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Dana Gets Dolled Up

Still soaring over the forest against the bright red setting sun, Dana’s eyes suddenly picked out bright and brilliant details from the fluffy clouds floating above her, her eyes peering at them and even through them for miles behind as if they weren’t there at all!

She gasped so hard that she accidentally rocketed a few miles upward as she twitched from the startling sensation of basically having given herself a jump scare.

Looking downward at an angle now to the same nowhere spot in particular, Dana adjusted the unfathomably powerful and fine... whatever it was in her eyes. Her long lashes draped downwards in a gentle flowing motion as she squinted and focused her gaze once more, willing them to see even further. The thin, lack of atmosphere went completely unnoticed to her beautiful nose as she focused on this new, unexpected development that seemed to be happening to her every few hours.

Picking a treetop, Dana found it as easy as reading a sign hanging a few feet in front of her. No, even easier. She hyper focused on a pine cone, memorizing its every jagged edge, its every mosaic scale, and saw all of the seeds hidden within. Even the back of the cone was visible to her as the whole image turned pale bluish white and translucent.

“Mmm...” Dana chewed her perfect lip as she now peered right past the pine cone and all the way to the forest floor with her piercing eyes. Every detail of every blade of grass, every pine needle... anything at all was visible to her. Then, her eyes drilled even deeper as it peeled back the Earth’s crust as she saw bright, hot, glowing molten layers of the planet’s core.

“Fucking SWEET!” she roared, her breath scattering the clouds for miles in front of her. She blinked her eyes back to normal, and their otherworldly glow dissipated. Then, she spun in midair with a blur to face behind her as she scanned the city’s streets to find her mother’s house.

There she was, working out on her exercise bike indoors while watching her reality show. And her mother’s boyfriend was just pulling up into the driveway too. Dana watched as he walked into the house as the entire building turned into a bluish white wire frame diagram. Her eyes tracked his every movement as she went up to her mom and... ew.

And they were going to go fuck now!? Dana was supposed to be coming home at any moment! The audacity!

She couldn’t decide if she wanted to continue peeking in gross fascination or not. Kicking into superspeed, the redhead’s thoughts raced while her mother and lover slowed to almost a standstill. Considering how Dana now seemed to have a super memory as well, she decided that the last thing she needed was to scar it by watching the two caught in a carnal act. But she couldn’t resist peering at what Steve was packing in between his pants.

Perhaps there was some fun to be had there... that would be sweet, sweet revenge for all of the alimony money that her mom spent all on herself which Dana didn’t see a penny of.

Turning her attention completely elsewhere lest she accidentally take another peek, Dana scanned the city. Her x-ray vision was one thing, her brilliant mind was another... and all of it combined with her superspeed took it all to a different level. She felt like a god! One by one, every person in the city, the interior of every house, the license plate on every car... she committed it all to memory flawlessly, a perfect snapshot of that moment in time laid out before her. And all of it was so vulnerable to her unstoppable power. She could fly down and have whoever she wanted, wherever she wanted. She could kick a car over the horizon, lift a building over her beautifully built arms before gently tossing it into orbit with a little press. She could flash her tits and have the whole city drooling at her pretty feet after they’d finished drooling at her jutting, gravity defying, perfectly formed tits...

Dana was horny again.

Reclining onto her back and hammering her pussy with her powerful fingers, her thumb rolled rapidly against her harder than diamond clit while her inner folds sucked and squeezed against her long, slender, delicate pistoning fingers. Her touch would have shattered stone to dust in an instant, but her libidinous body just sucked all of it up in a tidal wave of pressure and pleasure.

The nectar flowed freely from between the junction of her thighs as her sweet slit begged and ached to be filled. Even Dana could feel the forces of her cleanly shaven sex slamming against her hand... and it only served to drive her arousal even higher. Her skirt disintegrated off of her body as her limbs rubbed it against her lascivious hips, disintegrating the source material to flutter away, raining down onto the forest below as she continued to fondle herself with forces akin to a bubbling volcano.

She moved one of her wet hands up, tracing a fragrant trail of her sex soaked fingers over the lush curve of her hips, over her deeply etched abs, and up her ribcage. Those slick, sexy digits turned to cup the underside of her heaving bosom, ripping off her stylish crop top, letting the fabric turn back into the plain old whatever it was before it had the honor of being transformed by her body. Her lower hand continued to plug away at her hungry pussy, vibrating against her sensitive, erogenous walls and prodding deep into her G spot as her long, luscious legs twitched powerfully enough to demolish a tank. Meanwhile, her upper hand roamed in soft juxtaposition over the dramatic slope of her bountiful breast, sending tingles echoing through her pleasure-seeking body, radiating off the tip of her dark, perking nipple. The sight of her floating in the air against the backdrop of the setting sun, her back arched beautifully, her long limbs in full display, her tits thrust toward the heavens... it was simultaneously the most pornographic and most artistic display that anyone could have captured.

