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Commissioned by 10K

A short-haired blonde stunner dressed in a black leather miniskirt, sheer pantyhose, and the tightest pink t-shirt Captain Vengeful had ever seen, suddenly swooped in and touched down where he was currently wreaking mayhem. He gulped first at the sight of her truly magnificent breasts, then at the fact that she had crumbled the asphalt with her bare toes. And she wasn’t even trying!

Was this some new superhero he’d never faced off before? In the grand scheme of things, Captain Vengeful was a nobody. A pawn working his way up the ranks of villainy. He’d made some small gains, sure, but to warrant the attention of a superhero this outwardly powerful, and this absolutely gobsmackingly beautiful...

He was simultaneously proud of his achievement and terrified for his life.

“Hiya!” the blonde girl greeted him cheerfully, with a big smile on her face.

“Ahem!” Captain Vengeful tried to still his heart and put on airs. “Well, well, well, I’ve never seen you before! A new hero dares to stand in my way? And looking at you... what is your name? Pink Punk? The Queen of Bad Taste? Oh, let me guess: Angsty Teenager?!” He taunted her.

There was no way he was going out like a little bitch. Besides, heroes couldn’t kill anyway, and he was secretly hoping to incense her. The thought of being manhandled by this beautiful young nubile woman, perhaps being smothered by her breasts, or even being lucky enough to be knocked unconscious by one of her pretty little fingers... the thought was absolutely thrilling. He could go down like that and be happy. What if... what if her power involved even more intimate contact? Perhaps a mind control kiss...

Captain Vengeful’s fantasies raced wildly as blood and adrenaline pumped through his veins.

“Mm... haven’t thought of a name yet. I thought maybe you could help me pick one! Don’t villains pick names for their sidekicks?” She bit her lip and placed a finger on her chin.

“Sidekick!? You must be joking!” Captain Vengeful took the opportunity to drool at her magnificent form. The way she was idly swinging her foot as it carved through even more asphalt was driving him wild! “I know... your superhero name must be Mistress Sarcastic!”

Holly pouted. “Do you not want me as a sidekick? I can audition for you, you know.”

This was the strangest superhero encounter he’d ever experienced! He was finding himself at a loss for words.

“I um... I already have a sidekick, you self-righteous pompous heroine! Bunnina, come here!”

“Yes master!”

A cute little brunette hopped toward him, dressed in a skin-tight plunging one-piece and some rabbit ears. Her generous bosom heaved with every hop as she obeyed her master’s orders.

Holly’s happy expression suddenly turned into an angry glare.

“Hello, Bunnina. Do you... do you like Captain Vengeance?” Holly asked, trying to mask her sinister intent.

“Oh yes! Yes yes yes! You’ll never take him away from me, hero scum! I love my captain so very much, and nothing will change that, no matter what you do!” Bunnina wiggled her body and threw up a V-sign with her hand.

“I see...”

Holly suddenly disappeared from before Captain Vengeance’s eyes. Under a second later, he heard a scream and a sickening crack from behind him.

He turned to look.

Holly was lifting Bunnina by her neck. And apparently she’d snapped it too, without any effort at all! How strong was she!? And she... she had just killed his little sidekick!

She was no hero!

Holly flung the dead bunny girl over her shoulder with a little flick of her slender arm. The corpse of Bunnina slammed into the higher levels of a skyscraper and actually punched a hole into the reinforced concrete before Bunnina’s body disintegrated into a red mist.

Captain Vengeance gulped. He was... he was in trouble!

Holly turned to face him, all smiles and cheer once again.

“Oh Captain! Now that you have room for a sidekick, what do you think? Would you mind taking me under your wing?” Holly bobbed up and down in the air, clapping her little hands excitedly as if nothing of significance had just happened.

“Is that Captain Vengeance?!” Another female voice called. “I love your costume! Big fan!”

Holly whipped her head around to the woman who’d said that from across the street. Her pink eyes glowed with terrifying, crackling energy. Two searing beams erupted from Holly’s beautiful, vengeful stare. The woman was reduced to ash.

Captain Vengeance recoiled at the sheer heat that Holly emitted. This girl defied all belief!

“So...?” Holly was all smiles again as those murderous eyes gleamed.

He recoiled, thinking he was the next to be cremated, but she merely scanned his body up and down a few times, licking her lips.

“I suppose it would be fine,” he gulped. He really didn’t know what her agenda was, but saying no to this unstoppable beauty was clearly not the way to a long life. “What, um... what powers do you have?”

“Oh, too many to list! I’m super strong, super fast, can fire laser from my eyes... oh! Tee hee! You already knew that, right? I can read minds, take control of people just by ordering them around, um... I dunno! Is that enough?”

Captain Vengeance gulped and nodded.

“Oh, actually, I can fire lasers from more than my eyes! I came here to audition for you, just in case you had any doubts! Watch this!”

She extended a long index finger and turned to point at the city’s skyline. A bright pink beam blasted out of it, incinerating buildings, exploding cars, and wreaking utter havoc. She waved it around and giggled the whole time as Captain Vengeance’s home turf was reduced into a pile of ash and rubble.

“So, whaddya think, my Captain? Together forever? I’ll be your bestest sidekick ever!” Her erect nipples glowed with power with her little statement, searing a hole in that too tight t-shirt.

