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Dee’s Big Adventure
Commissioned by FLIPTSOULAS
Written by HarmonyMotion

Chapter 1 - The Final Piece

Dee drove through the streets of G-City, capital city of the entire planet of Ginormon located in Galaxy G. She swerved through the street’s tight corners, her getaway car dented and billowing black smoke.

In her backseat was the final piece she needed to install for her Size Thingamabob.

Green and purple lights flashed in her rearview mirror.

Shit! Dee cursed. She slammed on the accelerator with her foot while sliding the joystick forward to its hilt, pushing the vehicle to its limits. The maghovers hummed so loudly, the frame of her transport rattled so hard she thought it would fall apart! It wouldn’t be functional much longer. Nor would she need it to  be. Not as soon as she installed the Size Thingamabob.

Then all of Planet Ginormon would see. Their civilization, resting on its laurels, thinking it had accomplished enough, denouncing Dee’s outside the box and larger than life thinking... once Dee put this final component into her size gun, she would show them. She would show all Ginormons how much further they had to go as a race.

And she would put her oppressors in their place.

They had balked at the idea of a size ray gun. It broke the laws of physics, they said. Even if the science worked, the ethical dilemma remained, they said. What good would it even do to be hundreds of times larger than they already were?

Dee mentioned the benefits to constructing high-rises, military might and effectiveness, things of that nature. But for her, becoming a giantess was the goal. The end all and be all of her research. But she never told anyone, not that anyone would have helped her anyway. She hid her motives. Pretending as if she’d been foiled, Dee dropped all mention of the subject and appeared to give up the chase.

So Dee worked in secrecy. For eighty years, she toiled in some of her own private laboratories, spreading out her research into different fronts so as to try and dodge the authorities who knew of her unique... proclivities.

She was brilliant. Brilliant, relentless, and driven. While other Ginormons were living their useless, hedonistic lifestyles, Dee worked tirelessly on not only her research, but on building connections with people. Various manufacturers whom she had to convince to produce technology to her specifications, government officials she bribed to look the other way, law enforcement whom she swayed to her cause by appealing to their more sadistic, violent sides, promising to make those who were loyal to her larger as well, or shrinking those who were not... Dee hated to rub elbows with these people, but it was a necessary piece of getting her size gun developed.

But not everything had gone according to plan. The Size Thingamabob was the final piece, and the most conspicuous piece of technology she needed fabricated. Someone, she didn’t know who, apparently had gotten cold feet and informed some authorities she hadn’t bought off. Now, Samantha, the head of all security on planet Ginormon, was hot on her trail.

And now she was flying her hover mobile through G-City’s streets, fleeing from the most self-aggrandizing government agent/politician she’d ever known. Apparently the highest branches of law enforcement had never stopped keeping an eye on her.

Fuck! Dee manipulated some levers and twisted the joystick hard. She slammed into another parked hover mobile, shattering her passenger side windows and crumpling the doors. The Size Thingamabob, a tiny, black box resting in a case in her backseat slammed around in the interior of her vehicle.


“No!” she screamed, taking her hands off of the joystick and reaching into the back to grab it lest it fly out of her hover mobile. If she lost it now, all of her plotting, her scheming... all of her sacrifices would be for naught!

She caught the Size Thingamabob, but at the cost of her hover mobile. It crashed into a row of parked vehicles as the interior safety mechanisms went off, saving Dee from a premature end. Stumbling out of her now defunct vehicle, she cradled the STMB in her wounded arms. Adrenaline coursed through her veins. The blood pumped in her ears. She wasn’t far from her key laboratory.

Dee made her way through the alleyways, hiding behind overflowing dumpsters in the worst part of G city. She’d only chosen this location because rent was cheaper and perhaps it would take the authorities longer to find her, but clearly that cat was out of the bag. Various hover mobiles with green and purple sirens blaring on their roofs whizzed by. Dee could almost swear, hiding from behind those disgusting trash receptacles, that she saw Samantha herself in the flesh.

Just a few more meters. Dee’s secret entrance wasn’t far.

