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GTA - Fairweather Security Group

Gemma slept a few feet above her lavish bed, her nude body rendering all of those expensive satin sheets and her queen size bed completely moot.

“Stupid... useless... little... fucktoy... mmf!” she moaned as she rotated in the air, her long, powerful, superstrong fingers clenching into a fist that would have shattered diamond to atoms. The sweet, sweet nectar between the junction of her thighs began to leak down her pink petals, and their irresistible scent would have driven both men and women to uncontrollable lust and madness if they were around to experience it.

“Ohhhh...” Gemma moaned, really getting into it. Her delicate little toes began to curl, hard enough to deform steel or break bones as her muscular thighs came into stark definition, bronzed and beautiful, magnitudes of times harder than the densest alloy known to man.

Her phone beeped with a notification.

“Oh my!” Gemma suddenly awoke, her eyes clear and bright as ever, her mind feeling completely revitalized with no drowsy side effects. “What a dark fantasy!” she gave her gooey clit a few brushes of her fingers, hard enough to shatter a planet. “Imagine me behaving that cruelly in real life...” she almost blushed at the thought!

Turning around to “lie” flat on her belly in midair with her uneatable, pendant breasts on staggeringly sexy display, Gemma merely floated over to the bedside table where her phone was charging. She remained parallel to the floor, kicking those lascivious legs idly by bending at the knee as she swiped open her notification.

The email read:

To: Gemma Thomas Austin <gemma.thomas.austin@HomophoneMagic.com>

From: Fairweather Security <FWS@fairweather.com>

The Fairweather Security Group would like to meet with you to discuss your recent encounters with our Fair men. We are willing to overlook your transgressions should you pay some reparations to us in the area of around $50,000,000 USD. We are sure you will agree that this is a massive haircut for the casualty and liability you have caused us. We do this in order to establish good faith.

Once payment is delivered, we are open to working terms with you. You may find that life with us is more profitable and secure than flying solo, contracting yourself out to Gideon and other people of his disreputable ilk. We will offer you an advanced leadership role, away from the front lines.

Should you not meet our requests, you will find yourself our enemy permanently. And we do not think it is in your... best interest to do so, to put it mildly.

We look forward to a bright new partnership with you. Please wire $5,000,000 as a testament to your good will, and we can meet.

Gemma scanned the entire letter in under a second, her captivating red eyes imperceptibly moving as she committed all of the information to her super brain. With glee, she went to her bank account and immediately wired the money—a tiny pittance to all of the money she’d earned and hoarded. Besides, she never had to spend any of what she earned. Her next big purchase would be the island of Hawaii from the US Government. A little bit of talking to a few key people, and they would be devoted to her voice and beauty for the rest of their lives. Gemma would just have to remember not to kill them, unless it looked like a natural cause.

What a buzzkill. Getting one’s skull crushed to death with no discernible machinery in sight to do so was somehow not deemed natural causes, even though Gemma’s delicate hands were nothing but.

She sat there in the air, cross-legged while waiting for a reply. Squishing a stress ball made of pure metal and rolling the resultant sheets between her fingers, she lamented simultaneously that there was no material tough enough to give her overwhelming super strength any resistance... while also being pleased at the fact. It was a contradiction that she was working to reconcile. Meeting a philosophy professor to talk about it had been... well. The professor proved to be of no use as soon as he got a glimpse of Gemma’s body. And when he heard Gemma’s voice... she got what use out of him she could, mostly by seducing him to death. That took all of five seconds. She didn’t have much use for so-called “great minds” these days.

The email from Fairweather Security Group finally arrived... Gemma rolled her metal toy into more or less of a sphere in the palm of her soft hands, then brought it up to her face and gave it a tiny, frozen kiss. It cooled off immediately. The shape of her thick, cupid-bow lips pushed into the metal and left a perfect impression.

