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Genial Genie Glory Time

Commissioned by danio13
Written by HarmonyMotion

Chapter 1 - Welcome to Savatara

A large gray seal sunbathed on a dock in the salt water pools of the tropical sanctuary resort, Savatara. Ryan Bedford, “architect” of the whole island (and also a billionaire thrill-seeking philanthropist) had envisioned it as a safe haven for all of the fantastic creatures and beings he’d discovered in his travels. Fringe members of society, derided and persecuted for being animals who hid in human skin, The island was in the middle of the Sea of Keartois, a body of water long thought to be haunted.

At the very least, it seemed to be keeping the Prognosis cult members away. For now.

Thanks to Ryan’s intrepid nature and his allure to the unknown and dangerous, he’d already traversed the sea in his little daredevil adventures. The so-called island that was now Savatara was nothing but a large, barren stone. But with Clara’s help, it was now a fully furnished development complex that had to be worth five times the next biggest hotel and resort on earth.

“Orp orp orp!!” The seal’s bark snapped Ryan out of his reverie.

Urmilladeen shuffled off of her dock and slid into the cool seawater, her shadow approaching the billionaire playboy on the shore. By the time she surfaced, she’d transformed into a dark-skinned voluptuous woman with thick, magenta curls. Her large, wide eyes and her genuine smile stirred Ryan’s loins. Her selkie pelt was wrapped around her fertile hips and generous bosom, leaving her trim and taut midsection on full display.

“Hi, Milla. Are you feeling better?” Ryan smiled at the selkie he’d found washed up on a distant shore. She’d been in bad shape.

“Much! It’s nice not being on the run for once. I can’t remember the last time I got a chance to rest. Sometimes I still wake up from the nightmares...” Urmilladeen chewed her lip. “I hope Iveen is doing okay. I haven’t seen her in a long time.”

“I’ll keep looking for her. Among others. I promise.”

“Oh thank you, Ryan!”

Milla dived in for an enormous seal hug. She smelled of salt, her hair scented by the sea.

An enormous sonorous bellow erupted forth from the coast, followed by a few loud clicks and whistles. Ryan and Milla both turned to see an enormous beached whale on the shores—and it was worming its way further inland!

Once the massive beast could move no longer, it began to shrink down from its massive volume, turning from a two ton beast into a soft, pleasantly plump woman.

“Ryan! You’re back!!!” Mithra ran up the soft, golden sands, her arms bent up next to her breasts as she swung them left and right in a feminine gait.

“Mithra,” Ryan turned to face her with a nod of his hand.

She almost swooned at the sight of his chiseled physique and coiffed up hair. He was even more desirable than she remembered, the day he washed up on that deserted island with herself and Aberdeen. She was still incredibly shy around everyone else, but having ridden Ryan’s dick that night, over and over, helped her get over her timidness around him.

The whale shifter saw Milla standing next to him and almost immediately withdrew.

“O-oh... is now a bad time?” she asked forlornly.

“Mithra? What’s wrong?” Milla asked, before she had a revelation. “Oh! No, not at all! I was just leaving! Welcome back, Ryan!”

“Hey, thanks.”

Urmilladeen ran off back toward the large saltwater pool, pulling her pelt over her head. Immediately a cute, round seal face full of whiskers took the place of her human head, and she dove underwater, flippers and all.

“I’m sorry if I scared off your friend,” Mithra began.

“No, no, not at all! There’s nothing going on, promise,” Ryan told her earnestly. “Where’s Aberdeen?”

“Oh, he’s off making lumber. You know how big and strong he is when he’s not, you know, a she. I can hardly believe it. Sometimes I think he’d be able to throw me in my whale shape!”

Mithra took the opportunity to sidle up against Ryan and rest her head on his broad shoulder and loop her arm through his. But she was rudely interrupted once more. This time, by a blue smoke signal coming out of the top of the fifteen floor penthouse suite. It sparkled and tingled.

“Oh my! Is that Clara?”

“Ah, it is. Sorry Mithra, I need to go and see her.”

