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Everlasting Irresistible Candy: Side-effects May Include…

Written by HarmonyMotion
Commissioned and edited by Ken

A row of teenage boys sat on their uncomfortably small and crunchy beds in the nurse’s office. There were curtains drawn between each of them, but they all suffered the same affliction: the image of Candy’s irrepressible, alluring sexuality which had become permanently rooted in their minds, teasing them mercilessly, relentlessly and inescapably.

“So, what brings you to the nurse’s office today?” Nurse Patricia asked the newly admitted boy in the faux privacy behind a drawn curtain.

“Well, it’s, umm...” the pubescent boy was red in the face.

“It’s not a fever, is it?” Patricia helped him along. She couldn’t neglect asking the requisite questions, after all.

“N-no. It’s... a classmate...”

Patricia sighed. Yeah. Six other boys had come in today with the same “affliction.” And four more students from the previous day still remained, including one girl. At this rate, the school would need to build a whole new ward for them by the end of the week!

“May I ask who it is? You don’t have to be ashamed. I think you’ll have company...” Patricia encouraged the boy just in case it was a different issue.

“It’s... it’s...” his voice diminished, barely audible now as he looked to the floor. “Candy Huang,” he hissed.

But not softly enough.

The boy just one station over began to groan loudly and gutturally. The nurse grit her teeth at a sound that had become all too common around the school and especially in her office. Candy’s irresistible, unforgettable good looks, unparalleled fashion sense, and unignorable lush, sexually domineering curves... just the mere mention of the Asian-American bimbo super-genius uber-bombshell’s name was enough to tilt his hopelessly obsessed mind—and prick—over the edge.

“Candy! Pleeaaaaase!” he gasped her name in agony as his aching penis spasmed underneath his hospital gown. The clattering of the rickety metal bed and the sound of sheets swishing as his body thrashed in uncontrollable, painful, pseudo-nightmarish ecstasy as a dark, sticky wet spot spread across the front of his gown.

The sound of Candy’s laughter echoed through the entire room, ethereal and ghostly. No patient could be sure of how her sexual power manifested for each individual afflicted; it seemed as if each victim suffered her permanent presence in her mind in a personalized way, as if the memory had an impish life of its own, to better torment each individual psychology.

This particular patient had a thought bubble hovering above his head, featuring Candy in her black high heels and skintight, red dress, which is what she’d worn on her first, indelibly memorable day of school. Her enormous jutting bosom, which seemed to account for a sizable portion of her body mass, was on proud display with pale acres of expansive, round womanly flesh presented at their silicone-taut best.

The thought bubble conjured Candy strutting around, teasing the orgasming boy with her twerking ass as he continued to violently spasm. The sheer shine of her dress, highlighting the perfect spheres of her sculpted derriere, nonetheless obscured the super-genius’ privates while nonetheless being more tantalizing and aggressively teasing than the most lifelike pornography ever produced.

When the boy had finally emptied his testicles for this mind-conjured version of Candy, she turned around, placed her slim hands on her trim waist and arched her back, easily breaking out of the edges of the thought bubble by using the dual spheres of her bosom as a one-time battering ram.

He wailed in agony again as his grinding testicles had nothing more to give, yet still churned in torment.

Candy tossed her beautifully coiffed silky black hair as she laughed with disdain, suddenly vanishing from his thoughts in a puff of curling smoke.

The nurse sighed as her latest patient looked on in fear. How could he ever function if the mere thought of Candy Huang could induce—nay, violently force— an orgasm upon him!? How would he ever play for the basketball team if every time he was about to drive for a layup, his lower body would betray him? He’d be a laughingstock! As for his other sport, swimming... people spoke of peeing in the pool, but what about orgasming!? A thick trail of his seminal fluid trailing behind him as he pictured Candy Huang in the tiniest two piece ever, with a thong that sucked in between her beautiful asscheeks as two of the thinnest strips of fabric ever known to man barely covered her nipples, letting plenty of her pink areola on her enormous flotation devices peek out of its sides… oh GOD.

