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“Come on, Oliver! You can do better than that!”

Dana had her wonderful, muscular thighs wrapped around Oliver’s head while he tried to stand his ground against the unbearable pressure of Dana thrusting her far too powerful pussy in his face. Her juices dribbled down his lips, her salty heat threatened to suffocate him, and every squeeze of her thighs felt like he’d just received a civious jab to the face in the ring with an experienced boxer. If the boxer were a beautiful, obscenely tall redhead, and the jab was being delivered by the softest, smoothest, most fragrant pink pussy lips that he ever had the honor of being intimately close with.

And Dana, eager for more urgent stimulation from the lover she’d just battered with her unrepentant, hypnotic breasts, was supporting her whole weight with her hands on the box she’d been sitting on earlier. Her elbows were bent, and the rest of her body was suspended in midair, her back parallel to the floor. The strength required to keep her marvelous torso suspended in midair while she rested her thighs on Oliver’s shoulders required no effort from her toned arms at all. But the sight of her flexed core would have captivated Oliver, dominating him with the sight of Dana’s gravity-defying tits and beautifully muscled midsection. If he weren’t already completely captured by Dana’s feminine intimacy.

Dana pistoned herself back and forth, swallowing Oliver’s attempts to complain as her nether lips bashed against his mouth, pumping against his jaw and tongue seeking more urgent, greedy satisfaction. He held onto her muscled thighs for dear life as he began to ragdoll against Dana’s more-powerful-than-a-wrecking-ball’s movements.

“Come on! Eat me out better! You owe me for last night, you selfish prick!”

Oliver, fearful for his life, lashed at Dana’s smooth yet ungiving lips, unable to part them with his tongue or even his fingers. Her thighs squeezed his skull painfully, and he desperately moved to nibbling at her gooey clit, the part of her that was actually exposed and vulnerable to his ministrations.

Dana, growing slightly bored, removed one of the hands supporting her awkwardly distributed weight but not flinching at all as she bore all the load in one hand alone. With her free hand, she grabbed her phone and swiped past the screensaver to refresh the HominyMartian page. Maybe some extra stimuli could get her going. Sex with Oliver was always fine... but she got off so much more easily from the written word describing her favorite female dominant fantasies.

More polls, more powers. More comments from fellow patrons like her. Dana valued her privacy too much to leave any comments or feedback for the call for powers for GTA, but if this were actually affecting her, she might have to chime in soon...

For now, she scrolled through and looked at what was winning and what was popular. A comment for Gemma Thomas Austin to get mind-blanking, hyper-arousing, gender-agnostic pheromones was receiving a lot of Likes from the readers.

Dana squirmed. Both GTS and herself could already hypnotize and take control of people with her tits. These stupid goddamn patrons! This power was totally redundant!

Still... the thought of being able to subjugate anyone with her loveliness, with nothing but the scent wafting off of her tanned flesh, was appealing. It would be as if her beauty were too great to be confined to just her flesh, passively creating a force field around her. Anyone who got a whiff of her flowery, subtle, perfumed scent would instantly find themselves uncontrollably aroused for her, hopelessly horny, and possibly desperately in love for the rest of their life.

And it wouldn’t even require seeing her breasts either. The more Dana thought about it, the hotter and more convenient it sounded. Sure, she wouldn’t be able to program people to obey specific commands, but a blown kiss now carried devastating consequences that she could deploy against her lucky victims on a whim.

Also, the thought of causing people to stain their lower bodies in public on a whim was hot! Fucking hell! Dana’s primal, reptilian brain was kicking in, running wild with fantasies. Crowds of people, bowled over by her pheromone breath, bodies clenching over double as she literally felled and crippled an entire army with her unique chemical warfare, making her victims come over and over until they literally died!

The sound of Oliver moaning loudly brought Dana back to reality. She dropped her phone back on the crate and wiped the drool from the corner of the lip to look at him, just in time to see his penis shooting all of his juice in thick ropes into the air to splash against the containers and floor.

