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After After School Activities

As Dana soared into the sky, laughing and touching herself at the thought of taking over, dominating, and torturing all of her rivals and classmates, it occurred to her that she hadn’t had a real workout in forever. The trivial track activity hadn’t made her sweat, hadn’t made her stronger... though it did occur to her that she was flying through the air now. Fucking flying. Like a superpowered goddess. But, her long trained athletic body ached for some real exertion and exercise.

The bus was arriving soon to take the students home. Dana scoffed. A bus! What the fuck would she ever need with a bus ever again? On cue, Dana performed a few rapid forward flips high over the treetops. Her lascivious, voluptuous body blurred as she performed her rapid midair gymnastics, and yet Dana was totally fine. A normal human would’ve blacked out from the speed of her tight turning, or at least found themselves completely disoriented and vomiting. But Dana was no mere human. She had superpowers. For real. It was unbelievable! Even in all of the fantasy fiction Dana consumed, no one person had this combination of such diverse abilities, this many ways to absolute dominate and toy with puny mortals. Puny mortals... what she herself had been just one day ago.

First, it was a full body transformation, not that Dana was ever lacking in looks. She was tall, busty, athletic, and she knew how good she looked. It had been a point of pride. And seemingly overnight, her body improved beyond the extraordinary heights she’d already achieved, legs and arms longer, breasts larger, fuller, complexion smooth and soft and warm and bronzed. She could scarcely believe how good her butt and boobs looked. Despite all of her exercising, curves like these usually required implants. But Dana just laughed, knowing that something as puny as a knife could never mark her skin.

Probably. She hadn’t really tested her invulnerability. All she’d done was beat up, rape, and fuck some worthless boys.

In fact, what had Dana tested? Truly tested, to their limits. She placed the dainty fingers of her left hand on her chin and mused.

Her tits could control minds. Dana moaned as she gripped and fondled those powerful, mind-wiping bosoms. That was hot. She’d always kind of liked it, but preferred the physical brute force side of things. But the ability to be subtle with her sexuality and bring a room to its knees in orgasm certainly had some appeal. The heartbreakingly gorgeous redhead felt herself getting wet.

Reaching down beneath the waistband of her tight, transformed booty shorts, Dana began stroking the aching heat of her powerful pussy that wouldn’t stop throbbing. What a crazy power—the ability to morph clothing to her hyper-alluring sexual body. Certainly convenient and novel. But what if she wanted a particular outfit designed for the occasion, just as it was? Another thing to explore as she shuddered while her fingers churned fiercely against her invulnerable clit, her digits thrumming and vibrating as hard as a jackhammer.

And then the more “mundane” abilities that she was used to. Not that they were anything to sneeze at. No, in fact, they were her favorites.

Super strength. Dana flexed her free arm, admiring the gentle swell of her bicep while her other hand continued to punish and abuse her electrified clit. She could feel the crushing pressure generated by her pretty fist, even though it left her skin completely unmarked. Certainly she was strong enough to have her way with a boy, as Oliver had hilariously demonstrated. With many boys. All at once. Fucking with and fucking up all of the lacrosse boys, making them simultaneously terrified and horny at the same time...

Dana’s tight coils thrummed against her vibrating hand. Her head shot back as her already full, gravity defying tits perked even harder as her back arched and spasmed in pure, superhuman pleasure. Her thick, lush red lips parted in a silent scream that shot into the heavens, only for gods and goddesses to enjoy. Dana felt on par with any of them. She wished there were some around so she could go toe to toe with them.

“Mmm,” Dana’s mesmerizing green eyes snapped back open. An orgasm on the level that she was capable of would’ve broken a weaker being, but her super stamina meant she felt as fresh and lovely as ever. Her left hand continued to softly fondle her once again hungry pussy, but Dana was still taking inventory of her powers.

Super speed. She was fast. She’d set a world record for a mile for sure, and she wasn’t even trying! The only thing she was trying to accomplish, and succeeded wildly at, was to torment Jenny. The superhuman part just came naturally. How fast could she run if she really tried? No, fuck that. How fast could she fly if she really tried?

Super breath. Dana could blow. Hard. She could blow cold too. It was a nice, intimate touch for sure. Making boys orgasm for her while she tossed their bodies around with nothing but the power of her super lungs, her pursed lips, and her sweet, sweet, crushing breath. What if she sucked really hard or blew really hard while she was kissing someone? Oh, the thought drove her wild!

