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GTA - Atlantic Standard (The Heist)

Gemma put down the one ton boulder that she was effortlessly hoisting over her head, tossing it up and down as if she were juggling a feather. However, the impact on her elegant, feminine hand was anything but feather light. The boulder showed signs of stress fractures all throughout its surface as it landed onto Gemma’s nails and the hell of her hand, leaving her skin completely unmarked but deepening the cracks in the rock every time it smashed down onto her feminine form.

With a twist of her wrist, Gemma kept the thing rotating so that a different surface of the huge boulder landed on her hand each time, ensuring that her little juggling toy would remain in one piece as long as possible. The whole thing started to come apart at the seams, rock dust polluting the air but refusing to stick to Gemma’s lovely form.

Another flick, and the spinning boulder began to unravel from the torque that Gemma’s pretty hand had put on it. The flakes spun off, flinging deadly projectiles in all directions, smashing into tree trunks and felling the smaller ones. To finish the job, Gemma removed her palm and instead stuck her lone, long index finger into the air, where the boulder’s center of gravity landed precisely on the tip of her manicured fingernail.

Her slender digit carved through solid stone like a molten knife through ice cream. Without applying the perfect about of power to soften its landing, courtesy of Gemma’s flawless judgment and perfect control, her little juggling ball shattered on impact, raining sharp bits down harmlessly over her beautiful knuckles, her smooth, slim shoulders, and of course, in between the unbeatable, high profile, jutting spheres of her breasts.

When the smoke had cleared, Gemma simply reached her other hand in between the deep recess of her man-melting cleavage, pulverizing what little rock remained into dust between her luscious titflesh. Out came her phone.

To Gemma,

We have a mission for you. We want you to perform a heist at Atlantic Standard. The main branch in the financial district of Ivyvine.

This is a big job, and we understand you like to take on big requests. There are some preparations that need to take place before such a job can be done successfully.

First, you will need to deliver this transponder and talk to Levy Goldman, one of our expert engineers, to tune into the Atlantic Standard frequency so that we can spy on their operations. He is wanted by the FBI and has been hiding out on an island and on the waters in the Atlantic Ocean.

Second, we will need to acquire getaway motorcycles, to be planted at a hidden location near Atlantic Standard on the day of the heist. Speed and maneuverability are of the essence. There will be four of you performing the heist, hence four bikes.

Third, we need thermal charges strong enough to get past the incredibly secure bank vault door. The standard fair will not do; we need your team to obtain the charges manufactured by Barracks. Luckily for us, we have information that they are transporting a bunch of new manufactured charges. Unluckily for us, it will be escorted by a Fairweather convoy. We must obtain these explosives to make the heist possible.

Finally, with all of these elements, the four of you can finally stage a bank heist. Once you’ve loaded the bags with money, you will have to store it in one of four large trunks that you will be provided with. One of you will be carrying the real payload while the others have fakes. You will all head up to a canyon via separate routes to split the authorities up, and then parachute down to safety after you climb up the terrain that their vehicles simply cannot.

We will begin this mission as soon as all of the elements are procured.

“Sounds fun...” Gemma floated into the air and began to play with herself as she thought of all the fun she would have on this job.


“Anyone know how to sail this thing?” One of the mercenaries asked while all three of them mostly just stared at Gemma.

“This is a crazy ass quest, yo. Levy’s being hunted by the Feds as we speak, and we’re supposed to go and meet him? Sure, they got a file on me, but I don’t try to run into trouble.”

“What’s the matter, dickless? Scared of a little violence? How’d you get on this crew anyway?” the third asked.

“Never mind, boys,” Gemma’s eyes zoomed over the endless blue ocean to find the target they were supposed to meet up with. He was, in fact, being pursued by the Feds. And they had him surrounded a few miles off the coast, totally helpless. “Give me the transponder. I’ll take care of it.”

“You? And what do you do, Missy? Hate to see a body like that get scuffed up...”

“I’ll be fine. If you give it to me, you boys might be in for some fun later,” Gemma winked at him.

He groaned and bit his lip as he struggled, and failed, to contain his sudden, unexpected ejaculation just from this tall beauty’s little gesture. He did manage to mostly hide it, however.

“H-here...” his voice trembled as he kept one hand vaguely in front of his groin as the other fished around in his pocket. Had he really just come in his pants?

“Why don’t you go wait in the car for me?” Gemma suggested sweetly, her voice echoing inside of their skulls and sweeping away any and all thoughts. “Don’t mind little old me until I get back.”

All three of them surged to full hardness, but paid no more attention to Gemma. The trio waddled bow-legged back to the vehicle to await Gemma’s return. It would ruin the fun if they found out just what she could do this early on...