A wall in the alleyway slid open with a low hum. A familiar cool, air conditioned breeze that smelled of chemicals greeted her. Sweating and dripping a bit of blood, Dee made her way down those steps, cursing herself for not having escalators installed. In her hands was the Size Thingamabob.

A low intensity blue light filled her lab. On her main research bench was her size gun, years in the making, missing only its core component. With hope in her heart, she trotted over to it, grimacing but ignoring the pain in her injured leg.

Fear gripped her heart as she considered a bunch of possible outcomes. Of course, no one had ever tested anything like this before. And all Dee had were computer simulations. Would it seriously cause her to grow, like she’d always dreamed of? What if it were miscalibrated and shrank her!? Or, what if it just flat out vaporized her, leaving nothing but a black smear and some foul smelling smoke.

Or maybe she would pull the trigger, it would click, and absolutely nothing would happen.

“Dee! We’ve got you now! Come out with your hands forward, palms open!” Samantha shouted from the other end of the laboratory. The main entrance. That hadn’t taken long.

No time to worry about it now. Dee slid the STMB into her gun. She snapped the cubby shut, hearing the satisfying click as her final piece completed the jigsaw puzzle she’d been building for years.

“Dee! We’ll shoot!”

Samantha and her thugs were on Dee now, phaser guns pointed. No choice now. If Dee was going out, she was going to go out like a boss.

“You’re too late, Samantha! Hahaha!” Dee lifted her gun.

“Drop it!”

Dee ignored the order. Instead, she turned the gun on herself. Aiming the shooty end right into her chest, she pulled the trigger.


Nothing happened.

Samatnah and her team stunned Dee with their phasers. Dee shuddered and collapsed to the floor, unable to move. The last thing she saw was the feet of her captors... the irony was too much to take. It should’ve been the other way around. All those years of her life...

Her world went black.


Dee, dressed in green prison fatigues and hands cuffed, followed Samantha and the Ginormon government goons toward their teleportation facilities.

“Dee, you have been found guilty for your crimes against the fabric of Ginormon society. For this, your sentence will be life imprisonment in the prison of the Milk Galaxy on planet Gas Giant. You will serve out your sentence doing hard labor in a toxic environment for the rest of the duration of your natural life,” Samantha declared coldly and professionally. But Dee could practically hear  the giddy undertones in Samanatha’s voice.

All around her, large wide-screen monitors of various rulers of Ginormon planet looked down upon her. The sickly green glow and smoke of the courtroom was all designed to play it up to the worldwide audience, who no doubt was watching her receiving her sentence at this very moment. She knew; she’d watched more than her fair share. Yet another example of their planet needing an upheaval. A giant Dee wrecking the decadent and corrupt powers that be would have been sweet, sweet revenge. Hell, after stomping into their media outlets with her bare foot, crushing the buildings and squishing those other blithe Ginormon citizens to death, she would have taken a broadcasting unit and done it herself.

What fun it would have been, to hear the screams of her feckless former colleagues and fellow citizens, screaming in fear as the shadow of her sole eclipsed out the sun before she squashed them into a gory paste. Just by walking!

Or bending down to pick up an entire skyscraper like a plaything, swinging the heavy structure around as though it weighed as little as a netball racket... while people were still inside of it.

Dee barely even heard the end of the faux trial sentencing. She was being led away, dressed in her red and blue outfit for prisoners that were to be sentenced to the maximum security extra-galactic prisons. Her hands were bound in heavy, unbreakable, magnetized cuffs. Nobody ever survived the gas giant in Milk Galaxy for long.

The two guards holding Dee by her upper arms and pushing her along were suddenly prodding her in the side. Their poking was becoming more urgent and forceful.

“Ow! Fuck!” she hissed at them. How much worse could it get anyway? She was doomed to die in obscurity.

“Ms. Dee! Ms. Dee! It’s us!” one of the guards whispered through his visor.

“Is your project done?” the other asked. “I heard Samantha and the others talking about how close you were!”

These guards... she couldn’t see their faces, but these must have been some of the ones she’d bought off! And she promised to grow them along with herself, promising them sovereignty over Ginormon and freedom from their mundane lives. And well, if they weren’t and they were just toying with her, how much worse could it get anyway?

