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All seven mind-bogglingly powerful, drool-inducingly rapture-inducing girls appeared in their seats in a small discussion room in Omniversity. Melissa, a newly minted omnipotent goddess and their discussion leader, stood at the podium.

“How was Brian, everyone? Let’s take turns now,” Melissa declared, pushing up a pair black-rimmed glasses that accentuated her heterochromatic silver and emerald eyes.

Holly and Ava were whispering between themselves, giggling as Holly recounted her brutal yet oh-so-casual killing of a bunch of superheroes.

“Ahem,” Melissa cleared her throat. “Hvae something you wish to share with the class, Holly?”

“Eep!” Mistress No Mercy squealed in fright. “Sorry, Melissa!”

“It’s alright, dear. Go ahead.”

“Brian, or as I know him, ‘Captain Veeeengeance,’ she giggled and blushed as she drew out the name, “was such a cutie! Always caught up in his little petty schemes, striving to do his best with what he was given. He never gives up and always moves forward! He had the funniest little plans, and I loved executing them for him!” She conjured a short, deadly laser from the tip of her outstretched index finger. “Zap, zap, zap! And make Captain come, come come!” she giggled.

“So you liked him?” Melissa asked.


Ava giggled at her friend’s jubilant description. The rest of the class laughed as well, save for Pia. As always, she was the consummate servant, dressed in her frilly French maid outfit.

A stern look from Melissa, and everyone simmered down immediately.


“Oh, what a handsome and dashing knight Brian was! To fight the unbeatable foe, to bear pain without sorrow, to seek glory beyond oneself... he exemplifies all of those qualities, and then some!” She sighed like a maiden in love, as if she hadn’t single handedly moved earth for him and tore a wide gaping soft spot in the chest of a dragon with her delicate feminine hand.

“Pia?” Melissa looked at the maid next.

“He was an adequate master. Sometimes lazy. Always thoughtful of me. Stupid and naive about the world.” Her reply was succinct.

“Mm hmm, mm hmm,” Melissa’s notebook floated in the air as a nib dipped itself into an inkwell and scribbled notes in beautiful handwriting. “Tiffany? Hey, where’s our little high school queen?”

“Oh sorry!” Holly chirped up, slightly ashamed but also secretly proud of herself. “I taught her how to mind control people just by looking into their eyes, and also generate planet busting lasers with her fingers. She, um... she’s scary! She’s way, way, way stronger than me now. Actually I’m a little lucky she didn’t kill me...” Holly lowered her eyes.

“You can’t die, Holly!” Ava patted her friend on the back.

“Aw, thanks Ava!”

“No stupid, my counterpart is saying you literally can’t die.” Amy clarified. God, even Ava’s friend was dumb.

“Oh. Oh right! That’s something Captain Vengeance probably would’ve set me straight on too! When can I go back and play, Melissa?”

“Soon. Let me just get Tiffany in here...”

Melissa snapped her fingers. The blonde beauty appeared in the room, five thick, all destructive lasers splaying from her hands as she giggled with glee. The entire room disintegrated into nothing while Tiffany’s power proved wholly ineffective against her fellow goddesses.

“Oops! Sorry!” Tiffany squeaked as she closed her fist. “Oh em gee! What can the rest of you do? Can you show me? I promise I’ll definitely show you up and have you worshipping me in no time...”

“Tiffany,” Melissa lectured sternly.

Tiffany gasped. Somehow, whatever Melissa gave her, she never seemed to be able to overmaster and dominate Melissa. She was the true goddess, the infinite ruler of them all. The blonde high school queen quieted down and delivered her report.

“He was so submissive outright. With no hard feelings. It wasn’t, like, put on, or anything, you know? Not gonna lie, I think I have a huge, huge, huge crush on him. Is this love!? He loved watching me become more powerful, I loved turning his brain into mush as I sucked his dick and took total control of his body with my sexuality... I... mmf!” she whined in arousal. “How are you girls not just masturbating all the time while you’re around him?”