With the transponder in hand, Gemma took to the sky, her scandalously short red plaid skirt fluttering in the wind. Her shirt covered the top of her boobs, but left their hefty underside on full display. It was a shame that her marvelous abs just couldn’t draw the attention her tits could. They were just as impressive, but men were so simple minded.

They were just putting handcuffs on Levy when Gemma arrived overhead. None thought to look up at the clear blue sky, so Gemma thought to surprise them with a sudden wave of freezing cold, even for the Atlantic Ocean.

She pursed her thick, devilishly red lips out, puckered up, and exhaled a light stream of cold down at one of the ships. It was just an easy bit of blowing as she floated around, body parallel to the ocean, completely unaided. A huge, blue cone emanated from her sweet little puff and iced over the boat and its crew entirely, killing them in an instant. The water surrounding the ship suffered from being in contact with the ice that the ship was now covered in, and it too, began to crackle and freeze as Gemma’s frigid blast continued to do damage even though she had long since closed her lips.

“W-what!?” the feds yelled as they saw one of their ships turn into a huge iceberg. “What’s going on!?”

Gemma plunged into the salty water, deep under the surface of the waters, and placed her arms underneath the underside of the boat. Applying the smallest amount of force, her body rose smoothly through the ocean as if there were no resistance at all. When her head broke through the surface of the water, the silvery locks of her hair and the smooth skin of her face were completely dry as the water slid off of her perfect form. Meanwhile, the boat was no longer rocking on the choppy waters. Instead, it was completely suspended in the air by Gemma’s extended, well toned arms.

Still she continued to rise out of the water, silently and smoothly. By the time her stunning tits were breaking the surface, one of the feds had coincidentally turned around to see another one of their ships being used as a prop in a miraculous feat.

“S-sexy...” was the only word he managed to utter.

The other feds, and Levy too, all turned to look at the platinum haired sex goddess rising out of the water while effortlessly lifting a ten ton coast guard ship. Her legs, her long, long legs were climbing upwards now, revealing inch after inch of her endlessly long limbs until the heels of her boots were now standing on the surface of the choppy ocean. Every single inch of her was completely dry, unaffected by the brine, and absolutely mouth watering.

“Hi boys! You’ll have to leave my friend here alone so he can help us rob a bank!” Gemma greeted them with a little wave, now holding up the ship with one arm only.

“H-how are you doing... Who are you?” they asked her.

Gemma just shrugged, the casual movement causing the ship to rock violently on her outstretched palm. And more importantly, causing her firm, jutting breasts to jiggle.

With a little heave, Gemma tossed the boat two miles out, totally capsizing it in the process. It landed in the ocean upside down and began to sink.

“Our boat!”

“Oh, you won’t need it,” Gemma smiled. “Hey, have you ever tried being a skipping stone?”


Gemma flew over to land on Levy’s ship. She gave everyone a moment to process her super speedy movement, and once their eyes opened wide when they realized that she was no longer standing on the water, but next to them, she grabbed one of the men and tossed him along the surface of the ocean.

His head slammed into the water with so much force that the ocean’s waves may as well have been concrete. He died instantly and sank like a stone.

“Oopsie! I guess I’m not very good at this!” Gemma pouted.

“Shoot her! Shoot her!” the men drew their guns.

But Gemma picked all of them off their feet and, far more gently this time, tossed them across the water. Some of them bounced along the surface, but Gemma wasn’t satisfied with just two or three skips. Instead, she supercharged their momentum by blowing each of her stones a targeted kiss, causing them to tumble around and skip out until the horizon and beyond.

“Hi Levy,” Gemma turned to greet the terrified yet horny man. “I hear you can like, hack the bank, or something.” She fished the transponder from out between her cleavage.

“Um... yeah... I can do that...” he held out his hand. Gemma dropped the transponder into his waiting palm. He could still feel the warmth of Gemma’s spectacular cleavage. He even got a whiff of her lovely, sweeter than sex scent from it.

“Right! Well, my task is done here!” Gemma floated to take her leave as Levy just stared wide-eyed at the most marvelous gift he’d ever received.

“N-no, wait! How do I get back to shore? My boat is...”

Gemma rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll take you back as a business courtesy. You might want to sit down and strap in...”

A few moments later, Levy was vomiting over the side of his boat as Gemma pulled it into dock and tied the ship up.

Getaway Plan

“Gideon dear, would you be so kind as to donate us four motorcycles? I can’t promise I’ll return them,” Gemma purred into her phone.

Gideon audibly groaned. Gemma could hear his entire body bucking in his fancy mogul chair as his shoes clattered against the marble floor of his office.

“Yes, Gemma. Anything you ask...”

“You’re the sweetest, darling! Would you mind putting another ten million into my account as well?”

Gemma’s lips curled into a smile as she heard Gideon clutching his heart as his body continued to ejaculate for the sound of her voice. She hung up on him and left him to it. Gemma was sure she’d see the money once he came to.