“Yes!” she whispered back. “I collected the final piece to my size gun! But Samantha broke it as I was just about to use it! Get me out of here, and we can overthrow the current rulers while we literally crush them beneath our heels!”

“We understand, Ms. Dee! We believe you all the way! Ginormon will be ours!”

Those fools. Brainless, trusting fools. She wished she had more of them at her beck and call.

When they reached the long distance teleportation chamber, her two guards placed her on the glowing teleportation pad. She looked at them menacingly. Were they going to rescue her or not? It was now or never.

She could smell the male sweat reeking off of them. They were nervous. Their hands trembled.

“You two! What are you doing?!” Samantha’s voice boomed over the speakers while she remained in a secure chamber above, observing the whole process. “Get on with it and throw the switch!”

“Help me! Now!” Dee hissed.

“Y-yes!” One of the guards obeyed faster than the other.

He withdrew his gun clumsily and turned to open fire at the lower level of other guards. He wasn’t quick or effective, but the sheer surprise factor allowed him to shoot a few men dead before they retaliated.

As they gunned him down, her other paid off guard drew his gun and ran for the control panel for the teleportation device.

“Stop them! Kill him!” Samantha screamed.

Even the control panel’s heavy shielding didn’t protect it from phaser fire. As the advanced circuitry began to fry, her second useless guard’s body slammed into the wall and slumped over dead. His corpse triggered the ignition sequence for her teleportation.

“Well fuck,” Dee said simply.

This time, the last thing she saw was a dozen phaser rifle barrels pointed at her before a bright beam of light teleported away to who knew where.

Chapter 2 - Ultimate Goal Achieved, in a Way

Dee awoke with a pounding headache. Was this the afterlife? The agonizing pain stabbing her mind felt too mild for hell, and the fresh, cool breeze, while pleasant, certainly couldn’t be considered heaven.

Fresh, cool breeze? Where was she? This couldn’t have been the harsh environment of the gas giant she’d been sentenced to. She would’ve needed an atmosuit to survive out in the open like this!

Dee tried to ignore the pain as she lay on the ground, trying to get her wits about her. Slowly she opened her eyes, and even more patiently, waited for her vision to come into focus.

She took deep, calming breaths as the wind continued to blow. There was an atmosphere here! The ground she was lying on was surprisingly soft and pleasant. Tiny, hazy specks passed by her frame of vision as she continued to recover. The sky was an alien blue, dotted by cotton candy clouds.

They looked so... close. Testing her strength, she raised an arm toward one of those clouds. Her fingers could almost touch them! And she was feeling better by the second. There were no signs of injury from her high speed hover mobile chase, no discomfort.

Dee clutched at that condensed vapor in the sky, trying to grasp it. It was oh so close. The cloud dissipated as she waved her arm and wiggled her fingers, scattering the wet formation.

Her heart started to pound rapidly. Something had gone seriously right, she finally understood. Sitting up, she discovered her vision was well and good. She was stil dressed in the bold red and blue colors of Ginormon’s prison outfit. Hugging her knees to her chest, Dee examined her surroundings carefully.

She dug her fingers into the ground, curling them and scooping up a small clod of dirt. It was soft enough for her to carve through at the surface, but she didn’t have to go far before the groudn sudenly got tougher and gave her resistance. Still, a little more exertion and she broke through the dense rock and held that chunk of alien planet in her hands.

Looking at it closely, it looked as if she’d gone through the crust of the planet itself! She could clearly see the network of roots from the grasses—and bushes?—in her hand before the earth turned hard and dense, grey and dehydrated.

And then underneath that layer, just pure, dark stone with no sign of vegetation at all!

That didn’t make sense. It would’ve taken a large industrial machine to dig as deep as she’d done. And then another large industrial machine to lift the whole thing up in one piece. Was this planet just terraformed differently?

Dropping the plot of earth, it landed with a loud rumble. Looking around her, she saw that she was eye level with a large plot of bushes. The plant life on this planet was so strange! These short shrubs all had a long, mostly bare trunk, bfeore blossoming out into a canopy of green!