And as far as she knew, she was tough. Durable. Nigh invulnerable? It was hard to say. It wasn’t like she’d ever been shot by a gun or a missile before, like so many of the HominyMartian girls.

Oh, duh! And most recently, the ability to fly. Fucking wicked.

Dana glowered as she felt disappointed. It was so silly, given her incredible two days, but three were so many other things GTA could do that she couldn’t. Laser eyes. Come on. How fucking basic was that? Why couldn’t her eyes just do impossible things? Generating pure beams of precise, pinpoint death, even hotter than the sun, was as bog standard as it got. And what about just selectively seeing through things? Clothes, bodies, brick walls, the planet itself... or through the entire solar system and into the galaxies beyond. If Dana could fly, lift a car with a single hand, and move at who knew how fast, why not super eyes?

And GTA had the infinite storage cleavage. That one was... who knew. Maybe it would be funny to shove Oliver in there. Certainly she’d never need a purse again, but wearing things was a privilege, not a burden. Especially when she could kill any harassers or muggers with a little flick of her finger. In fact, it sounded like fun.

And GTA’s voice. Dana could hypnotize people and order them to come, but that just wasn’t the same. Oh, imagine if she could just speak things into existence! Just because she wanted to! Just because she could!

She was orgasming again, lying with her back parallel to the earth. Her long, long legs spasmed as her toes curled outward, violently jerking so fast that she generated a powerful gust of wind that shredded any clouds in her path.

Dana was greedy. She wanted more. More power. But for now, she was going to try and test some of her powers against things that were sturdier than flesh and bone.

She flew, straight as an arrow, flipping from lying on her back in midair to lying on her stomach. With both arms thrust forward, Dana’s body carved through the sky like a beautiful, avenging angel. She pushed as hard as she could, wanting to test the limit of her power and stamina. A deafening series of booms immediately echoed from the location where she’d started, and she’d already left that location way back in her wake!

What’s more, no matter how hard Dana pushed, she never felt she was at her limit! It was such a strange, foreign feeling. In the old days, she would break out into a hard, all out sprint, and that was that. Her limit was a brick wall that she could never overcome. No way over, no way around, no way through. But now that she was super, she could leap over the wall, or bash right through it, or whatever she wanted. And every time she pushed harder, if a new wall erected itself in front of her, she just turned it to dust with no effort.

Dana came to a complete standstill in midair. Not a single hair was out of place, and her form was perfectly serene and at rest. This was insane. She couldn’t find a limit.

Her stunned lips turned into a sneering smile. This had to be as good as it got.

Dropping out of the sky like a stone, Dana landed at a nearby forest preserve. It was a few hours’ drive from where she lived, and she’d made that journey in a few minutes, unaided, with just her special, sexy body.

Stretching out her limbs, Dana flicked her leg up, catching her heel with her hands after she pinged it off of her shapely ass. The light contact sounded like a cannon firing, but that didn’t bother Dana. She stretched her hamstring out of habit before realizing that the usual, pleasant tension wasn’t there anymore. She squeezed her ankle harder and began to pull, shocked by the discovery of her new flexibility. Her leg rose smoothly into the air as she struck a perfect standing split with her long leg extending far past the top of her head. She retained her perfect balance, not even needing to cheat with her power to fly.

She was getting wet again. Playing with her body, contorting herself into lurid shapes, Dana’s perfect, fine control over every muscle in her body meant that her clitoral sheath was throbbing up and down against her sensitive, protruding nub without even being touched. Her thick, pink lips pulsed, clenching her inner petals with crushing force against nothing, wishing for something solid to pump and pulse against inside of her. Something tough for her sex to liquefy with its endless desire.

Another wet clench and Dana untangled her limbs from themselves as her pussy gushed her fragrant honey into her shorts, only to remain perfectly clean and dry thanks to her clothing powers. This definitely had some unexpected conveniences.

Her first target was a tree. Certainly sturdier than a male penis, of which she’d had so much experience with lately. Dana’s feet left the floor with a little push of her toes, gouging her shoe to dislodge a thick piece of dry earth. Thrusting her hand at some rough, sharp, and thick bark, Dana’s slim, pretty fingers carved right through it, crunching the dry wood into splinters under her feminine palm.