“Of course! Of course! I wouldn’t imagine keeping you when Clara is calling,” Mithra did her best not to whine. They owed this entire island to Ryan and Clara. “Will you... come see me later?”


“Okay! I’ll see you later. And I’ll tell Aberdeen you’re here. The moon will be quite full in a day or two, he tells me.”

Ryan smiled his signature crooked smile.

The blue smoke grew larger and larger, then darted downward like a streaking missile to envelop Ryan in its translucent sparklyness. The cool air pricked and tingled his skin.

“I’ll see you two later then!” Ryan called out as he was whisked away onto the top floor of his penthouse on Savatara.

Chapter 2 - Where There’s Smoke

“Ryan! You said you’d be here a week ago! Were you off on another adventure again?!” Clara sulked.

“Ah, you know me...”

“At least keep me posted! You were always like this!”

“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Ryan apologized sheepishly.

“You never change, do you?” Clara chuckled at her hopeless request. “At least give me enough magic to summon you here from anywhere across the world when you're supposed to be here!”

“I’m really sorry, Clara. I’ll try to be better. It’s my fault you’ve been transformed and stuck to that bottle, after all.” He couldn’t bear to look his childhood friend in the eyes.

“Oh nonsense. I guess you got mixed up in some sort of crazy world, but you’re not the one who turned me into this. And you rescued me from that devilish woman, after all.”

“I notice you aren’t constantly calling me ‘Master’ now either,” Ryan chuckled. “I sort of miss it.”

“I’ll murder you!” A floating and incorporeal-below-the-torso Clara punched him in the arm. Hard.


The two looked at each other before breaking out into an uncontrollable fit of giggles. Ryan then turned to survey the entire 10,000 square miles of his sanctuary that Clara had fit onto this tiny rock only a fraction of its actual size.

When Ryan had rescued his dear friend from Trixata, she had become a mindless slave with unfathomable power and magic. Ryan had rubbed her beautiful ornate perfume bottle to summon Clara, and out she came, with no will and no memory of her own. Between his adventures meeting all of these different magnificent creatures who were being hunted and the realization that his oft-neglected childhood friend was now arguably one of those creatures, he’d taken it upon himself to use his wealth and fortuitous circumstances to build a hideout for any and all who needed it.

He’d taken a private boat back over the haunted Sea of Keartois and summoned Clara. Then, using a wish, he had her construct a beautiful island resort that he envisioned in his mind’s eye, cloaked and undetectable by radar, invisible to the naked eye from far enough away, yet large enough to house many different types of habitats for all sorts of different creatures. A wooded forest for she-wolves, docks in the sea for saltwater creatures, with enough natural renewable resources for all creatures to live off the land. He had brought in some trusted friends and champions of industry to set up infrastructure, and with the supernatural labor force willing to use their incredible abilities to pitch in, Savatara flourished. After all, part of his wish was that everything would work out.

The wish was incredibly demanding upon Clara. She’d performed it for six days straight, utterly drained and exhausted by the seventh. When she awoke, she was sleeping in the penthouse room that she and Ryan were standing in at this very moment. With the magical influence temporarily emptied, her sense of self had finally returned, and Ryan helped to bring Clara back to the assertive personality she was instead of a mindless slave.

“I still can’t believe this is real,” Ryan whispered as he looked out upon rows of palm trees swaying in the wind. “It’s a dream come true. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“Well, it was your dream, and it’s a good one. I’m happy something wonderful came of this. To be honest, my life is probably much better now than it was before, working my dead end office job. Que aburrido!” She swirled a finger in the air, conjuring a smoky image of her old self lying face down on her desk while squeezing a stress ball. Then she pursed her lips and blew the scene away.

Ryan saw a flock of little birds flee from the wide swath of forest. Aberdeen must’ve been working there.

“I heard rumors of a cyber witch who specializes in artificial pockets of space that are roomier inside than out. I need to try and find her. Perhaps she could lend her expertise to Savatara—reduce the strain on your magic of maintaining this place,” Ryan spoke, back to his businesslike manner.