And beyond that, tiny hills of dirt shaped like uneven triangles with their jagged, uneven peaks at the top, covered in white.

As Dee climbed to her feet, the realization hit her.

It wasn’t the planet that was strangely put together. She was tall! Really tall. Those bushes she had been examining, now only came up to her upper thighs as she rose to full height. Those tiny hills in the distance, the highest ones were eye level with her.

She replayed the recent, stressful events in her mind. Was the pressure getting to her? Could she trust her memory at all? The gun hadn’t worked, right?

So, she hadn’t gotten taller. But she’d been transported to a planet where everything was magnitudes smaller than it was on her home planet.

It was her wildest fantasy come true.

Perhaps this really was heaven!

Scarcely believing it, she reached down and plucked a single tree out of the ground. A swarm of creatures flew away from the nearby vicinity. If she hadn’t known better, she would have thought they were airborne pests, but the sound of squawking and the flap of their tiny wings... they were birds!

And to her, they were insignificant little specks!

Dee laughed with unhidden mirth as she held the tree in her hands like a toothpick. Licking her red lips, she flipped the whole thing before her eyes and parallel to the earth. With anticipation, she held it at both ends with either hand and applied the tiniest pressure.

It broke right down its center of mass with a satisfying loud crack, splintering into a billion pieces.

“Oh yessss!” Dee whooped, raising her arms into the air in jubilation as she flung the forgotten tree into the distance.

But playing with a single tree wasn’t enough, now was it her life’s dream to bird watch on an alien planet. She bent forward at the waist, eclipsing the whole forest and shrouding it in shadow. Her large palm extended downward ominously as her fingers carved through the solid, dense undergrowth as if she were scooping ice cream with a molten hot scoop. Curving her palm and sweeping through the ground, she lifted half the forest into the air and brought it to her face.

She watched up close as the birds panicked to flee from the trees, dropping back down to a more manageable altitude. Dee could only laugh. She stood taller than where birds on this planet flew!

The sound of a few dozen footsteps trampling leaves and branches was growing louder. Dee extended her index finger and swept away a swath of undergrowth and brush, creating a clearing for whatever was approaching. Large, entangled roots tore out from the earth as her casual motion terraformed the island in her palm so easily! She laughed at how easy it was to perform a feat that would have taken her civilization a whole team of people working for a month!

A herd of four legged creatures came running to the forefront. The ones leading the pack had enormous antlers on their heads. They skidded to a stop once they met Dee’s large face, looming and peering at them.

Behind them were other four legged creatures, furrier and standing lower to the floor. They appeared to be the predators, chasing the much taller, fragile looking creatures that now stood between a giantess and their hunters.

The furry creatures stopped in their tracks too, going from hungry, snarling predators to a whimpering pack of scared whelps. One of the more expressive ones standing near the now suspended island even glanced all about him, almost in disbelief that their world was now in midair!

Dee laughed wickedly, shaking that huge swath of the forest with her body’s gyrations. The animals all struggled to stay upright. The air swirled around her as her lungs sucked in the air’s currents, her exhalations strong and forceful, blowing out the loose plant matter balanced on her palm.

She’d had enough fun with some of the fuzzy creatures of this planet. Dee wanted to find other sentient bipedal life forms—see if they were anything like her, especially in the height department. It didn’t appear to be the case, considering the planet’s weak gravitational pull. It was either not very massive or not very dense, or both. In either case, if there were other bipedal life forms (and she hoped there were), she would have expected to see someone of her height already. The planet simply was not that large.

She eyed the distant hills as an electric current coursed through her body. Towering over all of these small creatures had been fascinating, but dominating the landscape with her size was getting her excited, in a not so subtle way. She was getting wet between her legs, and the prison garment was not thick enough to prevent it from soaking through. Large drops of her sticky arousal fell to the ground below, soaking the greenery and earth with her sexual juices.

Lowering her little island part way before letting it crash back to solid ground, Dee broke into a light jog toward what must have been this planet’s mountains. She slowed her stride to pull off her prison shoes and enjoyed the sensation of running barefoot, her toes and heels slamming into the planet, causing the ground to quake below her. The sight of the planet rumbling because of her turned her on even more. She moaned deeply as she increased her pace.