Their email read:

To: Gemma Thomas Austin <gemma.thomas.austin@HomophoneMagic.com>

From: Fairweather Security Group <FWS@fairweather.com>

We are pleased that you show good judgment by accepting our offer. Please meet us at the following address at the set time. Again, a truancy would ruin any good favor you have garnered with us. Pray continue to show good judgment so that we may solve this business transaction equitably. Based on our data, you appear to be located on the west coast of the United States. We believe this will give you enough time to make travel arrangements and arrive on time.

Gemma was hovering upside-down as she read this second email. Her brow furrowed in anger. One whole week!? But she wanted to play now!

Tucking her phone back in between the pocket dimension of her magnificent breasts, Gemma fumed with impatience and anger. Well, why not play now? The address was a neutral location, but it wouldn’t take long to locate the official headquarters of Fairweather Security. After all, they were publicly listed and received billions of government funding every year, with their official address a total front. She could scan the globe herself to find where their true operations were being planned and carried out, since her eyes were capable of piercing through any material and her mind more than capable of processing it. But showing up at the front sounded like a bit more fun.

The platinum blonde didn’t want to waste any time, so she tucked her usual work getup, those booty denim shorts that looked like a bikini bottom on her, her ass so glorious that it sucked the fabric right in between those marvelous, bulging, firm, apple shaped bottom while putting on a black top that displayed just enough of her mammoth mounds while covering up enough of her ripe, feminine flesh to prevent people from orgasming just at the sight of her spectacular assets. She didn’t want everyone to pop off before she was done playing with them, after all.

So into the endless cavernous space between her cleavage it went. Her garments simply disappeared into that bottomless well of holding. And then her boots too.

Without another second for delay, Gemma flattened out, parallel to the floor, and pressed the outer curves of her buxom bosom into place by flattening them with her arms so that they wouldn’t smash through the wooden frame of her window. It was her location, after all. Any other property, and she would’ve left nothing but a pile of rubble by merely brushing it with her fantastic tits.

Flying completely in the nude, Gemma took her time and burst above the clouds, the sleek lines of her sculpted body straight as an arrow save for the beautiful dual bulges that were her ass tits and her ass. She’d always been a sucker for ballet, and flying ballet? It was the greatest thing ever.

She extended her long, long arms outward and turned her toes down to face the earth, showing off the marvelous length of her limbs and “stood” on her toes, twirling and flexing. Her abdomen, so toned and fit that their deep definition shined through even when her body was relaxed—which was all the time, since nothing physical at all could ever tax her absolute body—was on full display, not that there could be any onlookers where she was. The air was too thin for anyone to survive up there, not to mention the chilly air in and the total lack of atmosphere. Oh, and the fact that she was thousands of feet unaided in the air. No, this was just a private performance for her own enjoyment.

Every single movement took her miles forward. A little leap, a pirouette, whatever she chose; her body blipped from the spot in a flesh colored blur that would’ve been imperceptible to any eyes but her own. And soon, she had danced her way to the other coast of the country.

“Ahh,” she sighed in contentment, running her long fingers through the silken strands of her pale white hair, totally immune from the harsh rays of the sunlight, even reflecting it back. Then, she fell straight out of the sky, her toes piercing through the clouds before the rest of her followed, until she landed silently in a back alley behind Fairweather Security Group’s public headquarters.

A male employee was making his way out of the back entrance when Gemma landed. The sweet scent of her natural, alluring perfume dominated his sexual arousal before Gemma’s nude, nubile body arrived.

He came immediately once he caught a glimpse of Gemma’s perfect ass.

“Shh...” Gemma shushed him, bowling him over with her gently blown superbreath, sending him rolling head first into the end of the alleyway while simultaneously suffusing him with her sweet breath. “My arrival is supposed to be a surprise!”

She slowly took her clothes out from between her breasts, not at all worried about the man who was busy orgasming nonstop for her. Floating into the air as if sitting on an invisible sofa, she pulled on one black knee high boot at a time, further extending the man’s supernatural orgasm when she parted her legs to show him her perfect pink pussy.