It sounded nice, but Clara wasn’t interested in that right now.

“Ryan...” Clara floated up next to him, the area below her hips still a trail of smoke that led to the bottle lying on the bed. “I’m still having trouble forming my legs.” She wiggled her hips back and forth. “Sometimes it takes a lot of magic to keep this place running, you know? The bottle is calling me to rest, but it would help recharge me if we could...”

Ryan turned his head to place a kiss on Clara’s waiting lips.

Chapter 3 - She’s a Genie in a Bottle

The two kept their liplock as Ryan stumbled awkwardly toward the bed while Clara just floated along, the tether of her trail of smoke shortening as she retreated. They both fell onto the bed as they embraced each other by wrapping their arms around each others’ torsos. Clara reached down to give his firm ass a tight squeeze with her waiting fingers. He gasped at her powerful, needy grope.

Ryan tried to return the favor, tracing the contours of her new and improved genie’s body. He’d never imagined his childhood friend would grow up, and then be transformed into such a stunning beauty! His powerful arms squeezed the smooth, tanned flesh of her back, wrapping around her shoulder blades and holding her tight, crushing those soft, full, lush breasts against his own chest.

Clara moaned in response.

His hands traveled down her torso, marveling at the dramatic inward swoop of her waist. But when his hands traveled past her child-bearing hips, he felt the familiar tingle of her blue smoke as his hands traveled right through her ethereal mist.

“Um, Clara...?” Ryan asked in a ragged, heated exhale.

“Not yet, big boy. You don’t eat the main course before the appetizer, do you?” Her ice blue eyes sparkled. Literally.

She floated around him in a circle, once more wrapping him in her lovely smoky aura. He turned and followed her playful flight until his back was facing the bed. Hovering downward, Clara wrapped her fingers into the waistband of his board shorts and dragged them down, marveling at the sight of his fully erect manhood. To think she had missed out on such carnal pleasures for so long! If being turned into a powerful genie was the price to get close to the friend that she had longed for forever, and filling her magical body up with the semen of her master was the cost of refueling said magic, she was more than happy to do business.

Clara pressed her fingernails into his honed, smooth chest, urging him to lie flat. Ryan obliged.

She floated down, her body perpendicular to his, her face aligned with his groin. Ryan stiffened just from the anticipation, his member twitching and engorging. And she hadn’t even touched him yet!

Clara giggled and made eye contact with him, sucking into her deep pools of blue.

“Watch this...” she whispered as she drew upon her magic.

The gorgeous genie licked her fingers and moaned, getting her master even more in the mood. As her thick tongue glowed with a blue aura and traced over every perfect inch of her hand, it left a trail of thick, viscous, transparent goo, coating her palms and fingers.

“Clara?” Ryan asked as he watched her display.

She didn’t answer. Instead, she wrapped her hand over his throbbing shaft.

Ryan gasped in shock as the warm gel hit his waiting cock. Clara cooed as she pumped her hand up and down his throbbing shaft, coating him in her magical lube.

“It feels so good!” Ryan exclaimed. He’d lain with so many magical beings, but none of them compared to Clara!

Clara just smiled and continued to stroke, now running her palm over the bulbous exposed cockhead of his, smooth and still growing by the second.

Ryan shuddered as he grabbed fistfuls of the bedsheets. His hips bucked into her hand as she swirled over his smooth slit, the crook of her fingers caressing and teasing his tingling, leaking member, bathing it in slick, warm sensations. She traced a path over that sensitive skin, running over his slit and the ridges of his cylinder with her magical lube and erotic touch.

Soon, it was too much. Even without magic, Clara could tell how profoundly her ministrations were affecting Ryan. She gripped hard, eliciting another desperate wail from Ryan as she pumped him in large, regular strokes.

“Give it to me, Master,” Clara whispered, breathing her magic over his ready to burst tip. The blue sparkles of her breath danced on his head, rubbing and sending heavenly sensations down his shaft into his boiling loins.

