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GTA - Five Star Wanted

Gemma walked along the busy city street, smiling at all of the attention she was getting from all the bypassers. It was so fun, made her feel so good, that she could do absolutely anything, to anyone, whenever she wanted. She could rip their clothes off with her superspeed, leaving her victims suddenly naked in public, give their genitals a smooth, glancing caress, and they would come for her. She could kiss them, man or woman, and make them come. She could smile at them and make them fall hopelessly in love with her and make them come. She could grind their chests into a bloody pulp with her jutting tits, watch the life drain from their eyes, and make them come.

She was a goddess.

Which was why she was busy not exercising her array of superpowers. After all, she was beholden to no one, and choosing to bestow love and death was a right, not an obligation. Besides, the way everyone was staring at her, the way her hyper sensitive ears could hear their heartbeats accelerate, faster and faster as they continued to stare rudely, the way their pores leaked their hormones... Gemma didn’t even have to do anything to dominate everyone.

Which was why she was currently hijacking any old vehicle she wanted, just for fun.

It didn’t matter the make or model, parked or moving. A state of the art, sleek vehicle with what amounted to a jet engine for the vehicle, produced earlier this year, or an old value workhorse built twenty years ago—Gemma would walk (sometimes at superspeed), wrap her fingers over the door handle, rip it off if the lock was unfortunate enough to be engaged, and expose the driver. The usual “Hey! Huh? Oh my god!” or just rampant staring followed while Gemma perhaps sliced through the seat belt webbing with a swish of her fingernail, or crushed the plastic housing in the grip of her palm before moving onto deforming the metal mechanism inside, or sometimes she might just dig her fingers into the driver’s seat itself and hoist it all out of the car, driver and all, before tossing it into the horizon over her shoulder. Then, she would take a seat (or just pretend to sit with her flight powers if said car seat had been removed), and took her car for a joy ride before hijacking the next one.

It was especially fun to run over random civilians, noting how easy it was to injure them with something as fragile as an old SUV. Hell, Gemma often stepped in front of cars and took the brute force impact, just for fun! She loved the feeling of the metal grill making a loud pinging sound as it brushed her smooth, toned calves before the metal and all of the engine parts inside crunched loudly as it compressed against her straight knees and dense thighs. But no, these poor little “victims” couldn’t even withstand a vehicle driving at 15 miles per hour. Gemma couldn’t help but act all innocent when yet another human went flying like a ragdoll when she did nothing but give them a love tap traveling at 30. Something traveling at half the speed of light and impacting her lovely abdomen wouldn’t even have left a mark...

So there she was, on a Monday afternoon, walking around the busiest highway in the city’s traffic network, having a ball as she flew into a car traveling at 60 miles per hour. Instead of crashing into it head on, she’d arranged it so that she crashed through the driver’s side door already seated, the outer curve of her outrageous bust mangling the metal before her lovely limbs began to carve through it too. Then, that invulnerable, lascivious body would displace the current driver’s, breaking his bones and killing him on the spot (well, not “the” spot—he or she would get sent flying into the passenger seat as a misshapen heap) while Gemma took over maneuvering the car, looking for everything in the world as if a brutal murder hadn’t just taken place. It continued on steadily until Gemma decided to not check her blind spot and merge into another car.

The highway was a wreck of burning, twisted metal now.

There had been an awful lot of police officers. Gemma was surprised. Even though she’d already taken over four of their vehicles, flicked a few more into each other, lifted others overhead by jabbing her finger through a window and curling her index underneath the frame, and also kicked a few into orbit, they still kept coming. She was currently standing on the hood of one of those police cars, her feet sinking deep into the engine block. The entire front half of the car was still reacting to the sudden change of momentum that Gemma so casually wrought, standing there and enjoying the physics in slow motion by applying her superspeed. The police officer’s face was still a shock as he was about to be sent flying through the air forward as the remainder of the car started to scrunch up from the behind, still traveling on its old momentum before Gemma had decidedly to abruptly alter it.

The beatific expression on the tanned supergirl’s face barely flickered as she watched every inch, every millimeter of the metal bend and warp, just because she had landed on top of the car. A quick blast of her heat vision turned the seat belt to ash, and a second glance disintegrated the airbag that was popping out of the steering wheel. As the rubber tires squealed and burnt, Gemma watched as the driver’s head crashed into and through the windshield, thanks to the severe damage she had done to it in the first place with her delicate feet. His body sailed past hers in slow motion as the entire back end of the car lurched forward, the red glow of the spinning siren currently illuminating her face and highlighting her radiating smile.