“Oops!” she uttered, stripping them off once again, baring her cute little toes to his hungry, gaping eyes. His balls were forced to continue to churn for her even as his orgasms became dry and painful.

She pulled out her jean shorts this time and floated into them before repeating the act of putting on her boots once more, an act more intense than any sexual encounter the man had ever experienced.

As for her top, Gemma pulled it straight out of her boobs and inexplicably wrapped it around her upper body without having to slide the entire piece over her head.

“How are you doing? You’ve gone all quiet for me...” Gemma looked behind her, still speaking with enough sensuous power to level an entire city.

“Oh, you’re already dead,” she said matter-of-factly as her voice returned to normal. “Boring.”

Marching into the office, she drew the attention of everyone in the lobby, including the receptionists. Gemma leaned over the front desk, presenting her pendant mounds at their unbeatable best. Resting her elbow on the marble and putting a deep crack onto it, Gemma placed her chin on her wrist and asked the deer-in-headlights receptionist, “Could you please tell me where to go to speak to the highest authority in this office?”

The woman’s entire being shook with lust as she stared into those endless breasts. As soon as Gemma’s voice hit her eardrum, her body was alight with need, and all of her body began to ache.

“T-top... floor! Mnnnnn!” she wailed.

“Thank you, darling!” Gemma leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

The receptionist collapsed onto the floor and passed out, her mind overloaded from the feel of Gemma’s lips.

Everyone’s eyes remained glued to Gemma as she strutted to the elevator. She pressed the button, then waited patiently for the doors to open. Only when she disappeared from view could everyone move and breathe and think once more. The sound of arrested lust was the first thing to fill the lobby.

Inside of the little moving box, Gemma smiled at the effect her beauty had on people. Then, not waiting any longer, she raised a fist and punched straight through the ceiling of her transport and rocketed right to the top floor. Jabbing her fingers through the gap of the door, her sculpted arms pulled them apart with ease.

“W-whoa! Hey! Are you okay? What just happened?!” the receptionist for the big boss shrieked as Gemma made her noisy entrance. She gasped at the sight of the flying superhuman beauty. And Gemma wasn’t even using her charms!

“I need to see your boss,” Gemma floated right past her.

“You can’t... I need to see your badge!” the beleaguered girl dared to stand up and grab Gemma’s wrist to challenge her.

“Oh, so sorry, dear. Here it is...”

Gemma ran her fingers inside of her top, pretending to search for it. The receptionist’s eyes followed the movement of those seductive hands, involuntarily drawn inward toward that canyon of cleavage. She hadn’t even realized how inappropriately close she had gotten.

Without warning, Gemma twisted her upper body, slamming her immovable bust right into the woman’s cheek. Her face was slammed sideways violently, breaking her neck instantly. Then, her feet left the ground as her body flew into the open elevator shaft and fell to the ground floor.

“Everyone’s such a sucker for my boobs. I wonder what it would be like to put someone in there,” she mused. And then, “Oh! The Harmony Roadster GTX 1030! I guess I could’ve just done that instead of carrying it. Oh well, my way was more fun! I have so many powers, it’s such a bother to remember to use all of them.”

“Nina?” The so-called boss opened the door to his office to see what the commotion was outside.

“Hi!” Gemma waved cutely, smiling sweetly. “I’m Gemma. Are you aware of your company’s mercenary division?”

“Wh-what!?” He cleared his throat. The mention of government sponsored illegal activity brought him to the defensive immediately. His trained response allowed him to act even in the face of such crushing beauty. “You must be mistaken. We do not...”

Gemma appeared right before him, invading all of his personal space. Wrapping her fingers around his wrist, she crushed his bones to dust.

“Then find me someone who does, handsome,” Gemma smiled at his wails of pain. “And quickly, before I accidentally break your other wrist...”