“I’m... gonna... come!” Ryan managed to choke out.

“Ahhhh,” Clara opened her mouth and swallowed him.

Ryan’s eyes slammed shut as he saw stars as soon as Clara’s heavy tongue wrapped around his deck. Her natural lube, the balletic dance of her magical breath on his cock, the incredible lusty, perfect stroking of her hand, and now the gentle cupping of his balls... all of it was more than he could take. He gushed in powerful bursts, rope after rope of cum, into his genie’s waiting, hungry mouth.

“Mmm...” Clara moaned as she swallowed his load.

Her tongue continued to coat him with her warm, stimulating, magical lubricant, dripping down his shaft in large glistening blobs, refracting the sunlight coming through the window. It pooled at the base of his shaft and, with a mind of its own, seemingly began to massage his overworked balls. Meanwhile, she sucked him hard as her lips rubbed and pressed against him with unyielding pressure.

“Clara!!!” Ryah moaned, gripping her head as he hung on for dear life.

When he could manage to open his eyes, he saw her blue, blue eyes twinkling at him. Every load of his that she swallowed seemed synchronized to a brief glow of those aquamarine pupils, reinvigorated with life and power. Her mouth was still wrapped around him, but he could see the look of amusement and satisfaction on her face.

Ryan’s ejaculations carried on for an unnaturally long time. Whatever Clara was doing, it was driving him wild! It was more than he could take!

“Clara, Clara! Agh, stop!” he thrashed.

“Mm?” Clara asked with disappointment. The soft glow that surrounded her body faded away. How long had she been doing that?

Milking and sucking the last drop out of him, Clara pulled her mouth away with a satisfying pop. Ryan’s penis was finally allowed to rest, his heart pounding fiercely against his ribcage as the roar of blood finally subsided in his ears.

“Feel good?” Clara asked with a grin, like the cat who ate the canary. She wiped the slobber off of her pink lips with the back of her hand.

“Good... you?” Ryan heaved as flexed his tingling extremities. His hands and feet finally unclenched from Clara’s supernatural blow job.

Clara floated into the air and closed her eyes. The air around her positively thrummed as she flexed her powers.

“Ahh... much better!” Clara chirped. She curled her slim arm, trying to get a bicep to form. Her limb remained completely smooth and even. No hint of flab, but no hint of muscle either. “Ahh... just trust me on it?” Clara giggled.

“You bet,” Ryan winked. “By the way, I’m still your Master, right?”

“What are you thinking...” Clara asked warily.

“I wish I were ready to have mind blowing sex with you again,” Ryan wished.

Clara stiffened up involuntarily. Her voice was deep and rumbling.

“Your wish is my command, Master.”

She waved an arm over him. He felt his virility restored, even after Clara had sucked him dry of everything he had. The sight of his genie girlfriend in her light blue crop top, revealing her perfect tanned skin and wonderfully flat belly got him ready in an instant.

“Hey!” Clara objected once she was no longer compelled by Ryan’s wish.

“Come on, you need more magic. And besides, you should feel good too,” Ryan grinned. “Come on,” he ordered, sliding off the foot of the bed and standing up, his stiff flagpole in hand.

“If you insist, Master,” Clara taunted as she got on “all fours” with her hands and that trail of smoke, presenting her smoke to him, doggy-style.

“You’re still missing something,” Ryan pointed out.

“Come on, come on! I’m waiting!” Clara wiggled her hips and the smoke of her lower body.

Ryan stepped forward, obeying his genie’s command. His shaft entered that pale blue translucent smoke.

“A little lower...” Clara looked behind her and bit her lip.

“I don’t really feel anything...” Ryan adjusted his aim. And then, all of a sudden, he gasped in shock.

He could still see his engorged manhood inside of her smoke, but what he felt was the real warmth and squeeze of Clara’s sopping pussy. He moaned in ecstasy as he held in place, luxuriating in the velvety embrace of Clara’s most intimate core. Her juices gushed over him, wetting his entire shaft once again. The slickness was clearly visible to him, even as her lower body began to fade in, transparent yet wholly solid.