The newly afflicted boy arched his back and began to orgasm as he suddenly felt his entire head swallowed by two, soft, fragrant, warm, fleshy pillows. He closed his eyes as the pleasure of ejaculating to Candy began to take its course while his imagination ran rampant, imagining his entire face and pleasured by Cindy’s absurdly voluptuous breasts.

Nurse Patricia sighed and turned her eyes away to give the poor boy some privacy as he continued to come. All around the room, some of the other boys began to groan as they tried, and failed, to keep their sore, overused organs from unloading yet again.

Once they had finally finished their anguished-sounding ejaculations and .. , Patricia had a flash of inspiration: Maybe they needed a support group? Some of the boys and girls who had been in here the longest were almost well enough to return to school after two weeks of their frustrated sexual longing for Candy. Perhaps a group chat would help the newer ones wean off it? Perhaps it would give them hope that there was light at the end of the tunnel. Light that wasn’t in the form of Candy’s high beams.

“Okay everyone, remember, there is no shame here,” Nurse Patricia started to feel the panic of desperation seeping in; there was no manual for this. She suddenly found herself improvising, reasoning that talking things through might just be therapeutic. “Why don’t we all pull back our curtains around and talk about what’s been bothering all of us? I heard a story from someone who graduated last year.”

The rings on the bars slowly slid back one by one as more and more Candy-obsessed teens, ashamed and red-faced, gathered themselves and sat on the edges of their padded gurneys. Evidence of their ejaculations, wet or dry, stained each of their gowns. Most of them covered their crotches with their hands. The collective misery seemed to abate somewhat. Patricia continued talking, hoping that he was on the right track.

“He told me that Candy Huang pointed her finger in the air and started to twirl it around. And then, the five nearest boys immediately had their penises rip out the fronts of their pants and twirl around faster and faster. They fell on their backs and were spinning so fast, they actually started floating into the air, like helicopters!” Patricia broke the ice with a ridiculous, yet sadly true story.

One of the students who’d been there the longest bravely felt enough reduced shame to clear his throat and speak up.

“Candy spent a week teasing me—”  there were uncomfortable murmurs. “And at the end, she said it almost killed me. She was so damn proud of herself, too. I still remember that shit-eating grin.” there were more excited murmurs at his swearing, but he ignored them. “She said she was experimenting with ‘ultra-hard perma-boners,’ and I just couldn’t get soft! She tortured me like that for an entire week, flying above me everywhere I went, posing like a model, twerking that ass–”

He stopped to moan as all of the other kids whined or groaned in arousal. Some of them yelped as they ejaculated violently once more, while others moaned in a kind of agonizing soreness.

“At the end of the week,” he managed with a shaky voice, “I was hard for her all the time. I thought it would go away, but she actually... she... touched my boner with her fingernail and it hasn’t shrunk back since. It was like she fired tingles right down into my balls! I can feel it even now!” She began shuddering and seizing-up “Oh, oh...!”

Spurt! He began to spasm in front of everyone. Gripping the side of his bed, the sight of his Candy-inspired cock making a wet tent in his gown was clearly visible to everyone.

As the stain stopped spreading, he remained at full tumescence the whole time.

“God damn it…” she inhaled and exhaled, trying to breathe normally. “...where was I...?” he heaved in a deep breath as he recollected his story. “I- I thought I was gonna die, but a month later, even though she gave me this ultra-hard perma-boner, I only have to come five or six times a day. I think I’m gonna be fine.”

Everyone began to applaud.

“Only six times? That’s great... I had to orgasm every hour!” a girl contributed. “It made me ache after the first day, but I don’t feel it quite so much now…”

Others murmured, now feeling more hope that their afflictions would abate.