Within a few minutes, Dee had reached that little mountain range. She looked behind her to find deep imprints of her footsteps tattooed into solid rock, detailing the path she had taken. For creatures on this planet, every single one of her steps must have been so far apart!

Enough waiting. Dee had been working on this, dreaming of this her whole life. Without ceremony, she undid her prison fatigues, peeled them off her body and tossed them to the side, draping over a huge swath of the mountain range with her prison uniform.

Fingering her own waiting nether lips with one hand, she squatted down so that her eyes were level with the jagged peak of the mountain and used her other hand to encircle the base of one of the smaller mountains. Despite what she’d just done to a forest, Dee couldn’t believe how easy it was!

The ancient stone crumbled under her fingers as she got a firm grip with her hand. In fact, it was harder not to just pulverize the mountain into useless dust entirely!

Ceasing the stroking of her hungry pussy and aching clit, Dee removed her sticky hand and brought it to the other side of the mountain. The biggest challenge would be getting that mountain in one usable piece for her wicked desires.

It soon became clear that the mountain refused to be excavated in one large piece. Fearing that her toy would become useless, Dee exercised her creativity. She’d been the only one on Ginormon to even consider technology such as a size ray, after all. She idly wondered what was happening with it right now...

While she speculated, her hands were busy at work. She ran them over the thick base of the mountain, squeezing and crushing it with her hands until it was the proper width. The stone flaked away under her touch. When squeezing threatened to shatter the shaft that she was building, she went in delicately by jabbing it with her fingers and nails, her power more than enough to chip away at it with precision.

When it was the proper girth, she began to run her hands up and down the mountain, molding millenia old stone into her own personal sex toy—a nice, thick, cylindrical phallus that stood 1,000 meters in height.

Dee licked her lips. She couldn’t wait.

Standing up and swinging one leg over the pointy peak of the stone, she smoothed it over by rubbing her hand over it in a curved motion, fashioning out a large dome. Her nectar dripped onto the stone in anticipation, turning into new frost at the extreme cold temperatures at that altitude which didn’t bother her one bit.

Biting her lip, Dee tossed her long brunette hair, measuring well over 400 meters, behind her back. With one hand on the rocky tip of the mountain and another once again spreading her slick petals, she lowered herself, legs bent, until the tip of her makeshift landmark-worthy phallus teased the soft curtains to her intimacy.

She gasped at the shock of the cold toy inserting into her tight coils. Despite her size, she’d never been filled by something so large before, even in relation to her current stature! And the thought that she was making such an exhibition of yourself, even in apparently a remote location like this... anyone could be watching her right now from hundreds of kilometers away.

God, she hoped this planet had an intelligent civilization of tinies. And that they were watching.

Without further ado, she guided herself down the rocky rod, wiggling her hips and gasping as the cold, lifeless stone entered her aching, hungry pussy.

Oh, to feel so filled and fulfilled! Dee’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as her lips parted to allow entry to the dildo ramming her hyper-sensitive throbbing G-spot. She luxuriated in the feeling as the stone heated up, both from her heated, rushing blood and the slick friction as her body rubbed the shaft, up and down, up and down.

Her tongue slid out of her mouth as she panted for air, her arousal boiling over, her hot breath steaming in the chilly atmosphere, high in the sky. The vapors started to form their own clouds overhead as Dee continued to fuck herself by riding on a mountain that she’d reshaped just by touching it with her hands!

But as good as it felt, Dee wanted more. She opened her eyes, looking at the world around and beneath her. Beneath her. Realizing her fantasy, seeing how insignificant any other potential beings on this planet would be compared to her... god, she wished that she could find some of the native inhabitants soon!

The mountain was crumbling away now as her pussy contracted tighter and tighter over the rock hard stone, wearing it away with her fierce riding and squeezing. What if she’d already killed a bunch of the native inhabitants in her brief run on the way here? Had she trampled them to death, completely unaware that they were even present down there? Or perhaps the radiating earthquake under her feet had been the thing to do them in, collapsing their entire primitive civilization. And she hadn’t even meant any harm!