Dana’s thumb and index fingers rolled her aching nipple, pinching and squeezing as the rest of her fingers curled into and cupped her invulnerable, glistening flesh. That prodigious, erogenous mound bulged out from her fingers as even Dana, the superpowered goddess, began to lose control of her body, surrendering to the pleasure that only she was capable of giving herself. Her form began to blur as not only her hands, but her entire body began to thrum and vibrate at superspeed as it crested over its first, earth-shattering, yet mild orgasm.

Her body began to flail out of control, legs seizing, hips bucking, toes curling as her fingers continued to pound at her wet, hooded clit and pinched the dark peaks that crowned her breasts with all the force of industrial machinery, and then some. She began a jagged descent, blurring from one position to the next. Flat belly facing downward, lips parted, tongue hanging out as she humped her own hand. The simple thrusting motion would have flattened metal, but her dainty wrist maintained its posture as she pleasured herself on her hard fingers. On her side, her breast large enough for her nipple to be pulled toward her own wet, dripping mouth, her tongue flexing as it curled around her nipple and squeezed, bringing her to yet another wonderful climax. Standing in midair as she raised one leg perfectly straight above her head as she fantasized about manhandling Oliver, or anyone, with her single arm, making them beg for mercy even as her pussy squashed their members, demanding that they remain stiff and respect the sexual power of her wet, velvety steel...

Dana’s orgasms all blended into one another as she triggered one after the other in a nonstop storm of hedonism. Still plugging away in her standing split, she fell back down toward Earth, toes pointing toward the earth like a spear. Crashing through the treetops, Dana orgasmed again and again, each crashing wave of heavenly sensation synchronized with another hot, heaving exhale of her sweet breath. The pleasure sent forth from her gaping, gasping mouth toppled over the remaining trees that she hadn’t already flattened with her superior, physics-defying lungs as her toes dug into the hard ground.

She paid it no mind as she continued to grope and fondle herself. Her inexhaustible body never stopped seeking pleasure, and her super strength and precision senses let her bring herself to orgasm at will. Her straight body carved a vertical channel through the ground until she was buried to her slim belly before her bulging breasts made contact, carving two large cylindrical shafts through the earth as well. At some point, Dana had the presence of mind to halt her descent amidst being awash with pleasure while she continued to orgasm, causing the Earth to tremble all around her.

With one final arch and exhale, her breath exploded the dirt wall around her upwards, forming a large crater with her at its epicenter. Luxuriating in the warm afterglow of her self love, Dana felt no soreness in her pussy or exhaustion in her body at all. It had been just enough to take the edge off, but she was still filled to the brim with lust for the zest of life. Floating out of the crater she’d created, Dana turned around to face the Earth, kissed the tips of her fingers, and blew a little kiss downward gently as if to thank an invisible lover. The shattered landscape froze over instantly wherever her frozen breath touched it.

Now, she was totally naked, and there was nothing around to wear. She wondered if she could bend a tree around her torso to turn it into some sort of outfit, but the thought of being some sort of tree hugging hippy just wasn’t her style. Her super eyes zoomed back into town, and it immediately hit her. Why not go shopping? Wearing a tarp that looked like a million bucks on her... was still a tarp. She deserved more. Much more.

Running back to where she’d left her phone, Dana mused once again on the usefulness of having the power to store things between her breasts. Maybe one of these days...

She texted Ava to meet her at the mall. Her hyper sensitive ears picked up the notification of Ava’s phone dinging, and Dana instinctively swiveled to locate the origin of the noise. Her lips curled into a smile. Even if her midair survey hadn’t already revealed Ava’s location to her perfect memory, her ears had picked it up without her even thinking.

The blonde girl’s hands trembled as she saw who the text was from. She was busy typing in an excuse before Dana’s fingers blurred over her own device and sent her another message.

“I can see you’re about to lie to me.”

Ava shrieked and dropped her phone while Dana laughed from miles away. The girl made the more sensible decision of agreeing to meet Dana, and Dana rose back into the air to pleasure herself some more. Right after sending instructions that Ava bring something for her to wear. Ava objected that nothing she had would fit Dana’s ridiculous proportions, but another threat and the girl agreed instantly.

Left to herself again, Dana brought her nipple to her mouth and bit with her perfect teeth hard enough to slice metal apart as her legs shuddered and her pussy gushed her sweet sexual fluids from the wonderful feeling. It would take Ava at least fifteen minutes to make her way to the mall, and that was more than enough time for Dana to cover the fifty miles after .

Ava, dressed in a pencil skirt and a neat blouse, clutched her phone to her chest as she waited for Dana. Maybe she would be spared the meeting. The redhead was late. Maybe something had happened to her? Maybe she’d been up to too much trouble and had been shot, and that would be the end of that... though it would be a shame considering how fucking hot Dana was.

Ava gasped at her own inner monologue. She didn’t even like girls. Not until Dana took over her mind and made her orgasm. Had Dana actually done something to her? Like, mentally? Or had the girl actually turned Ava bi?