“Yessss!” Clara moaned, materializing her G-spot right on the spot.

Ryan and Clara both watched in utter fascination as she thrust back and forth all around him while her materializing legs and ass remained transparent throughout. Rian put his hands on those transparents bits, finding Clara’s firm and warm flesh completely solid to the touch. He began to grope the globes of her firmly muscled glutes, eliciting a wonderful squeeze of Clara’s vagina as she moaned in pleasure.

“More! Faster! Yes! Fuck me, just like that! Masterrrr!” she wailed.

Ryan ran his hands up and down her soft and shapely thighs, still marveling at their solid touch. The transformation really had done a number on her—or maybe she’d done it to herself. She certainly had the power to do so. That wonderful bubble butt that just popped off of her body, and those thick, warm thighs coupled with her long, svelte calves and dainty feet drove him absolutely wild!

With one hand on her slim ankle and another still balancing on Clara’s butt, Ryan thrust into her, grinding against what he presumed to be her G-spot. Every time she cooed, every tantalizing swivel of her hips, every time he hit that spot, he could see her flesh squeezing and gripping him involuntarily. He always fancied himself a stud in bed, but the whole experience was quite illuminating as he discovered precisely the way that Clara liked to be pleasured.

At the same time, Clara’s pussy took command of his arousal as her magically enhanced flesh slicked and tugged all around his shaft. The lubrication and friction gliding smoothly up and down his entire length, gripping him tightly and sending uncontrollable, spine-tingling, bone-shaking pleasure through that one hyper focused area of his body caused his heart to thunder in his chest as the fire in his loins burned hotter and hotter.

“Fill me with your power!” Clara screamed as her own impending pleasure threatened to erupt.

Her dam broke first.

“Yessss!” Clara shrieked as her leg shuddered and toes curled. She was face down on the bed, her body flush with heat as pure pleasure exploded from her womb and radiated throughout her entire magical genie body.

“Hnnng!” Ryan immediately followed suit, pushed past his limit as she pulsed all around him. He could see her magic surrounding his member, actively teasing and sucking everything out of him even as she herself was caught in a prison of ecstasy.

Ryan buried his hips against Clara’s ass as her legs criss-crossed behind him, locking him in place. Not that he would’ve pulled out on his own. Her vibrating love, her erotic magic enhancing both their libidos and pleasure... he felt as if he were being tackled from behind, being pushed into her as his balls continued to jet his seed deep inside of her.

Clara’s entire body started to glow.

“So! Much! Magic!” she moaned as her dark brown hair flew straight up, emitting the overflowing energy from the tips of her strands.

Something was happening! Clara was... growing!

Her body began to expand, most notably her breasts at first. Those feminine globes began to fill with even more flesh, pushing her torso upward from her downward dog yoga pose. Ryan could see those beautiful spheres overflowing her torso, propping her upper body up from his wonderful vantage point.

The sight of it was seared into his mind as he continued to erupt powerfully inside of her.

Then, it was the rest of her body. Her limbs lengthened, her torso elongated, everything growing and swelling in perfect proportion to house and nurture her Master’s gift—a shot of pure adrenaline and orgasmic energy to quickly restore her magical batteries.

“This has... never happened before! Aieeee!”

Clara gained enough control of her body just before her head was about to crash through the wall. Her mesmeric eyes glowed, and a dainty wave of her fingers removed the walls and the roof of the penthouse suite.

“Clara!!!” Ryan gasped as he continued to thrust into her expanding flesh, feeling it surround him on all sides.

The entire island looked up at the sight of Clara, twelve feet tall, splayed out across the top of Ryan’s resort. Her face was permanently contorted in a mask of pleasure as she seemed to float there, high in the air, breasts bouncing, body pistoning back and forth...

“Eep!” Clara cried out, covering her nude body by crossing an arm over her breasts and covering the triangle of her pubic mound with her hand. She blushed furiously as she hung there in the air, visible to the entire island.


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