“Punch a hole in her head, boys!” The improvised group of elite Fairweather guards opened fire on a Gemma who was patiently waiting.

Gemma just stood there, hands on hips, chest naturally thrust outward. Their supposedly deadly projectile pellets left no mark on her skin at all, pinging loudly and flattening against her svelte biceps, her trimmed abdominals, off of her high cheeks, and delivering nothing but pleasure as they bounced off of her boobs. If she focused, she could actually feel it!

Of course, it was nothing compared to her own fondling and squeezing...

Even her hair, perfectly coiffed, repelled bullets without so much as a quiver.

“Reloading!” the trained group announced to each other as they staggered their reloading times so that someone was always providing suppressive fire.

“This is not how you punch a hole in someone’s head, boys,” Gemma lectured, shaking her big breasts to catch the strays that would have missed her.

She flew up over the cover that one of the men was hiding behind, leaving the rest of them firing at nothing.

“Shit! Where is she? Where’d she go!?”

When the bullets stopped, Gemma reappeared in her original place in order to help their pathetic eyes. But with her was one of the so-called elite fighters that she had carried there. He looked a little green and unsteady on his feet from her rapid travel.

“This... is how!”

Gemma cocked her fist and barely pushed upward with any force. Her uppercut ripped his head off and left his corpse staggering there for a moment before falling over.

“What’s happening!? How did she do that!?”

“FIre! Fire!”

Gemma let the hail of bullets rain down on her once more. Perhaps she should raise her estimation of the Fairweather Security Group. It’d been a long time since someone had treated her to such a nice experience, and on such short notice too! The last time when she was first discovering the extent of her limitless powers...

Unfortunately, one of her dates was apparently leaving early. He’d presumably realized that their weapons were useless against her (they were), and that his only chance of survival would be to run. As if!

“Hang on, boys!” Gemma shouted.

All of the men suddenly stopped shooting. They struggled against her command, but try as they might, their efforts were nowhere up to the task of resisting Gemma’s little command. Their bodies trembled, their fingers hovering near the trigger. All they needed to do was squeeze a little to fire another round, but the beading sweat on their faces belied the terrible internal struggle they were embroiled in.

Gemma flew over the retreating mercenary, flipping vertical and coming down, she appeared directly in his path without giving his pathetic reactions any time to process. Also, she happened to be upside down with her breasts level with his groin and her beautiful thigh gap aligned with his face.

The soldier ran right into her trap, bruising his face against her powerful thighs and the lovely space between them thanks to Gemma’s wide hips. She wrapped her calves behind the back of his head and totally engulfed his head with her long, long legs while her groin smashed directly into the devastatingly erotic space right between her breasts.

“You’re supposed to stay and play! But since you want to ghost early... well, I’ll help you become a ghost!”

Gemma wrapped her long arms behind his ass and flew right back up into the air, making it look as if gravity had been reversed. Her upward freefall brought the man high into the sky, out of sight of the guards she had dominated with her command.

The feeling of her flesh constricting him so powerfully, even in his critical condition, immediately tipped him over the edge of an orgasm. His pathetic, unworthy male fluid stained his pants and threatened to touch Gemma’s clothes, so she whisked it away with her tit space.

Soon, they were floating in the vacuum of the black, outside of Earth’s atmosphere. Gemma finally let go, leaving his corpse to float in orbit, forever preserved.

“There you go, lover. Now back to your friends...”

Gemma zipped right back down, putting a deep crack in the concrete where she’d been receiving such pleasant gunfire attention.

“Okay, boys! Go ahead now!”

“Mnnnnnffff!” all of the men moaned as their bodies obeyed their own minds once more. Some of them screamed from having their personalities shunted aside so easily and collapsed into helpless, trembling puddles.

The others opened fire, but Gemma found that she was in the mood for some variety. Another flesh colored blur later, she had collected all of their guns and was holding them all in an unorganized pile in her arms.