Once the car and its driver were well and truly dead, Gemma let the world resume once more as she clapped her hands loud enough to deafen everyone in a small radius. It was like a buffet today! Her super eyes saw an endless cavalcade of police cars, with all of their attention on her! Helicopters were flying overhead—at first, she thought it was just the news, but a quick tilt of her elegant neck confirmed that they were also some sort of law enforcement. More toys to play with!

Leaving the wreckage behind, Gemma floated into the air to greet some of her helicopter friends. She placed her fists on her wide, lovely hips as she stood there in midair, facing down the pilot and its little squadron of elite trained fighters.

“Who are you guys?” Gemma asked, projecting her seductive voice loudly enough to overpower the whirring blades of the noisy machine.

“Gemma Thomas Abbott!” the suddenly shaky, stuttering voice on a loudspeaker projected back. “You are under arrest! Now lay down your weapons, and come with us!”

“Weapons?” Gemma looked at the speaker with amusement as she tucked both of her elbows along her cinched waist and showed her hands, palms up and empty. “Come... with you? If you insist...”

The spellbinding power of her voice meant that the passengers of that first helicopter were obeying Gemma’s casual command, but she wasn’t about to let that stop her from following their instructions. With one hand tracing down her salacious abs, her fingers drifted underneath her skirt, teasing the unbelievably smooth, satin skin of her pubic mound before ultimately drifting in between the inexorably tight folds of her sweet love canal. And if the mere insinuation of what Gemma was doing wasn’t enough, or if these pathetic mens’ eyes couldn’t see it clearly at that distance (a far more likely problem), Gemma had another plan in mind for the helicopter that dared to order her around.

While her fingers blurred as they manipulated her harder than diamond yet erotically supercharged, hypersensitive clit, Gemma brought her other hand toward her gorgeous face. Giving her audience a show by planting a deep, wet kiss on her fingers and turning to a side to let them see, she then lowered those elegant fingers toward the helicopter, placed her mouth just above the palm of her hand, and began to blow a steady stream of her irresistibly fragrant, hyperconcentrated with pheromone super breath in their direction.

Gemma made sure not to apply too much force, which meant she was consciously blowing as gently as possible. Her sexy puff buffeted the helicopter and began to turn it, albeit extremely slowly, like a carnival ride that had just begun to whir to life.

Meanwhile, her irresistible pheromones swirled through the cabin, assaulting the men inside. They sucked in the sweet, warm scent of her superhuman perfume, effortlessly exhaled over incredible distances, forcing them to breathe her in. Instantly their hearts began to rattle in their chests. If they weren’t already hard just from the sound of her voice, they would’ve been instantly erect now.

Gemma continued to blow, her suffusive scent becoming more and more oppressive as she continued to diddle herself, awakening her endless arousal and lust for sex and carnage. Even her long, mighty legs began to tremble under the assault of her own experienced, swirling fingers. And as her orgasmic symphony began to crescendo in intensity and furor, so too did her pheromones.

The men in the helicopter suddenly found their eyes rolling into the back of their heads as they began to orgasm violently in their pants. The military men holding onto the side of the helicopter doors and hanging with their bodies partially out suddenly found themselves gripping the metal bar tightly, not for dear life—no, that little piece of survival instinct was far and away the last thing they were concerned about now—but because the sheer, orgasmic ecstasy and joy brought upon by Gemma’s indescribable breath was too much to handle. Their knuckles turned white as the stain continued to grow, their testicles producing endless amounts of cum in order to obey and satisfy Gemma’s lust. But no amount of pleasure could match what Gemma’s supercharged body demanded of her witnesses and victims. She was just too much to handle. Too sexy to bear.

Their bodies continued to quake even as their orgasms turned dry and painful, having nothing left to give. And still, their hips continued to buck, controlled like helpless puppets by the constant stream of air that Gemma exhaled through her superhuman lungs. With their legs as weak and rubbery as wet noodles and their arms sapped of all their strength, they were the first ones to fall out of the helicopters. And even as they reached terminal velocity, they could do nothing but cup their groins and hump their hands as Gemma’s chemicals saturated their bloodstreams.

“Mmm...” Gemma moaned as she watched a few men plummet to their deaths. The sight of doomed men still orgasming to such a careless throwaway power of hers always exhilarated her. Seeing the helicopter spinning in the air reminded her that she still had to up the ante.