“Oliver! You’re supposed to be eating me out!” Dana yelled at him before giving his already battered head another painful squeeze with her thighs. But then she saw that his hands were still attached to her legs. He had come without being touched at all!?

And he was still spasming.

“Holy shit!” Dana spread her legs to free Oliver’s trapped head, pushed off the crate with her fingertips, and launched herself into a graceful landing. “Did you fucking come just from eating me out?!”

Oliver staggered back, possibly concussed from the simple sexual act. His cheeks were bruised, his eyes were blackened, and his overworked erection remained hard as it jumped around wildly. Dana saw the damage she’d done to his face. And it didn’t bother her. In fact, it made her even wetter.

Fuck yes... she began to touch herself. I fucking did that to him with my pussy!?

“Your... smell...” Oliver moaned as he fell to his ass. He gripped his dick and began to pump.

“What about it!?” Dana snarled.

“Too good... I’m gonna... unnnnng!” Oliver sprayed more ropes of his seed high into the air.

No way. No way no way no way, Dana thought as her pussy quivered in a mild sympathetic orgasm. She traced her aching lips with her long, elegant fingers, gathering up the pooling wetness around her labia and massaging her clit with far more force than the pathetic Oliver could manage. The stimulation was too much, and Dana flicked her hard, wet bean with enough force to bend steel.

A pleasant orgasm boiled in her loins. Her super libidinous body processed the pleasure quickly, allowing her to recover instantly, ready for more. Out of curiosity, Dana brought those wet fingers that had diddled herself into a climax within seconds and licked the fragrant juices off of them.

Her eyes went wide as the sweet, thick, and indescribable scent wafted into her nose and splashed on her tongue. This wasn’t the musky taste she was used to! It was cloying, lingering on her tongue as her own scent saturated her lungs and her nervous system absorbed it into her bloodstream, lightning all of her nerves ablaze.

“I taste so fucking good... I’m gonna... fuuuuuck!” Even Dana’s superbody clenched as she experienced an orgasm far stronger than the one she’d just brought herself to. Her naked toes curled into the concrete floor, gouging deep yet short grooves into the sturdy material.

“Oh my god, Dana...” Oliver was watching her hard, protruding tits bounce. There was nothing hypnotic about them at the moment—he simply couldn’t take his eyes off of those erotic shapes.

Once again, Dana snapped back, refreshed and ready to go.

“Oliver. Tell me what it was like to eat me out,” Dana ordered without applying her hypnotic tits. She knew she didn’t need to.

“I... can’t explain it! You were crushing and suffocating me and I was trying my best to lick you, but you were as hard as steel down there! And then suddenly... you were so... your smell... I just...!”

“Fucking jizzed yourself from smelling me?” Dana smiled wickedly.

“Ye-yeah...” the blush on his face was visibly even through the purple bruising of his flesh.

“I wonder...” Dana placed a long index finger on her chin. She cast a mischievous look at Oliver and raised an eyebrow.

“D-Dana! Please! It hurts so bad! How are you so strong!? I can’t take anymore!” Oliver begged. “What did I ever do to you!?” he started to blubber.

“Okay, okay Oliver,” Dana said with insincere sympathy. “I’ll be nice. What if I make you come?” She raised her arms above her head, exaggerating all of her lengthy perfection before him.

The gentle movement lifted her heavy, immovable-for-Oliver breasts as well. Those perfect mounds jiggled so wonderfully on her chest that Dana could’ve sworn she’d just hypnotized Oliver again. But she wasn’t even doing anything!

She stuck out a chiseled leg and cocked it for his benefit. Then swiveled to give him a view of her dramatic hourglass profile, tight bubble butt almost on par with the twin protrusions of her chest. A wink from her glowing green eyes, and he was mindlessly horny despite all of the pain and sexual agonies Dana had already put him through.

“You’re... you’re gonna kill me!” He still managed to protest despite his twitching, leaking erection. He never once took his eyes off of Dana’s perfection.

“Promise I won’t,” Dana purred huskily. Oliver was probably already hers, but she played unfair—her favorite way of playing—by pointing her tits and those beautiful nipples in his direction and compelled him to agree. “You just want to come soooo bad, don’t you? Spray your jizz uselessly and futilely all over the floor for your owner Dana!”