A rush of sweet wind buffeted Ava, blowing her hair back and ruffling her clothing.

“Hey, influencer girl,” Dana’s voice tickled the girl’s ear from behind as steely fingers rested on her slim shoulder.

“D-Dana! Where did you come from?” Ava squeaked.

Before Ava could actually turn and see the naked girl, Dana’s eyes spotted the outfit in Ava’s bag. Indeed, it was woefully small, given the size difference between the two. Dana absolutely towered over the petite girl. Still, no matter. Her arm shot into Ava’s bag and pulled out the two pieces of clothing.

Dana stepped into the far too small pair of jeans. By the time she was pulling it up her knees, the whole thing should’ve ripped apart at the seams, but it just seemed to expand and stretch to mold to Dana’s contours like a second skin. She slowed her process, letting Ava watch as she pulled it over her impressive thigh gap, wiggling her hips and showing off her clean pink pussy to the would-be influencer girl before letting the waistband rest along the dramatic curve right above her buttocks.

Then, Dana raised her arms to put the far too small t-shirt over her head. Ava gasped in wanton lust as she watched Dana’s jutting, high profile breasts rise on her torso. Dana smirked as she slipped the tiny cloth over her head, her eyes no longer impeded by such trifles as physical objects. She could see the lust and amazement plastered all over Ava’s face. A quick glance downward confirmed that the blonde girl was getting wet, ready to cream herself just from looking at Dana’s magnificence!

A quick application of her hypnotic powers, and Dana forced everyone else who had gotten a glimpse to orgasm in their pants, only to forget about what they’d witnessed immediately. They wobbled onwards, panicking in shame as they realized that somehow they’d spilled their seed with absolutely no recollection of what had happened. Meanwhile, Ava’s eyes glazed over as her mind turned into mush.

A snap of Dana’s long fingers, and Ava was conscious again. She was still standing in front of the mall facing a stylishly dressed Dana, complete in jeans and a cream top. Since when had her clothes looked so good, and how did they fit her goddess like that?

“Let’s go,” Dana ordered.

Dana strolled into one of the highest end boutiques with Ava following meekly behind.

“You ever get any free stuff by promising to promote products on your feed?” Dana asked.

“N-no...” Ava admitted with embarrassment. “I’ve tried...”

“Tch. Pathetic. Why don’t I see what I can do? And whatever money you get from your account, you give to me. Deal?”

“D-deal,” Ava agreed. She had no choice!

Dana chuckled. “See how easy it is to strike a bargain?”

Ava just followed silently as Dana walked up to the cashier and owner behind the boutique.

“Hi,” Dana fluttered her eyelashes at the mature woman. “How do you feel about letting me model your clothing for free? We’ll promote you on... her channel,” Dana gestured to Ava.

“You and your generation. Who even is she, anyway? No freebies. Get out of here!” she barked.

Dana smiled with all the brilliance of the sun. “I think you’ll be more than happy to take this deal. And why don't you summon a security guard to escort us out while you’re at it?”

“What kind of trouble are you trying to make? That won’t be necessary. Just leave!” she stood resolute. The haughty girl was beautiful though... what a model she would make.

Without warning, Dana slid her nails against her top, sliced the fabric down the center, and then pulled the halves away to reveal her breasts.

The older woman gasped in shock, and then stared at those perfectly shaped spheres. They were so large, so high, with such a beautifully well-formed cleavage... she just couldn’t look away. Beauty like that demanded her absolute attention.

Dana smirked as the older woman’s eyes went blank with desire.

“You’re just so happy to give me anything I want in the store for free,” Dana stated.

“So glad...” the woman was drooling.

“And go ahead and call a security officer for me anyway.”

“Security officer...”

“Now make sure we won’t be bothered until the guard comes.”

The older woman nodded and headed to the front of the store where she began pulling down the storefront security gate. Dana turned to look triumphantly at Ava, who also was deep in trance.

Dana rolled her eyes, blurred in front of the girl, and snapped her fingers.

“Wha? What’s going on?” she asked, her speech slurred.

“I got you a deal. And I’m going to be your model. Now, let’s dress me up. It’s on her,” Dana tilted her head at the mesmerized owner. “There are a few pieces I’ve got my eyes on...”

Ava gasped and pointed behind Dana.

“The dresses! They’re floating!” she pointed out.


Dana turned to look. The dresses that she had spied at super speed were, indeed, floating at her. She herself floated into the air and began to cackle when she realized that all of it was under her control.

“Wicked. I have so many powers!” Dana pumped a fist before she spread her legs, tearing off her shorts.

After some dress up where the clothes retained their original shape and make aside from stretching and slimming only to fit Dana’s bombastic figure, she took a selfie and gave it to Ava for marketing.

“Hello? Security?”

Dana heard the guardsman call from outside the store. She blurred out of the dressing room, bent at the waist, curled her fingers below the security gate, and lifted it up.

“Hi. You’re going to be my entertainment,” Dana grinned as she thrust her fingers around his throat, lifted him up, and brought him inside the store.


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