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Frozen Pink Panties

Well, the gym crowd hadn’t been for her, Coral decided after all. She left the awestruck rabble as she continued her little stroll down the boardwalk, sandals dangling from her fingers as she reminded herself not to lift off of her bare feet and simply cruise through the air on this beautiful summer morning. Her new, superhumanly sensitive nose picked up the smells of mediocre street food grilling nearby, as well as the strong scent of cannabis all the way down at the end of the boardwalk, a ten minute walk away!

Well, ten minutes for any normal human, that is. She crinkled her nose at that distinctive scent.

Focusing on something else, she detected the smell of old, musty books and accumulated dust on the plastic covering of record labels. That’s right, up in a small alleyway behind the patio cafe, there hid an old used bookstore and record dealer. Exactly the kind of place Candace loved to visit, though she claimed this one was too full of “armchair weed philosophers” for her.

Whatever! What did Candace know about having fun anyway? Her big sister definitely had a really sexy, banging body, but Coral was probably the only one who knew it considering how big sis always covered herself up like a mummy in public. In fact, even for her as family, she’d only accidentally seen a mostly nude Candace once or twice when she happened to leave a crack in her bedroom door and was changing after a shower. She’d never thought of her big sister as some sort of sexual being, but getting a glimpse of Candace’s backside for even a few seconds quickly dispelled that myth.

Well, she had the body for it at least. Probably not the mindset.

What would Candace do with these ridiculous powers anyway? Probably just read books in the dark, hovering high in the corner of some library. It was a good thing Coral was the one who ended up with reality-defying superpowers. She knew how to have a lot more fun with them.

Speaking of fun, Coral had been idly walking down the strip, daydreaming and not paying attention to anything in particular. But the smell of sweet fruit juice mixed with the nose wrinkling stench of alcohol invaded her nostrils.

A drink! Well, why not? She was nineteen, after all.

With all the confidence and grace of a prowling tiger, Coral sauntered into the open, beach themed bar. Still dressed in her pink bikini and black leather jacket, she drew the few pairs of eyes of the old, tanned, beach-grizzled wrinkly regulars. Coral definitely looked out of place.

She marched right up to the young bartender who was busy wiping down a glass.

“You look a little young to be in here,” he commented while never taking his eyes off of Coral’s figure. The detail did not go unnoticed by the blonde supergirl.

“Too young to order?” she flashed him a winning smile as she traced a sensual stroke across the cleft of her breasts with a single painted finger.

“Um...” he found himself suddenly unsteady on his feet. “ID?”

Coral knew she had him spellbound. Turning her back to the stragglers, she pulled the front of her black leather jacket to a side and fiddled with the silky fabric of her bikini. Sliding a finger under the barely concealing clothing, she scooped out her heavy bosom, presenting her dark brown nipples to him and the perfect, erotic shape of her more-than-generous bosom.

“How’s that?” Coral whispered and winked.

“L-Looks... good,” the bartender kept up the charade, his face blushing furiously red as he found his pants suddenly too tight.

Once again, the scent of his sudden arousal did not go unnoticed for Coral. Nor did the sight of the bulge of his pants, which a quick glance of her x-ray vision confirmed.

“What’ll you have?” he asked, suddenly realizing that he hadn’t been polishing the glass for a while now. His hands were tense and hurt from the strain.

“How about...” Coral looked at the menu and the tap. All she’d had before was wine and champagne from various chateaus at their various high society social gatherings!

But her glowing blue eyes found an item that sounded right up her alley.

“Frozen pink panties!” she ordered excitedly.

The bartender groaned. This girl was definitely too young. But he wasn’t going to mention it.

Coral waited patiently as the bartender pulled out a blender, quite an oft unused tool. He scooped a hearty sphere of vanilla ice cream with a few pre cut strawberries stored in red syrup, tumbled in a few ice cubes, poured in gin, pink lemonade, and coconut liqueur, then hit the ignition. The blender rattled loudly as it whipped Coral’s very girly morning dessert into one smooth concoction, complete with a few bits of satisfying crunchy ice.

