hit the floor and crumple into a heap, Dana blew hima tiny kiss that shook him so hard that he died from the impact of her breath, long before he had been sent flying to join his friend against the video console that was now a garbage heap of broken hardware and computer chips.

“Oh, I guess I don’t need these anymore,” Dana waved her hand nonchalantly, breaking the two nightsticks in half and letting them clatter on the floor in four pieces.

“N-n-n-no... please...” the last guard begged.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be nice. You’re going to enjoy this,” Dana purred seductively, licking her thick ruby lips with a long, dextrous tongue.

The timbre of her voice was so impossibly sexy, her voice a force unto itself. It seemed to echo in his mind, over and over, shaking his soul to its very core as his penis immediately surged to full hardness. The sight of her floating toward him, her full cleavage on display, only added to the seduction.

He orgasmed a sticky mess into his pants, held by Dana’s mind in midair.

“Did you like that?” Dana continued to speak, playing him like a fiddle with her smoky voice that delivered forbidden promises to her little toy.

He groaned and tried to spasm again as he once more blew his load, even harder and more fiercely than the first time.

“Mmm...” Dana floated in close, placed both of her hands either side of his head, and locked her lips with his.

Her tongue forced its way into his mouth as she continued to force him to ejaculate nonstop with her low growl. Her warm, steely body pressed against his as she began to intensify the kiss, sucking the air out of his lungs as his mind turned white hot with pure pleasure while his testicles ached from the impossible pressure of nonstop release that Dana was putting him through.

And just when he was about to black out, Dana exhaled ice softly back into his lungs. He began to freeze, inch by inch, starting at his mouth, turning blue and brittle from his head down to his feet.

Then, Dana broke the liplock and floated backwards, letting him shatter into a million pieces on the floor.

Her phone buzzed.

“You staying with Dad tonight?” the text from her mom read. “Tell him he still has to watch you on weekends. This doesn’t count.”

What a killjoy, to be texted and blueballed by her mom in such an intimate moment. Still, Dana would change and fly home. Maybe mom knew something about these powers...


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