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...a new super strength and invul story, is now in your Commission Lovers folders!

One Thousand and One Times

Commissioned by FfejL

Written by HarmonyMotion

Chapter 1 - Double Date

“Wow, Luke! I can’t believe you actually came out drinking with us! With a date, too!” Andrew grabbed a tall, iced glass that had just been delivered to their table.

“Hi, I’m Jessica,” Andrew’s girlfriend of many years introduced herself to the new, stunning woman that sat opposite her.

“Angela,” she smiled demurely as she extended a hand to shake Jessica’s. “I go by Angie.”

The two women’s hands met and clasped. Luke watched pointedly at Angie’s grasp, watching her fingers gently grip Jessica’s hand.

“I’m really lucky,” Luke beamed pointedly, his grin wider than Andrew had ever seen.

“For a while, I thought you were gay!” Andrew chuckled loudly as he slapped Luke’s incredibly firm, proudly prominent bicep.

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course,” Jessica looked at Andrew firmly.

“Ah, no! That’s not what I meant at all!” Andrew blushed.

Lucas and Angela both took it in stride. The hyper gorgeous, wickedly fit, supreme specimens of humanity sat side by side in that intimate booth with their overhead lighting and amber drinks.

“Don’t worry about it,” Lucas put his large, masculine hand on Angie’s own and squeezed. Their fingers intertwined, and Angie returned his gesture.

“He didn’t seem very gay to me last night,” Angie was quite forward.

Jessica and Luke both turned bright red as they gasped in embarrassment while Andrew just laughed his head off, his entire body quaking.

“Oh my god, sorry!” Angie apologized. “It must be the booze!”

“Have more, have more!” Andrew encouraged. “I’ve got the next round!”

Angie smirked at Luke before she downed her large, frosted glass in one gulp without stopping for breath.

“Ahhh,” she finished with a loud fluorish.

“Bottoms up!” The other three followed suit.

“Okay, I better go buy it before I can’t even walk straight!” A flushed Andrew got up and hobbled over to the bar.

“Hic!” Jessica shook. “I better watch myself too. I’m not that young anymore. You too are amazing! You don’t look drunk at all! Or maybe it’s just my drunk goggles lying to me...” she shook her head and oohed, feeling quite woozy.

“No, I should stop soon too. You’re right, we’re not that young anymore...” A completely sober Angie slid her fingers down to Luke’s thick, muscular tree trunk of a thigh and gripped hard enough to put a dent in his muscles.

“Yeah. I’m glad I met such a responsible woman,” Luke chuckled.

“Responsible!? You’re like the textbook definition of responsible!” Andrew slurred as he slammed a new, filled, frothy pitcher of tap beer on their table. “Hic! Wait! Maybe not responsible. Just a hermit? Where’s my dictionary!” he yelled to no one in particular.

They sat down and nursed their beers as the night went on. With a whole three quarters of the pitcher left, both Andrew and Jessica were well and truly sloshed.

“I think... that’s it for us...” Andrew spoke far too loudly. He fished for his keys.

“Hey bud,” Luke’s arm shot out and grabbed Andrew’s wrist. “Look, why don’t I call you a cab? I can pick you up and bring you back to your car tomorrow.”

Andrew clearly tried to argue, but he couldn’t move his arm from Luke’s light grip. It must’ve been the dizziness. He watched as Luke plucked his car keys from his hand as easily as a parent taking a toy away from their misbehaving toddler.

“Hic! Yeah.. okay... thanks Luke. You’re a great guy. I love you man.”

Andrew stumbled to his feet. Luke got up as well, and Andrew embraced, or perhaps more accurately, fell onto Luke’s chiseled torso. The adonis took his friend out to the chill night air and hailed him a ride.

Jessica and Angie were the next to slide out of their booth.

“Oh my god you are so hot,” Jessica slurred as a composed Angie also helped her stay on her feet. “I gotta watch out for my Drew around you!” she joked, slapping Angie’s arm a few times. Accidentally or not, her final attempt landed squarely on Angie’s firm, and deceptively large breast.

“Oof! You are stacked! Please, please don’t take Andrew away from me!” Jessica mumbled.

“Okay, okay, let’s get you home with your boyfriend,” Angie blushed as she quickly checked the rest of the room to see if anyone had seen what happened. Thankfully, everyone remained none the wiser.

The nearly six foot tall stacked, could’ve been the most prestigious model in the world, fitness or otherwise, supported Jessica with her burly arms. She made sympathetic faces at anyone who looked over to see the midnight black haired beauty handling a grown woman who clearly had misjudged her limit, eliciting little chuckles or sympathetic looks from the rest of the crowd. With an effortless heft, Angie picked up Jessica briefly to get her feet over the threshold to the chilly outside air, rejoining Luke and Andrew.

When the two had been packed away, Angie and Luke looked lustily into each other’s eyes.

“I guess I should pick up the tab,” the blue eyed, comic book hero come to life Luke looked longingly at Angie. “Do you want anything else to drink?”

“It’s not doing anything for me,” the superhuman beauty with shimmering pools of jade responded, bringing her lips intimately close to Luke’s. “We’d drink our bank accounts empty, and it would still be pointless.”