It would be such a shame...

But it was so fucking hot!

Dee moaned, the volume of her arousal splitting the heavens. If she extracted herself from her hand made monument, it would scarcely be recognized as a mountain anymore, not even by this tiny civilization’s standards.

Pumping her legs and finding no limits to her endurance, Dee continued to impale herself, speeding up in intensity as her arousal burned ever hotter. She greedily sought more stimulation, demanding more of this planet as it proved unable to keep up with something as intimate and delicate as just her feminine sex!

Her ass was slamming into the ground now. She groped her own breasts, their size comparable to the mountain she was fucking into oblivion. Except her breasts, topped with their own erect feminine peaks, were faring much better than that mountain was.

Over and over her pussy pulverized it as she fertilized the soil with her nectar, moaning and thrashing. The ground trembled under her enthusiastic self stimulation. The air around her was growing heated, her chest and back flushing cherry red, forehead beaded in sweat as she felt the onset of an inevitable orgasm budding deep within her womb.

She was on her knees now, pounding the ground and what was left of the mountain. Her bare feet tingled in anticipation of the crashing wave that would soon overwhelm her. She dug her delicate hands into the earth, clenching her fingers through the earth and tugging as though she were still on planet Ginormon, in her own bed, thrashing about as she gripped her sheets for purchase.

But on this planet, she carved enormous, deep trenches into the ground with her digits.

“I’m... a... giantess,” she panted, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. “I’m gonna come!!!”

With a final, thundering slam, Dee shattered what little remained of the dildo as her inner muscles clenched around it instinctively, pressing it into a slurry of her sexual juices and molten rock. She screamed as pulses of pure pleasure radiated through her body, toes curling as the greatest pleasure she’d ever experienced blasted through her nervous system, leaving her scalp, her fingers, and her stiff, erect pink nipples tingling.

Huddled over and quivering, Dee took a few minutes to gather herself. Still radiating in the pleasant aftershock of a monumental, monument shattering orgasm, her breasts heaved as she drew deep breaths. Maybe it was the adrenaline coursing through her body after her near death experience on Ginormon, or the hormones running rampant as she made a huge exhibition of herself on a completely alien planet where her most secret, deepest desire had been fulfilled, but Dee swore the air smelled sweeter here.

The colors of this planet were so vibrant, the breeze so wonderful, and her physique... absolutely fucking marvelous. Aside from the slight headache which had long since subsided, Dee seemed to be completely unharmed. Hell, after such an overwhelmingly satisfying pent up sexual release, she expected to find her body drained, limbs weak and limp, her body and mind ready for a snooze.

But the more she breathed in, the more wonderful she felt. She could go like this forever!

Standing up and extending her skyscraper long legs to full height, Dee grabbed her prison fatigues once more. She bent over at the waist and swiped the dirt off of her body, raining large (for the planet) clods of land back onto the surface. For her, it was mere detritus.

Now, to go and explore for the local natives. Imagining it and masturbating to the thought of a tiny civilization was wonderful, but oh lord, if she could fulfill it in reality...

Chapter 3 - Encountering the Locals

“What’s going on!?” Robert yelled, struggling to keep his warm beer from spilling out of its aluminum can.

“Earthquaaaake!?” Mike slurred, having had about fifteen more beers than his friend.

“Out here!? We don’t get no earthquakes!” Robert tried, but failed, to keep his beer from spilling all over his shirt. “Aw shit!”

“What else could it be?!”

“Iunno... tornado, ya reckon? Think we should... get into the shelter?”

The earth bounced violently once again, and they heard a loud crash from outside. They both exited the house, escaping the jumping bookshelves and crashing glass. Around the corner of their house was the entrance to their underground cellar. They stumbled their way to it, only to find the shoddy doors broken off and fallen into the so-called safe place. Inside was only broken planks of wood and more shattered containers of spilled alcohol.

“Still reckon it’s a tornado?” the more drunk Mike asked.

But Robert wasn’t responding. Not because his suggestion had been stupid. Not because he was worried for his life. He was looking at... it was...

He dropped his beer as the earth quaked once more.