Thermal Charges

Gemma and her squad of three tailed carefully behind the Soldiers truck and its Fairweather security convoy along a fairly empty highway.

“They must’ve noticed by now,” the driver complained bitterly. “They’re gonna kill us! Why did you want me to tail so closely!?”

From the passenger side, Gemma extended her hand over to the wet stain on the driver’s crotch and gave it another soul-shivering brush with her powerful fingers. “Don’t complain,” she purred. “I’m doing all the work.”

He shivered as he orgasmed again from the erotic brush and firm squeeze of her hand. The two in the backseat had long since been incapacitated by Gemma’s pheromones.

“Keep control of the car now, sweetie,” Gemma ordered as his hands gripped the wheel while the car jerked left and right just outside of their lane. “I’ll be right back...”

CArefully, Gemma opened her car door instead of ripping it off the frame as they sped down the highway. Remembering at the last moment that she had actually buckled her seat belt, she squeezed the little mechanism in the palm of her hand, crushing it to bits, and then sliced through it with a swipe of her fingernail.

Now free of the car’s “safety” mechanisms, Gemma floated into the air and landed her boots right on top of the Fairweather security convoy, hands on hips. Bending over at the waist, she jabbed the fingers of her left hand right through the roof of the vehicle, nearest to where the pickup connected to the cab, and then peeled the entire sheet of metal open like a can of tuna. All she had to do was float horizontally in place and let the driver continue forward, using the engine’s so-called power to do all the work for her.

“Holy shit! What the hell!?” the Fairweather men covered their ears and looked up as the metal squealed.

“Hi boys!” Gemma floated calmly down into the caravan where all of the armed soldiers had been waiting. “You don’t mind if we have a little chat, do you? May I have a seat?”

“Who the hell is that!?”

“That’s... That’s Gemma! Fuck!”

“Aw, some of you boys know me already!” Gemma grabbed one of the soldiers for hire by the back of his neck and threw him against the wall. He smashed into it with a dull thud and dropped to the floor while Gemma took his place and crossed her long, long legs, arching her beautiful limb high up into the air to reveal her captivating pink pussy underneath her skirt for just a tantalizing second. “So sorry, but I’m going to need what’s in that Soldiers truck y’all are guarding...”

“KIll her!”

Most of them drew their guns on her, but Gemma remained unfussed. She let the bullets bounce off her skin and rattle around in their little prison, just checking her fingernails as everyone but her injured themselves with gun wounds from the ricochets. Once the whole squad was moaning and writhing on the floor, Gemma stood back up and stepped over their bodies.

Chest thrust out, her bosom warped the metal separating her from the driver in the cab. It molded itself around her lascivious body until it could withstand the strain no more as Gemma punched a hole right through it, shattering glass as she poked her lovely face right through to the passenger side.

“What the fuck!” the driver yelped in shock as he saw Gemma’s spellbinding face presenting itself.

She leaned in close, her hot breath tickling the driver’s cheek. “Crash into the car in front for me, would you kindly?” Her thick, strong tongue lashed out to swipe the man’s earlobe before chewing it gently between her perfect teeth.

His body shuddered as his right foot slammed on the accelerator, holding it down even as he convulsed in pure ecstasy. Gemma continued to stoke the fires of his arousal, licking and sucking his soft skin while her sweet, pheromone laced breath wafted all over him.

Before his body could slump and relax in post coital bliss, Gemma changed tack and began to exhale frigid air from her lungs. It all came so easily for her. Her tongue turned ice cold as it continued to swish and massage his ear. He was frozen solid in an instant, from his head all the way down to his feet. The gas pedal was well and truly stuck to the floor now, thanks to Gemma’s statue.

The cars crashed. The Soldiers truck exploded in a huge cloud of intense heat and black smoke. Out of the devastation hovered Gemma, her clothes totally unsoiled, body utterly unharmed.

Gemma flew and took her seat back in their own vehicle.

“Okay, all done here!” she beamed brightly.

“Where are the charges?” the groggy men in the back began to stir.

“Oh. Oops! Tell our employer that we have it and everything’s under control, would ya?”

“You want me to lie to our employer!?”

“Would you kindly?” Gemma flashed him another winning smile as her honeyed voice engulfed him.

He orgasmed in his pants once more. Once he recovered, he did exactly as Gemma had instructed.

The Job

A scantily clad Gemma, dressed in her signature boots, a black top, and the shortest red skirt strode into Atlantic Standard with her three goons. They all brought their guns out on cue, causing mayhem and panic within the bank as Gemma strode up to the teller.

“Do you have access to the vault?” she asked with a smirk on her heartbreakingly beautiful face.

“N-no! I swear!” the teller responded immediately.

“Purrfect,” Gemma purred.

The police arrived at the building surprisingly quickly. They didn’t care about the civilians—they just opened fire immediately.