Oliver wanted to come so badly. Why had he objected before? Dana’s beauty defied all logic. It didn’t matter that his testicles ached or that his penis burned from overuse and abuse. Someone with Dana’s unbeatable looks and power deserved all the tribute she could get.

“I need to come for you so badly,” Oliver agreed in heaving, painful, ragged pants.

“Okay!” Dana grinned. “No touching from me. But also no touching from you.”

“But... how...” Oliver continued to look, thinking he would need to come just from the sight of her alone. Which he felt he could manage given enough time.

But Dana didn’t give him time. With supreme, unwarranted confidence, she kissed the tips of her fingers, lowered her palm like a drawbridge, and blew a hearty kiss toward Oliver’s confused face.

A subtle pink mist burst forth from between Dana’s beautiful red lips, slamming into Oliver’s confused features. Literally. Dana’s breath physically caused Oliver’s head to snap back even as Dana’s delicious pheromones overwhelmed his mind.

He began to come like an out of control firehose with no operator. His rigid member quivered at the base, a powerful jet of semen roiling in his testicles and traveling up his rather impressive and angry length before erupting through the slit in his bulging cockhead, sending white, viscous ropes of cum high into the air.

“Fuck! Yes!” Dana moaned as she fingered herself. Pheromones fucking rocked after all!

And not just that. Her lungs felt so powerful. So endless. The fact that she’d almost bowled Oliver over with a little seductive gesture hadn’t escaped her notice.

“How does it feel, Oliver?” Dana asked smugly.

“Ahh.. ahh!” was his only reply. He couldn’t speak. Her perfumed breath was just as lovely as her pussy, and he felt an excessive compulsion to breathe in every last pink molecule of her orgasm-inducing, sexually controlling power.

“What’s wrong? Can’t even speak?” Dana’s deep, sinister laugh rumbled in the room as Oliver began to reach for his rampaging cock.

“Ah ah! No touching, remember? Here, let me help you with that...”

This time, with even more smug confidence, Dana leant forward at the waist with her hands on her hips and parted the fleshy gates to her lovely mouth once more. But when she sent a pheromone laden breath his way this time, she put a little more force into it.

Oliver’s midair semen suddenly changed direction, blowing right back at him and splattering all over his nude body and slapping him in the face. His advancing arms that were reaching to help soothe or... whatever his Dana-controlled erection were halted in their tracks by the warm buffet of her sweet kiss. They flew back, completely rigid before her breath slammed in the torso and pushed him across the concrete floor as if it were made of ice.

“Oof! Fuuuuuck!” Oliver moaned in simultaneous pain and pleasure as his back bruised against the wall of the janitorial storage. Meanwhile, Dana’s lusty breath never stopped, whipped around his ears, pricking and tingling against his skin, invading his eyes, nose, and mouth.

His erection was pinned to his torso by Dana’s breath, forced to orgasm painfully by her kiss. He struggled to lift his head, his hair fluttering from her exhalation which seemed neverending.

When he finally managed to look up at her, he could see the twinkle in her eye. Her lips were still parted so seductively that his heart thundered in his chest, not just to send hard-pumping blood to his unsubsiding orgasm, but as a primal response to her divine attentions. Even though he knew she would be laughing at his humiliation right now were she not continuing to blow his way, he couldn’t help but fall head over heels in love with her.

Dana straightened her torso and began to strut forward like a runway model, one lascivious long leg in front of the other, hips swaying. The whole time, the sound of warm, roaring wind never died down. In fact, it began to pick up as Dana tested the limits of her superhuman lungs.

Oliver’s head and back were fully pressed against the wall now. When he tried to lift his arms to shield his face, they too were picked up by Dana’s lovely gail and joined his body in being helplessly immobilized. His orgasms continued, utterly dry and painful now. His testicles had nothing left to give, but Dana’s easy seduction didn’t care what his body wanted.