“Frozen pink panties,” he slid it over to her. “That’ll be $9.50.”

“Aw, put it on the house for me?” Coral asked out of necessity. To demonstrate, she took a deep breath, pushing out her breasts and straining the fabric of her bikini cups to their limit. She also gave her hips a swivel, showing off the simply, barely-there strings that held her bottoms in place. “I don’t seem to have any room to keep my cash...”

Seeing the bartender’s hesitation and frustration, Coral began to rub her fingertips over her nipples, goading them to make their appearance through her bikini.

“Okay, okay!” the bartender hissed. “Just... don’t come here again! You’ll get me in trouble!”

“Aw, so sorry! Here, one last glimpse.”

Coral hefted both of her heavy, glorious breasts back into view once more and gave them a lift and a squeeze, knowing that only her own superpowered hands could manipulate and massage her invulnerable flesh so easily.

The bartender groaned desperately and struggled to stay on his feet.

“Maybe I’ll bring my big sister around sometime. You can ask for her ID too,” Coral giggled.

He excused himself and made a beeline for the bathroom. Coral tried not to laugh as she heard the latch click shut. She couldn’t resist taking a peek at the nice erection she’d induced though. Which reminded her... she was still looking to re-lose her virginity.

But for now, she had a drink. A satisfied Coral took her drink in hand and sipped vigorously on it, gulping down the booze-laden fruit smoothie and crunching on the ice loudly when appropriate. One of the old men beckoned to her.

“Hey girly, can I have some of your Frozen Pink Panties?” he asked lecherously.

“Get your own!” Coral snapped back as she tried to walk brusquely past him.

“They need to belong to someone else to be worth anything...” he reached out and grabbed her slim arm.

“Gross, old man!” Coral broke his grip with a simple fling of her arm. The little gesture’s momentum sent him crashing out of his chair and onto the ground where he moaned in pain.

Nobody rushed to help him.

Coral took her drink back to the patio out front of the bar. Balancing on one leg, she lifted her other and crossed it while in the process of sitting down. She’d been careful to remember not to fly, but being free to move in any which way she wanted due to her supernatural strength and graceful balance still meant she could perform some ridiculous feats of strength subconsciously.

She continued to suck on her drink, silky cheeks concaving as she played with her thick straw between her sensual lips and tongue. Not being able to get intoxicated had been a bit of a bummer, but gulping down loads of sugar and cream to no adverse effects was seriously welcome. If the bartender were up for it, Coral would have to go get another two or three. She did love strawberry and coconuts.

Passersby sized her up, stopping what they were doing to stare at the beautiful blonde bombshell who was swinging her elegantly long leg languidly. Her skin was so smooth, her eyes and necklace so captivating, and her body...

And Coral sized them up in return, enjoying knowing that she could have anyone she wanted.

Her sensitive ears picked up the sound of someone approaching.

“Another Frozen Pink Panties? On me,” the voice spoke.

“Oh, oh!” Coral was overjoyed. She quickly and powerfully sucked up the dregs of what remained in her hurricane glass. “Thank you!”

She turned to face her benefactor. He wasn’t... the most pleasant to look at. Coral accepted her drink graciously, but he made it a point to caress her hand as he passed it to her.

“Now, how about a peek?” he stared lewdly at Coral’s alluring canyon of fleshy cleavage.

“Excuse me?” Coral’s grace was turning sour quickly.

“Don’t I get a look as well? Unless you want to tip me a squeeze as well.”

Despite Coral’s super speed, she watched the scene unfold in disbelief. The 50+ year old man went directly for her breast, placing his leathery palm right on her youthful nubile feminine perfection.

His face was in the process of morphing into a lecherous grimace of new heights of sexual excitement at the feel of Coral’s warm, firm swell. She considered reaching over and gripping his wrist in her hand, crushing the bones in it to dust and bringing him crashing to his feet, but that would probably cause too much of a scene. Still, having his hand grope her while she had him frozen in her superspeed, lengthening his unwelcome touch, was extremely unpleasant.