“Shit! What the fuck! They don’t care bout our hostages?!” one of the men screamed as he ducked for cover.

“Hey! No civilian casualties, remember?” Gemma huffed and turned away from the impressive vault door. “Do I have to do everything myself?”

She blurred from the spot and caught a bullet that was about to smack a civilian in the face. When the innocent bystander finally noticed, she shrieked and fainted from the shock.

Gemma sighed. “You boys are ruining my fun!”

Marching forward to the center of the floor, the cops turned their gunfire on her. She stood there while her three goons and everyone else inside took cover behind solid wood and marble to hide from the assault. Meanwhile, the bullets just pinged harmlessly off of Gemma’s perfect body, leaving lots of little dented bullets behind.

“My turn!” Gemma chirped.

She blitzed forward and grabbed two officers by the neck. Giving them enough time to feel the silky squeeze of her fingers around their necks, Gemma began to lift them off the floor once they could properly process the predicament they were in.

“I think you should get back into your cars and get a donut!” Gemma smartmouthed before flinging them both like ragdolls to smash into some vehicles. Their bodies slammed against the doors, breaking the glass, and shattering their internal organs and skeletons instantly.

“I’ll be right back to play with the rest of you soon, if you insist on being such boors,” Gemma announced loudly before striding her way back in. A quick swat of her arms sent two more uniformed corpses flying out of the bank.

They took a moment to pause and rethink things.

Back in the bank, Gemma admired the circular vault door with all of its tubing. Her eyes penetrated the polished metal, revealing the inner lock mechanism to her incredible x-ray vision.

“We got no thermal charges!” one of her goons reminded her.

“No problem!” Gemma continued to scan the secured door. “Ah, I see!” Gemma declared. “This connects to this, and this to this, so I just have to go here...”

She jabbed her slender fingers right in between where the door and the wall met, pushing the metal aside like soft clay. Then, she repeated the trick with her left hand. Curling her digits, Gemma got a good grip as the metal sunk, deformed by Gemma’s overwhelming, incomparable strength.

Then she ripped the whole thing right out from the wall.

“I love picking locks!” she declared.

The cops were charging in once more. Gemma flung the thing like a frisbee and crushed a bunch more of them before it embedded deep in the asphalt road outside.

“Fill up one of our containers, would you boys? I’ll go handle the boys in blue.”

They began to stack the gold bricks into the designated vessel while Gemma just leaned by the vault door, relaxing and turning police officers to ash by flicking on her heat vision. The powerful beams warmed the ambient temperature to almost unbearably hot, while the targets that her lasers struck burnt away flesh and bleached skeletons before turning those, too, to ash.

“Done!” The three of them, panting with exertion, heaved the heavy container for Gemma’s approval.

“Great work, boys! Wow, you are good for something after all!” She looped her index finger through the handle and dangled it off of her curled digit.

“Come on! We have to get to the getaway vehicles!”

“Follow me, boys...”

Gemma strolled out of the bank, looking like a supermodel strutting down the runway without a care in the world. The three men huddled behind her, using her invulnerable body as a shield, not just from the bullets, but from the heat of her deadly laser vision. She was detonating police cars one at a time now, just for fun.

“Aaaaand... here we go, boys,” she used her free hand to reach into her cleavage to pull out their motorcycles. They marveled at her strength as she held it above her head with a single hand, despite having seen all of the incredible feats she was capable of.

One by one, she set them down. “See you at the extraction point!”

They all rode off their separate ways with their fake bounty. Of course, Gemma held onto the real one.

The police chased the three of them in hot pursuit. When they reached the cliff they were supposed to parachute from, they found Gemma just hovering there in midair over the edge of the canyon.

“Better hurry, boys! The cops are right on your tails!” she sing-songed as she bobbed up and down, ignoring the laws of gravity.

“Help us!” they begged as they struggled to put on their parachutes while bullets whizzed past them.

“Well, for a fee... how about, say, your share of the profit?” Gemma smirked.

“What!? No way! I...” A bullet pierced his back and tore through his chest, leaving him dead.

“Fuck! Yes, yes! Anything!” the other two swore.

“Aw, you’re sweet. Alright boys, hold on tight...”

Gemma flew back toward land, making sure that her two goons were behind her. Then, she puffed out her cheeks and blew, creating a hurricane force wind that uprooted trees, rocks, soil, and all of their pursuers. The entire land was devastated by her powerful breath, stripping it of all greenery as it rattled the fragile bodies of the policemen and their cars, creating a massive landslide that smashed into the bottom of the hill.

When she closed her lips, the howling wind of the tornado instantly ceased. She turned to face the two remaining men.

“Well? Let’s go!”

Gemma floated over the canyon and began her smooth descent while the other two men jumped off the cliff and released their parachutes, shuddering for dear life.


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