She brought her blowing hand down and stuck it up her tight top, groping her breasts that were far more than a handful for anybody, including even her long, feminine fingers. Both of her hands danced in a coordinated symphony as she pinched her thick, protruding pink tips, rolling it hard enough to thin out a steel rod as she pinched it with her thumb and forefinger while her palms pressed into her hyperfirm bosom hard enough to smash tree trunks.

A brief gasp of lust from the erotic sensation caused her sweet breath to blast the helicopter once more, though much harder than before. But all of the men still in the chopper were long unconscious now. Gemma’s moan sent it flying toward the ground with her directed blast, and she watched with her devilish red eyes as her lip began to tremble and toes began to curl, heralding the rush of imminent pleasure.

The sight of the flying machine, its engine and blades overpowered just because Gemma had a brief thrill shiver through her body, had her teetering on the precipice of one of her world famous climaxes. Another diamond crunching pinch of her hyper-stimulated clit, and Gemma’s entire voluptuous shape blurred for a few brief seconds as she threw her head back in ecstasy while feeling the violent pleasure erupt inside of her like a volcano, only with millions of times more force. The very air around her shuddered in fear as her body clenched, beautiful back arched, breasts thrust toward the heavens while her bare legs twitched and flexed, showing off all of that beautiful, lean, elegant, feminine muscle for those lucky enough to see it.

“Oh, that was good...” she purred as she put herself back together as soon as her orgasm ceased. Her eyes snapped open, fresh and lovely as ever, and she licked the fragrant juices off of her own hand while she continued to idly caress her watermelon-sized breasts.

More helicopters appeared in the sky. More police cars on the ground. Gemma took note with more than a little curiosity—her super mind, super speed, and perfect memory never failed her. Even in the throes of orgasm, no matter how long she wished it to be, some part of her super senses would’ve picked up the arrival of new toys. The sound of sirens, or rubber grinding on tarmac. Or the smell of new people arriving from miles away. Or the feeling of the almost imperceptible wind currents of a flying machine coming in. She chewed her lips and placed her index finger on her lips as she searched her memories. There were none of these new arrivals.

How interesting!

Did she have anything to fear? She looked at one of the helicopters at random and directed her heat vision at it. Two thin, red beams blasted forth from her pupils and punctured twin holes right through the front and tail of the helicopter. Not to mention the pilot instead. It fell out of the air like a stone.

Nope. It looked like someone was doing her a favor!

“Oh, this should be fun...”

In an instant, she zipped from the sky back to the ground. The police saw her sudden appearance, and thankfully for them, she’d given them enough time to slow to a halt. A cavalcade of cars blocked off the whole road in front of her, forming an enormous barricade.

“Put your hands up! You’re under arrest for grand theft auto, mass murder, and killing police officers!”

“Aw, is that it? I’m so sorry,” Gemma apologized. “Does that mean I’m not in trouble for all of the property damage I’ve caused? You know... like this?”

She picked some of the side cars and directed a gentle puff of breath their way. The front car took the brunt of her hurricane breath and slammed like a pinball into multiple cars behind, breaking down and killing everyone in that lane.

“Or this...?”

Gemma brushed her shoulder length platinum hair out of her eyes and incinerated the other side of the barricade. A handful of cars exploded, creating a big red fireball and a huge black plume of smoke.

Then they vanished, and were suddenly reformed as the barricade stood whole once more.

“Fun fun fun!!!” Gemma cheered with genuine emotion.

“Get her!”

All of the police opened fire. Gemma stood there, letting the bullets ping off her skin. Normally, she would take her time and enjoy the light, tickling sensation of metal deforming against her boobs, but now, she knew she didn’t have to wait before satisfying her desires.

Running forward through a field of oncoming, “deadly” projectiles, Gemma’s body deflected it all away as she plowed her graceful leg right into the lead barricade’s car. It flew away in a straight line, as if fired like an arrow from a crossbow, crashing into everything behind it before it started to skid against the road about 1,000 feet away. Everyone continued to fire at her, and she pinched some bullets out of the air before throwing a handful halfheartedly at a few cops. They all fell instantly.

She began to chuckle, a full bodied laughter whose joy and malevolence could not be misinterpreted. Turning to look at another cop, she stared him in the eye and gave him a wink. He fell to his knees immediately as he orgasmed, thanked his goddess, then put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger for her.

