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Hi all, I wanted to make the monthly check in post a little bit early.

Is everyone finding the rewards okay? If you aren't, please DM me on Patreon! I've got a few people who've told me they love the new system. And it saves me a lot of work as well, which means more time for writing. Handling the logistics and business end of this is surprisingly time chewy...

Swan Girls wraps up on Thursday! The entire 50,000 word story will be in your Story Lovers folder! After that, I'll run a poll for the next Story Lovers project...

Tomorrow, I'll be sharing Kellie in Blue 2, a fun superpowered physical romp!

On Discord, I'm trying to gauge if there's any interest in a visual novel or an interactive fiction game. Is anyone interested? Edit: Oh, and also a HM community chyoa on chyoa.com! I would participate and edit people's entries upon request.

How are y'all doing? Feel free to sound off on any of the above, or on something totally off-topic if you like.



Really love Kellie in Blue. Have been a fan of Kellie for years.


Please update the Patron Levels if you have some time. They are way outdated.