Coral settled for quickling uncrossing her leg and swinging the other one over to place her silky sole on the bridge of his sandaled foot. She curled her toes down into his bones, noting how easy it was to force his bones to give way to nothing but her cute little digits!

Satisfied with her split second experiment, she brought her entire foot down on his, breaking a couple of bones and putting hairline fractures in others. Then, she removed her foot, re-crossed her leg, and waited for the effect at normal speed.

It took his body a few seconds to register the pain. The discomfort increased massively in mere moments.

“Ahh! I, uh... fuck!” He withdrew his hand and grabbed onto the patio handrail for support, leaning back off his foot. “What the fuck happened!?” It was a hotspot of pain, and intensifying by the second. It felt... broken!

“Hmph. Karma?” Coral suggested not so helpfully.

“Shit!” he wailed.

He hobbled off, wincing and bouncing off his hurting foot as he hopped one legged back to his table to get his phone and hail a ride.

Coral let a triumphant sneer crease onto her face as she continued to size up the people walking by in front of her. It was like being at a sushi restaurant and having a regular stream of sushi boats present itself to her!

A crowd of girls, probably not much older than herself, stole a few glances at her and communicated extreme jealousy at the sight of Coral’s body. Their previously loud conversation about whatever muted to silence as they began to whisper among themselves about the blonde with huge fakes sitting at the Palm Bar, clearly underage, sucking down an ice cream shake.

“Look at that tweenie bitch!” one of them whispered.

“Nice fakes. Wonder how much that cost her daddy?” another one snapped.

“You mean her regular daddy, or her sugar daddy? Cuz which one do you think bought that jacket for her?” the third piled on.

Enough was enough. When they had walked past her, Coral focused on their backs, noting with glee the imperfections in their skin. With a careful, careful focus of her heat vision, she powered a thin, intense beam of her eye lasers and quickly sliced off the bow tied bikini strings along their backs, and cut the strings on the bottom on the outsides of their hips. One of them wore a one piece, of which Coral just incinerated the backside entirely, her eyes sweeping left to right, up to down in perfect fluidity.

Her necklace glowed brightly with her hyper focus, its luminescence swallowed by her breasts.

The three girls screamed in shock as their tops fell off. As they struggled to catch it, they soon found themselves bottomless as well, revealing their privates to the world.

They screamed and ran, holding the unattached pieces of nylon and polyester against the front of their bodies to the humiliation of being publicly exposed and hearing the chuckles of the people they ran by.

Another older, more mature looking woman was walking up the strip. She too, performed a triple to quadruple take on the sparklingly sapphire eyed girl sitting at the bar. But her reaction was much the opposite of the prior three girls.

“Can I buy you a drink sometime?” she asked.

“No thanks,” Coral raised her second hurricane glass of her Frozen Pink Panties. “I’ve had enough.”

“I meant coffee. You could probably use a bit of sobering up after all of that gin and sugar.”

“Oh. Oh, that could be nice.” Coral was taken aback.

“There’s a caffeine dispensary a few stores down. I have a medical pass. A need, even,” the woman joked.

Coral chuckled. “Can we take a rain check? I would be interested, really. But not right now...” The offer intrigued her.

“You mean it?” the other girl smiled happily. She really didn’t think she could land a combination of classically beautiful face merged with the body of goddess of fertility. “My name’s Alysha.”

“I’m Coral.”

“If you like, after coffee, I can take you out for a surf. I’m a surf instructor.” She tapped the board she was carrying on her back. “Have you ever been before?”

“I haven’t. I’d love to learn,” Coral replied with an impish grin. It would be fun to blow Alysha’s mind with her impossible moves thanks to her ability to fly.

“Can I... can I get your number?” Alysha asked, still unsure if Coral was being nice and would ultimately blow her off.