“Would anyone else like to share?” Nurse Patricia asked, trying to deny the growing arousal which was heating the insides of her legs while hearing about this young temptress’ power. It was impossible for a mere high schooler to arouse her. She wasn’t even interested in women! Not even if they were built with the longest, sveltest legs Patricia had ever seen, extending up to fertile hips, an ass that wouldn’t quit, a pinched wasp-like waist, two delectable spheres the size of melons parked high on the chest, and most intriguing of all, an all-consuming intelligence that dwarfed her own 40 paltry years of life experience.

“I saw a teacher give Candy a test, and Candy just puckered up and loudly kissed the paper and all of the right answers appeared on it! The teacher was so angry, she marched right over to Candy and accused her of cheating!”

All of the kids nodded in agreement, thankful that this little feat of Candy’s wasn’t one of her cruel sexual and brain-rewiring feats.

Another kid spoke up.

“I heard about that one! And then Candy said the test was ‘boring’ and ‘too easy,’ so she flexed her huge boobs or something, and the pen wrote a new test onto the paper at light speed and the teacher couldn’t answer the new questions! In fact, she totally squirted herself in front of the whole class!”

The sexual agony and writhing started anew, but the victims of Candy’s allure felt more and more comfortable with their respective stories as the shame and stigma of being one of her many cum slaves slowly began to lift.

“I heard Candy once actually had sex with a person. Like, actually. And they’re in a mental hospital today and will never recover.

“No, that’s not it! I heard they died with a big smile on their face!”

“Oh yeah? Well, I heard she seduced a millionaire with just the sight of her toes online in a pair of diamond-covered sandals! And he voluntarily handcuffed himself to her radiator at home and eats out of a dog bowl.”

“I heard she winked at a firetruck and its hose unfurled and sprayed everywhere until it drained all the city’s water!”

“And I heard she once overheated an air conditioner by flexing her ass until flames shot out of it!”

“But I heard...”

“Well I heard...”

All of the kids began seizing-up and finding themselves speechless as they began to groan to increasing thoughts and mentions of Candy. Thought bubbles materialized from all of their heads, all featuring images of their favorite black-haired, alabaster-skinned, almond-eyed goddess decked out in wild, stripper-like outfits. The ephemeral imaginings of Candy made eye contact with, and acknowledged each other, before cackling in wicked, full-body, gut-wrenching laughter, causing all of those pairs of breasts to bounce almost as violently as her victims began to twist and write and begin to spurt more sexual fluids.

Nurse Patricia grimaced as she realized that her little thought experiment had gone awry. She began drawing the curtains closed, not to offer Candy’s victims more privacy, but to protect herself from the multiple Candies that she could now see. And before she could finish drawing the curtains closed, all of them seemed to shoot her simultaneous glances with tantalizing glows in their caramel eyes.

Finally left to herself among the din of the background noise of teenage moans and orgasms, Patricia sat on her chair, winced and loosened her collar. Beads of sweat began breaking-out across her forehead and she fanned herself with her hands to resist Candy’s lingering, second hand seduction.

Just then, a rumble echoed through the air. It happened simultaneously with the death cry of a distant chess-playing supercomputer. It had been completely, utterly, devastatingly humiliated by Candy Huang’s super-sexiness and super-genius moves. Somehow, through the ether, Patricia could feel Candy swelling with power as she gained knowledge and expertise that people had long since thought impossible, that a human being could so easily overpower a mainframe computer simply by playing chess.

Patricia could feel the allure of Candy’s expanding power as the girl’s mind blazed with denser, more efficient pathways. The domineering girl laughed and laughed as the computer melted before her as her beauty and elan swelled apace.

“Candy...” Patricia whispered, her voice raspy and drenched with need. Her clothing was suddenly soaked through with sweat, her sex growing hot and heavy. She stumbled and fell off her chair, writing on the floor.

“H-help...” the nurse gasped as her body clenched and bucked. A thought bubble of Candy appeared in Patricia’s mind as the supergirl tutted and strutted, creating another devoted slave without ever having physically been in her presence.


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