“I’m bored of this! Let me see if I can have some fun with these. I’ll make my own bullets, and fire them at you! How does that sound?”

The men clutched their hands, screaming from the pain of Gemma ripping away their weapons. Gemma ignored it all, picked up one gun, and shoved it between her breasts. Instead of putting it away for storage, the metal crumpled against her chest. She flexed her breasts, rolling them back and forth, up and down, until she had fashioned a little metal sphere. Then, she fished it out by plunging her fingers deep into her cleavage, placed it on the tip of her index finger, and flicked it with her thumb.

Her bullet traveled faster than gunpowder and fire could manage. It bore a hole through a brick wall where one man had been taking cover, piercing a clean hole through his head. Even the exit wound was the same size as the entry, such was Gemma’s flick.

She repeated her little metalworking showcase, sometimes rubbing a gun with her hand up and down against her smooth as marble, harder than steel thigh. Another time, she opened her mouth and stuck the barrel end of the gun into her mouth, rolling it up and forcing it to yield with nothing but the lascivious movement of her flexing tongue. Then, she spat it out like a cherry stone, propelling it with nothing but a twitch of her lips, and a little puff of her breath.

Of course, every movement resulted in a perfect, clean kill. Soon, there were only three men left, and only because Gemma had been a little too zealous reshaping the guns and had atomized it completely as she shaped it. The last one, she’d inserted into her own love canal by parting her lips with her fingers, and the sensation of being filled caused her inner folds to slam together so tightly that not even liquid metal oozed out from between those strong, thick muscles.

“Aww... it looks like I used up all of the toys you brought me,” Gemma announced. “This was really lovely. You Fairweather guys were such gentlemen. If you don’t mind, I’d like to give you all a kiss...”

“N-no, please...”

“Really, I insist!”

The three men immediately stood up straight. Gemma laughed at their broken hands and their unsteady legs, their eyes darting in terror as they revealed themselves from cover. Not that it made a difference to Gemma, of course. The previous display had proven that she could see, hear, and aim with far more accuracy and precision than any state of the art gun. But the psychological effect of being fully exposed to the woman who was about to “give them a kiss,” as she said...

Like poorly built robots, they all walked toward her, one barely functioning leg at a time. IN single file, all of them stared straight ahead at the warm, lovely, inviting smile plastered on her face.

“I really enjoyed this. And here’s my last parting gift to you...”

Gemma leaned forward at the waist, emphasizing just how incredible her proportions were. Her tits, so huge, her waist, so svelte, her legs and arms, so long and lovely. They all watched, completely spellbound, as Gemma kissed her hand, lowered her fingers, and exhaled their way.

Her breath froze the air in front of her, turning the hot day into a winter snow scene immediately. Frost coated everything in the wake of her breath, and she floated up into the air while still blowing as she made her leave.

All that was left behind was three perfectly preserved corpses, covered in thick ice. Her cold breath continued to travel through city streets, icing over people, cars, and buildings alike.

But Gemma wasn’t even blowing anymore. She was already halfway home.

From: gemma.thomas.austin <gta@HomophoneMagic.com>

From: Fairweather Security <FWS@fairweather.com>

Hi everyone,

So sorry, I decided to move the appointment up a little bit. I can’t say we got much done on the meeting, but I had a lot of fun.

Would you like to reschedule? I’m so sorry for the rain check. Really I am.

Gemma Thomas Austin

Back at home, Gemma was pinching and rolling the thick, pink peaks of her nipples, moaning and thrusting her hips as she waited for Fairweather's response. Suddenly, an email notification pinged her phone. She paused her ministrations to check it, though her tongue was still hanging sloppily from her mouth.

Thirty minutes later, the $5,000,000 was sent back to her account.

“Aww,” Gemma pouted. “I guess they didn’t like me. I was hoping for a second date...”


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