“Sure thing,” Coral answered. “I’d ask for yours too, but I’m afraid I’m not carrying mine today.” She opened her jacket a bit, showing off her skimpy bikini and her swooping, devilish curves. “I’m afraid the bikini is a bit small for things like that.”

Alysha gulped.

“Phone?” Coral prompted, giggling at the lean, ripped girl she’d just stunned with nothing but her body.

“Oh, um. Great!!” Alysha realized that the ball would be in her court. She’d definitely take a shot at this one.

Coral punched in her number and took a quick peek at Alysha’s number. Then the blonde handed the phone back.

“555-209-3844?” Coral asked. “I’ll try to remember too.” She winked, not that she’d ever demonstrated such powerful recall before. At this point, nothing surprised Coral anymore.

“Is that really my number? I don’t even know it myself!” Alysha was shocked by Coral’s apparently eidetic memory.

“Well, if I got it wrong, it’s up to you to call me. Ciao!” Coral waved cutely.

“I will! Oh, I so will!” Alysha gushed.

Alysha continued on her morning trek, clutching her phone to her chest and enthusiastically cheering herself on under her breath. All of which Coral picked up, of course.

While she mused about having her first lesbian sexual experience, Coral’s eavesdropping picked up on a pair of boys talking about the latest female led superhero movie. One of them was absolutely gushing about it. Now this sounded promising... how could someone who was a fan of superpowered women possibly turn her down?

Coral quickly pinpointed the source of the conversation, peering through solid objects with her shimmering eyes as if they weren’t there. She touched her necklace instinctively as it glowed in sync.

The conversation was taking place in one of the nicer boutiques on the boardwalk. Instead of piles of print tees stacked messily high with tons of other paraphernalia hanging overhead like a dark curtain, this shop actually had room to breathe, not to mention some privacy for a changing room, Coral was pleased to note. She slurped her second glass of boozy ice cream shake to its bottom with a loud, vigorous suck, then disappeared from view as her pink and black form blurred from the bar patio to the Beach Boutique.

“You like Stareye?” Coral asked, startling both of the boys from behind with her silent, sudden appearance. She tapped her target on the shoulder gently with her fingers, careful not to shatter his bones or crash him to his knees.

“Whoa!” one of them, her non-target jumped.

Her intended target would have bounced, but for Coral’s slim, unfathomably powerful arm holding him in place. They both turned to look at her.

“Sorry to intrude, guys! It’s just, I’m a huge fan of Stareye. I loved her action scene where she slid across the floor and blasted some bad guys with her laser eyes!”

Coral knew all about it from Matt. He was a huge fan.

Both of the boys turned, and if they were startled before, nothing compared to the sight of a busty blonde babe with legs that went on for miles, a perfectly flat tummy, and the most epic pair of gravity defying breasts greeting them in a tiny pink bikini. They found themselves suddenly short of breath.

Coral smiled at her target. She was glad to see that he was just as cute in real life as when he saw his outline in her semi-transparent x-ray vision.

He nearly melted.

“Ah, yeah. She’s really great. Jolene Ange did a great job portraying her. She plays the strong role so well!” And so sexy... he muttered under his breath as he struggled, and failed, to draw his eyes away from Coral’s cleavage.

While he was distracted, Coral gave the other guy a serious glare, indicating for him to get lost. To his credit, despite the sexiest display he’d ever witnessed (and up close, too!) he got the hint and scuttled off, full of regret and jealousy.

“You wanna go talk about it?” Coral offered.

“Oh, um. Yeah, sure!” His eyes lit up. He almost melted once again when he managed to tear his eyes away from her feminine curves and up to her perfect face and captivating eyes. “There’s a... um... bar just a few storefronts down. They serve ice cream...”

Coral laughed. “I have a better idea. How about you help me try on some swimwear?”

Before he could respond, Coral grabbed him by the hand and forcibly dragged him toward the changing rooms. He didn’t have a chance to respond, but from the pounding pulse she could feel coursing through his body, he had already given her her answer.


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