“Ah, to be young again,” Isabelle opined with a dream-like look. Age had made her cynical—though she still looked like a prime twenty-something year old at the peak of her feminine sexuality.

“Don’t tell me... you didn’t have sex with Brian!? No sex drive for you anymore?!” Tiffany gasped in shock as she fired another Holly-beam from her finger, though far, far more intense and destructive.

“Oh, we did. I fucked him silly all the time. He always had dinner cooked for me when I got home from galaxy enslavement and destruction. Always had the house clean, even though he knows I could snap my fingers and make it so. He never complained once. He even urged me to be good and go to work. After I’d dominated him and turned him into a quivering mess and wanted to play hooky. I don’t know how he does it.”

“Me neither!” Tiffany agreed. “I practiced and got so unbelievably good at sex. But he somehow kept his mind intact and didn’t just... well, I mean, I made him fucking jizz all the time. A lot of times just by having him look at me! But you know what I’m saying.”

“Okay, okay.  Amy?” Melissa prompted.

“Brian was good! He fucked all my holes and watched me cumshot and kill people! The only thing that sucked was this stupid self-aggrandizing bitch who thinks she’s so much better than the rest of us! Why’d you put her next door to him too!?” Amy complained.

“Suck my dick,” Ava spat.

“Well, you can suck my... what!? Hey!” Amy yelled. “That’s my line you don’t even have a huge beautiful thick cock like mine how can you even say that you stupid-”

“Enough!” Melissa barked. “And Ava?”

“Very sweet. His cum tastes like heaven,” Ava stretched her long limbs and licked her lips hungrily.

“Okay. I think I’ve heard enough. Thank you girls.” Melissa closed her hovering notebook.

“Will we be able to come out and play some more? I... I don’t want it to end,” Tiffany sniffed.

“Don’t worry, everyone. You’ll all get to experience Brian again.”

Then they all faded from existence, reintegrated into Melissa’s body.


Brian gasped as he felt his mind return. He was sitting on his lawn, next to the chain link fence that separated his and Melissa, his childhood friend’s, house. He’d had the strangest dream. No, it wasn’t just one dream. A whole set of dreams, all of them featuring an insanely overpowered female with inexplicable reality breaking powers. Always dominant, always the apex sexual predator, who took anything they wanted from everyone.

And he submitted and loved every second of it.

“Me-Melissa?” he uttered. Only then did he notice that his pants were completely, thoroughly soaked in semen. Oh god!

Still dressed in a long, loose sweater and a pair of white-gray thigh high socks, Melissa seemed to walk... through the fence between them! It didn’t shatter or snap, and she was completely unhindered by it. She moved with the consummate grace of every single girl he had dreamt about, and had apparently coaxed orgasm after orgasm out of his body.

She moved with Pia’s grace, glowed with Ava’s unflappable confidence and authority. Was eager and curious about the world like Tiffany all while being the mistress of all reality. Was wise and jaded with age like Isabelle, but always ready to play like Holly. And would take it in the ass, or shove it up his ass, like Amy. Melissa was every single girl he had dreamed of, all combined into one stunning feminine package of a goddess, sexually undeniable, physically unstoppable, and absolutely, completely smitten with him.

“Melissa?” he asked breathlessly once more, realizing that she was all of his dreams in the flesh. Magnificent, lush, blossoming, untouchable female flesh.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Brian,” Melissa declared. A curl of her finger, and he began to float into the air to stand upright.

“O-okay,” Brian replied hesitantly.

Melissa pointed at her house. A thick, pink, glowing laser emitted from her feminine digit. It tore through her dingy habitat before leaving a wide, deep, burnt canal in the hard earth as her infinite power fired off into space.

“Can you stop me in any way, shape, or form?” Melissa asked.

“No. Never. Impossible,” Brian replied with certainty this time.

“Would you want to?”

“Never!” Brian declared triumphantly.

Suddenly, the couple was completely naked. Melissa wrapped her long legs behind Brian’s back, planted her lips on his, and in one smooth motion, rammed herself onto Brian’s waiting and ready cock.

His soul shattered as he came violently inside of his goddess.



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