“Yeah,” Luke heaved with arousal, his barreled chest rising and falling, exhaling with barely controlled lust. “I’ll close the tab. Let’s go back to... our place.”

“Be quick,” Angie pressed a single, long, extended digit appreciatively over the massive bulge in Luke’s slacks. Followed by a brief squeeze with her fingers over his engorged head.

Luke shivered in shock as he felt her powerful caress. Even after last night, when she’d already given him pleasures he never thought possible, he was still surprised by the erotic sensation of being meaningfully touched by another. He went in, closed the tab, and came back outside to a waiting, eager Angie.

“Did you drive here?” Luke asked.

“No,” Angie smiled.

“Me neither,” he reciprocated.

“Your place or mine?”

“How about neither? Why don’t we go somewhere where we can go... all out?” Luke whispered conspiratorially.

“I don’t know if there’s a place on Earth that could handle us going... all out.”

Luke smirked. “Well, let’s try. Follow me?”

“I’ll try to keep up, big man,” Angie smirked.

Luke’s powerful legs barely flexed as he zipped through the city streets , basically covering the distance of an entire block in a single stride. Angie followed right behind him, making sure to give him enough space lest she crash into him and they go tumbling through a few buildings. The inexplicable superpowered pair got to the outskirts of the city and stood stock still, neither breathing hard. Luke beamed brightly, so glad was he to have found someone he considered his equal. And a demure Angie smiled softly at her newfound lover.

“Can you gauge jump distance? I’ve never done this with anyone else, cuz... well duh,” Luke chuckled.

“Don’t know until we try, right? But we both seem to live just fine with regular people.”

“Right! Here we go! Whoever goes flying way past the other, they land and wait in place for the other to show up, okay?”

“Got it.”

Luke did a few deep squats just to work out the nerves of “performing” for someone capable. Then, he pushed off his toes and leapt a few dozen feet into the air and soared through the air in a parabolic arc.

Angie had no trouble following his path in the darkness. Effortlessly, with barely a bend of her legs, she launched herself soaring through the air.

She felt a bit of nerves for a moment as she enjoyed the cold, thin air blowing against her invulnerable body and whipping her ebony black hair about. The unbelievable girl had spent her whole life disguising her true superhuman self and her gobsmacking good looks, and now she was leaping like a gazelle—well, a gazelle that could jump across an entire city with the smallest twitch—under cover of darkness. She just couldn’t help it! Being with someone else worthy of her had unlocked an inner desire that she never thought would be fulfilled!

Angie judged her jump to perfection, deadlier than the most high tech guided missile, actually aiming for exactly where Luke was standing and waiting for her. He beamed wide as he reached out with open arms, bending backwards to absorb the impact of her superhumanly dense and invulnerable body. An explosive boom sounded as their incredible physiques slammed into each other, far more powerful than a hydraulic press. He put her giggling body down and turned, doing a few more squats for show.

Angie spanked his muscular, gorgeous asscheeks with a slap that echoed even louder than their bodies colliding together. Luke pantomimed a shocked face and pretended to be hurt before leaping off once more. Angie followed.

The pair leap frogged well beyond city limits into the middle of a rocky field, barren and deserted by humanity. Luke hadn’t bothered to soften his landing, slamming a narrow but deep crater where he landed. As Angie approached from the air, she saw Luke’s entire body interred, and she twisted and turned in midair, engaging the tiniest, imperceptible flex of her rugged core muscles to perform some midair acrobatics.

Now spread out with all limbs, Angie let herself belly flop onto the jagged, rocky, dangerous ground. Her thick, honed thighs and round, jutting breasts impacted first, shattering rock to dust under her impossible density. The rest of her body soon followed, well trained upper arms and the smooth, impressive swell of her shoulders carving right through the earth as she wiggled her toes to shatter thousands of years of geological pressure like a jackhammer.

Luke coughed as the world disintegrated around him. All that was left was Angie, her clothes hanging off her body in tattered rags, in his arms.

“You won’t get cold or uncomfortable, right?” he checked.

Angie raised a beautifully sculpted, arched, quizzical eyebrow at him.

He reached in between the buttons of his shirt and began to pull it apart. Then, his hand went into the waistband of his slacks.

Only to be arrested by Angie’s impossibly firm grip on his wrist.

“Wait. I want to talk a bit first,” Angie played her card.

“Aw man!!” Luke moaned.

“It’s okay,” Angie pressed her powerful body against Luke’s side, prising her breasts apart with her fingers—a feat impossible for anyone but herself and Luke. Then, she leaned forward and trapped Luke’s sinewy and overgrown arm in between those luscious spheres and slammed them like a vise over his limb.

As she rubbed her heated sex against his thigh, Angie extended one sculpted arm languidly to trace her fingernails hard over Luke’s unbreakable skin, then encircled his massive shaft in her powerful grip.

Luke shuddered as his already impressive cock jumped to full hardness, doubling in both length and girth.

“So tell me more about yourself, Luke,” Angie whispered into his ear as she began to stroke him, squeezing hard enough to melt steel. “How did you cope before me?”

“Mmm...” Luke moaned as his monstrous cock began to leak like a garden hose under Angie’s expert ministrations. “Well, you see...”



LOVE what you did with my concept, Harmony! Just a fantastic story, thank you so much for this one.