She stroked the smooth, paler wood underneath, her hand knocking the ancient outer layer of wood around as if it were something as inconvenient as dust. Giggling all the while she imagined giving a tree a handjob, Dana then dug her fingers in for real against the trunk of the tree, planning to hoist it out of the ground, roots and all, to lift over her head.

Unfortunately, her grip was a little too tight for the tough wood, and her nails and digits carved right through it. The tree immediately began to collapse, folding and falling right onto where Dana was flying.

“Oops,” Dana shrugged as she watched the heavy thing collapse toward her.

The already abused trunk fell right onto Dana’s lovely red head. The wood immediately snapped once its heavy weight made contact, no match at all for Dana’s invulnerable body. It fell into two pieces right by her sides.

“Guess I’m pretty hard headed,” Dana snickered.

She floated to pick up one of the segments and held it outstretched from one end, as easily as if it were a small twig. Despite the unwieldy grip and the torque of holding it by an end, Dana felt no fatigue at all in her arm. No limits.

The redheaded supergirl lifted it straight up over her head like an extension of her arm. And then, she brought it back parallel to the earth and swung it at at a cluster of trees.

Unfortunately, the wood might have been an extension of her arm, but it was nowhere near as tough. By the time Dana’s casual swing had felled three other trees, the one she held finally fell apart, disintegrated by the immense force and smashing that Dana was using it for.

“Pretty fucking strong,” Dana concluded. She wasn’t sure if she would ever be able to measure it in any conventional terms. Maybe she could find some scientists to think up some clever method. Maybe a new standard unit of measurement. Like, how many aircraft carriers could Dana balance and lift on her pinky?

It was clear that playing with trees was well beneath her level. Still, she dug one up by the roots, her fingers carving into the earth easily. Once she found some of the roots while being careful not to pulverize her toy with her tougher than diamond breasts, Dana snapped them with a squeeze of her fingers and lifted the whole thing right out of the ground as if she were harvesting a potato. The earth groaned and ripped apart as Dana hoisted the whole thing out of its embrace to hold it above her head with a single palm.

Dana pumped it up and down, watching her arm all the while. No strain at all, which she already knew. Her lithe limb didn’t even change in appearance as she performed this seemingly impossible task. Growing bored of nature, she pushed her arm forward a tiny bit and let her makeshift spear soar high into the sky. Holding a hand over her eyes, she watched as her impromptu projectile burned up in the atmosphere before it could properly make it out to space.

It was clear her physical prowess would not be tested here. Dana breathed in deeply through her nose, preparing to test another feat on a larger scale. She expected her lungs to fill at some point, familiar with the burning sensation when they reached capacity. But the harder Dana inhaled, the more she realized that even those human limits were gone. The leaves all fluttered toward her as she breathed in with more and more force. The branches creaked and swayed before some of the weaker, drier ones snapped and smacked her right in the face. She just continued to suck in, folding full trees in her direction with her effortless suck.

And before the entire forest uprooted and hurled her way, Dana reversed course.

She blew lightly at first, sending all of the trees immediately in the other direction. Her sweet breath buffeted large, rooted boulders, battering them and breaking off chunks of dust and sharp fragments before eventually, the boulder itself succumbed as well. And they didn’t just roll across the forest floor. No, Dana aimed her super breath at the base of them, sending the hundred pound objects airborne to crash through the forest trees like a bowling ball, only hundreds of times more destructive. Without ever touching it.

The leaning trees too found themselves utterly destroyed by a teenage girl’s breath. The outer edges of Dana’s lips curled into a smile, but she didn’t stop the hurricane force winds that surged forth from her pretty lips.

When the dense forest was almost cleared away, Dana changed tack, turning her breath colder than ice. Immediately, her puff transformed the landscape into a frozen wasteland as her chilly gust froze everything in its path. Dana spun around in a circle, icing over the entire area. She could feel the extreme cold emanating from whatever she blessed with her kiss. No human could survive unaided in these temperatures.

Meanwhile, she stood there dressed in her red crop top and tight booty shorts, enjoying the devastation she wrought with only a kiss.

She had to figure out the source of her powers. Seriously, why couldn’t she fire laser beams from her eyes?

Just then, she felt a new sensation of energy building behind the deep pools of her emerald pupils...


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