“D-Dana...” he gasped, fated to breath in more of Dana’s scent. “I can’t... I’m.. I’m going to die!” he managed to blurt out.

Finally Dana relented. She looked at him, wide-eyed with revelation. His broken body, battered by nothing by her kiss, completely helpless to resist her. And he was still experiencing the greatest pleasure of his life. No, not just that. The pleasure that she was inducing was going to be the end of him! His heart couldn’t take the torture. Oh god. She could kill people with lust! They would die, longing for her, constantly orgasming until their lust drove their bodies to exhaustion?!

It was so fucking hot!

“D-Dana... help...” Oliver was weakening as his penis began to thrash erratically again, no longer pinned to his body by Dana’s sexy wind.

“I have to see this,” Dana looked at her fuck friend with no remorse. She brought her beautiful hand to her face once more, extended her tongue to lick her fingers. Her saliva glistened along those delicate digits before she lowered them his way once more.

“D-Dana... no...” Oliver begged with tears in his eyes.

Dana sent a brief, light, pheromone suffused kiss his way.

Oliver seized up and clutched his heart. There was no force behind Dana’s kiss. It was light, airy, and irresistible. It touched and caressed his bruised face tenderly like a gentle lover.

His entire body spasmed. The last dregs of his seed dribbled out of the tip of his penis as his entire body felt limp.

“Holy shit...” Dana moaned. She had just killed someone with a kiss!

And then, realization. “Oh fuck! What have I done!? I have to dispose of a body?! What a fucking chore!” She kvetched at the inconvenience.

An inexplicable urge hit her. If she had killed him with a kiss, could she do the same in reverse? It didn’t make any fucking sense, but she just couldn’t get the thought of it out of her mind for some weird reason! She was already licking her lips at the thought of it. Just go over, pick him up, and...

Dana walked over and gripped Oliver’s dead body with a single hand, her fingers digging into his shoulder hard enough to crush bone with a loud snap. He wouldn’t mind, after all. Then, in utter confusion, she pecked Oliver’s lips.

His body twitched. His heart began to beat once more.

He was in severe pain, but conscious. He wailed loud enough for the school to hear, but Dana reacted quickly and involuntarily once again.

Locking her lips onto his and pressing hard enough to stifle his screams, Dana’s long tongue slithered into his, swatting his own far weaker tongue around and exploring his mouth with forceful pressure. And every second the kiss continued, Oliver’s body was being restored, renewed, repaired. A light green glow illuminated his entire body, healing bones and relaxing his tense heart. The bruises faded, and even the shoulder that Dana had just broken was repairing itself under her loving caress.

She broke the kiss, a long trail of saliva lingering between their two teenage lips.

“D-Dana...?” Oliver moaned. “I... did I die? The last thing I remember was seeing you smiling as the world went dark...”

“Fucking come for me,” was Dana’s non-answer. She blew her pink mist toward Oliver once more.

“FUUUUUCK!” Oliver screamed as he sprayed all over Dana’s perfect abdomen.

“Hahaha!” Dana laughed. “This is too fun! I can’t wait to try this out on girls! Holy fuck, I’m a fucking goddess of power and love!”

Oliver’s hands were on Dana’s arms, clutching and squeezing with all the might his body could muster as he continued to jet his seed over Dana’s nude body.

“I think I need to brand you. A mark to show that you belong to me. That you’re my property. Let’s see... my breasts broke your rib before. That seems about right, doesn’t it?”

“N-no...” Oliver pleaded, his teeth clenched.

“Rib it is!”

Dana reached over with her index finger, lightly placed it on his chest, and applied a bit of pressure. Just like that, she snapped Oliver’s bone.

“Gnnnnnh...” The air rushed out of Oliver’s lungs as the pain finally took him out of his Dana-induced bliss.

“Alright, lover. Time to go back to class.”

She swept Oliver’s cum off of her perfect body, leaving no trace. Then, she put on the far too large trench coat, letting it morph into a beautiful, thousand dollar designer dress again.

On the way out, she checked her phone. GTA had won a poll, granting the redheaded superbitch the ability to heal the lovers she broke.



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