More cops showed up! From all sides! She had just about wrecked everyone on the ground, but there were still the helicopters. Floating into the air, she accelerated toward a few of them, lifting her top so the spinning helicopter blades could deform themselves on the undersides of her invulnerable tits. A military person slid out from the main body armed with a rocket launcher, but Gemma didn’t want him to ruin the toy he was flying in. A gentle, cold puff left him frozen from head to toe as the ambient temperature immediately affected the rest of the passengers by turning their skin pale blue and chilling them to the bone. It didn’t matter, anyway. The helicopter soon became useless and fell out of the sky.

After zapping some more for her heat vision as if callously killing mosquitos with a flyswatter, only infinitely easier and more effectively, the cops on the ground had just about arrived.

“Hmm... how about a chase?” Gemma fancied.

She dropped back to the ground and stuck her arm in between her expansive cleavage, rummaging around. Out came a whole motorcycle, one that she’d forgotten that Gideon had thrown in as an extra gift when she requested it from him. Placing it on the floor, she swung her long leg over it, revved the engine twice (making sure not to tear off the handlebar), and took off.

Popping a wheelie, Gemma used her flight powers to squeeze the seat with her thighs and take the whole thing airborne, flying over the oncoming police cars. Now that they were all behind her, she smiled and turned to point at them, transferring the deadly power of her eyes down to the very tips of her fingers, feeling the pleasant tingle of power that she commanded before firing her destructive lasers at all of them, one at a time.

It was like the finger of a god. Or goddess. Whatever she pointed at didn’t even erupt into flames. It simply ceased to exist anymore, with the only evidence left behind a large, black smear on the road.

“Hahaha!” Gemma flew out of her seat and lay on top of it, her curvaceous body splayed out across the entire motorcycle as she drove the thing backwards. Her legs faced the chasing officers, and she spread them to place her finger pistols in between, pulling the trigger repeatedly to wipe out the entire fleet.

Then the tanks rolled in.

“Oh my god!!! The tin cans!!!” Gemma cheered as she performed an impossible acrobatic stunt, placing her hands back on the handlebars and flipping in a semicircle from lying on her back to “lying” on her front, her body parallel to the zooming road below as the motorcycle continued forward at 75 miles an hour while she easily kept pace by flying backwards.

Then, she parted her breasts by flexing the unfathomable power contained within her pectoral muscles, and slowed her flight. The motorcycle drove straight into the endless valley of her shapely mounds, back into storage for when she would summon it once more.

Gemma pushed off the road with her boots. She soared like a rocket to materialize on top of a tank, then fell down like a million ton weight.

She landed with one knee and one fist on the top of the tank. The whole thing lost half its height as she compressed it with nothing but her languid limbs.

Rolling onto her back, Gemma began to have a laughing fit as the metal deformed and conformed to the shape of her body as everyone inside got crushed to death. Her legs bent at the knees, her feet stomping up and down on the metal as it yielded to her like soft clay. She laughed so hard, it might have been the first time that she had produced tears.

All of the remaining tanks fired on her. Amidst the explosions, her eyes pierced the veil to find sudden battleships and carriers approaching from the ocean, and bombers appearing in the sky.

“Mmm...” she began to moan as she touched herself once more while the world’s heaviest ordnance began to rain upon her. Maybe this time, she could let go and come hard enough to shatter the entire planet. Maybe it would come right back and entertain her some more...

“You see that, Oliver?” Dana whispered in his ear as she continued to squeeze his rigid cock. She hadn’t even been stroking him, but the impossibly smooth and unbreakable tight grip, not to mention the naturally alluring scent of her body meant that he had been at the precipice of orgasm the entire time. “See how sexy she is?”

“This... is... crazy....” Oliver thrashed as he tried to come, but Dana just ignored his weak, useless limbs.

“That’s going to be me, one day. Oliver. I’m going to be like her. But even more powerful.”

Oliver whined in fear, which was not the response Dana wanted.

“Look at my tits,” she ordered, and he did. His eyes glazed over instantly, but his need to orgasm did not abate.

“It turns you on to see beautiful girls doing impossible things. It turns you on when I frighten you with all of my power. And you want me to become more powerful. You want it so bad, you’ll help me figure this out, even if it could mean yours, and everyone else’s death...” Dana smiled as her orders settled over his vulnerable, tit-controlled mind.


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