Captain Vengeance couldn’t even speak. Despite all of her horrifying power and the fact that she could end his life just by pointing at him with her pinky finger... all he could do was nod.

“Yay!!!!” Holly rushed forward and buried his head in her engulfing cleavage.

Captain Vengeance’s mind went blank as he orgasmed in his pants. Surrounded by her luscious flesh, he experienced true, unadulterated happiness. He and his sidekick would do wonderful things together.

Three months later...

“You’re on your last legs now!” Captain Vengeance cackled as he stared down his diminutive opponent.

“I’ll never surrender! Justice will prevail!” A bloodied Waterboy climbed to his feet, his body broken but pride unharmed.

Captain Vengeance reached into his endless utility belt, full of gadgets that he’d personally invented and created. “This is the end for you, hero!”

He tossed his little gray ball at the short and powerless Waterboy. It landed at the hero servant’s feet before arming and detonating, releasing tendrils of electric ropes that wrapped around his victim and shocked him into unconsciousness.

“Captain Vengeance wins again!” He struck a pose and performed his villainy laughter.

But his moment of triumph was overshadowed by the orgiastic screaming from the other rooms all over SuperDuperHQ.

Holly floated in, still dressed in her signature black leather miniskirt, pantyhose, and far too tight t-shirt. This one had a different print on it: it was a portrait of Captain Vengeance, looking powerful and ruggedly handsome. Holly had custom ordered it, and didn’t even mentally rape or kill the producer. That’s how happy she was with it.

“Brian, Brian, we did it! We beat the SuperDuperHQ!” she exclaimed, giggling with joy.

“Psst! Don’t use my civilian name in public!” Brian shushed her.

“Oops!” Holly covered her mouth. “Captain Vengeance!” She floated in the air and threw in a salute. “It’s all gone according to your plan!”

“Yes, Mistress No-Mercy! My plans always come to fruition!” He proclaimed proudly. And then in a hushed voice, “Holly, what did you do? Can you show me?”

“Of course!” Holly whispered back, giving him a seductive wink that nearly caused him to orgasm in his villain spandex suit.

He followed her floating form, admiring her backside as he climbed through a gigantic hole in the wall. There were a ton of charred corpses, totally unrecognizable. Their leader, Mighty Man, had been sliced in half.

Brian just looked at the man who he’d dreamed would be his nemesis some day, assuming he could’ve made the cut. Holly caught him looking and just waggled her index finger, creating a tiny laser only two inches long.

“Sssss,” she made the sound as she waved it left to right. “Just like that! Want a demonstration?”

Holly turned to his corpse and bisected it with another wave of her finger, laughing all the while. “So much for his so-called invulnerability!”

“And that one,” she pointed to the remnants of another hero where his chest seemed to have been caved in by two bowling balls. “I just gave him a hug! Look how pathetic these heroes are! That one,” she pointed to frozen pile of shattered ice, “I locked my lips on him and gave him a little kiss. He was so rude, coming in his pants as I thrust my tongue into his mouth. So I rewarded him by blowing super cold and freezing him from the inside out!”

Captain Vengeance just gulped and nodded. Then he felt her touch in his mind again.

“Oh don’t worry, Captain! You can come all you want when I kiss you,” she winked at him again.

“Hai-yaaaaaa!” A female voice screamed as she swung an enormous heavy bladed sword, landing it right on Holly’s beautiful blonde head.

The sword couldn’t even get past Holly’s hair to impact her beautiful skin. The entire thing reverberated violent and then shattered against Holly’s invulnerable mane of lush, golden locks.

“N-n-n-n--n--n-nnnnnnoooooooooooo,” Amazon’s teeth chattered as she lost control of the hilt of her legendary, unbreakable weapon.

“Ooh, this one’s cute!” Holly turned to face a hero she’d apparently forgotten to kill. “Hey, you! You’re, like, totally in love with me! You’ll do anything and everything I say!”

Her voice hadn’t changed in pitch or timbre, but Brian could feel the compulsion behind her simple sentences. He watched as Amazon’s mind rewired itself under Holly’s simple sentences.

“Yeah! Oh, you’re soooo in love with me! You love eating me out, making me come, being my little servant! Every time I hurt you or break you, you’ll thank me for it! And you’ll mean it with every fiber of your being! I own you,” Holly’s eyes glowed as she licked her ruby lips.

“I... love you...” Amazon gasped at the sudden realization of her life’s purpose.

“Yay! Captain, Captain, I’m going to have some fun! Do you mind coming up with our next grand plan?”

“Of course, Mistress No-Mercy! But... can I have some fun as well?”

“Oh of course!” Holly floated over with a radiant smile. “You’re my captain, after all!”

She came in fast, faster than Captain Vengeance could process. Before he knew it, her unrelenting breasts were pressing into his chest, but not hard enough to crush his ribcage. Her lips pressed against him as she moaned, darting her thick, long tongue forcefully into his mouth moaning into him while her arms held his head immovably in place to receive her affection. After all, if she didn’t support him, he would’ve fallen over immediately.

A second later, a spasming Captain Vengeance was laid out on the floor as his body writhed in soul-shattering pleasure while a nude Holly had her legs wrapped around Amazon’s head. Every time she squeezed, Amazon would scream in pain and then thank her mistress as she continued to try to bring the blonde sidekick to orgasm.

“Let me know when the plan is ready!” Holly instructed Brian.



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