“Robert! What’ur you lookin’ at!?” Mike asked. When he turned around to follow Robert’s line of sight, he saw it.

Over by the familiar mountain range, hundreds of miles in the distance, there was a woman. A very large woman. Beautiful, mostly naked, as tall as the fucking sky itself... and she was fucking a gigantic dildo.

The pair of men stood side by side as the ground shook beneath them. So mesmerized by the impossible sight before them, they didn’t even worry about their safety anymore. Their beers seeped into the ground, long forgotten, as the woman’s rhythmic thrusting accelerated, her large breasts bouncing up and down as her firm posterior smashed the earth. One hand was fondling her pussy while another pinched those perfect pink nipples.

“Mike... am I dreamin’?” Robert asked.

“Shh...” Mike replied.

Utterly mesmerized and fascinated by the shameless, not to mention giant, woman masturbating before their very eyes, both Mike and Robert gasped as the pace began to pick up even further. Her brunette hair, probably as tall as the mountains itself, flowed in heavy winds at that altitude like some sort of beautiful shampoo commercial. Her body was getting flush, and her arousal was almost palpable. The amount of details visible to them—the sight of the dildo eroding, the details and bumps of her pink areolae, the sight of her parted lips and slick tongue—was simply ludicrous at this range. How large was she!?

As she ground the improvised dildo into nothingness, they could both see her entire, well-proportioned body tensing up. That primal, all familiar moment of pure bliss and sexual ecstasy was upon them, and they were about to witness a goddess experiencing it at the expense of their well-being.

It was too much.

Both Mike and Robert covered their ears as this... woman pushed herself over that tense edge and achieved her happy ending. Her beautiful cry of satisfaction rang in their ears, her husky voice giving them a second hand experience at the sheer, intense pleasure she’d just achieved. The sound of her scream was only rivaled by the sound of shattering stone as she collapsed onto the earth. Her thick, still shaking thighs crushed rock between them, pulverizing it into a cloud of dust as her hands carved into the mountains around her, doing the unthinkable and shattering it as if age old rock formations that threatened to pierce the sky were fragile glass.

Still, even as they covered their ears, they couldn’t bear to look away from the beauty before them. When she stood up, she patted herself clean and peeled away a red and blue blanket from the remaining mountains. Shaking the dust off, they realized: those were her clothes!

The mysterious mega-tall woman slipped her lower garments back on and sighed with satisfaction. A powerful gust of warm, sweet wind washed over both of them. Even her breath was powerful!

She stood up and fluffed her hair out. Then, amazingly, her piercing eyes seemed to single them out! A strangely sadistic smile curled on her face, and coincidence or not, she began to head in their direction.



“I think she’s heading toward us...”

“No way! I reckon we must look like ants to her! No way she can see us!”

But sure enough, the mysterious woman who defied all expectations was headed their way, arms and legs pumping as she sprinted. If the pair of men thought the earthquakes before had been severe from a woman satisfying herself, it was nothing compared to the rampage of a woman possessed.

When her shadow loomed over both men, she slowed her pace and stopped right in front of them.

They just stared at her magnificence. If she were their height, they would have performed multiple up and down scans of her body. But there was just so much of her, they’d barely gotten past her building-height legs or her flared hips with their painted-on red and blue costume when she began to speak.

“You are an intelligent species of this planet?” she asked.

They both looked up, but it was too dark to see her face. Not in the shadow of her body and her breasts. They had to be as large as geodesic domes!

“Uh...” Mike stuttered.

“I reckon,” Robert gulped.

They both covered their ears as the impossible woman yelped with sheer joy. She leaned over by bending at the waist, causing both men to gulp as those breasts descended ever closer to their bodies. More than that, should she do something as simple as kneel down, she could easily crush them into red paste!

Lucky for them, she did nothing of the sort. Her beautiful face came into view, her stunning green eyes almost shining in the relative darkness of shade. She peered at them as if to examine them like they themselves might look at an unfamiliar bug.

“Wonderful!” she smiled, revealing her perfect teeth. They didn’t even notice her arm sweeping by until it scooped both of them up. Robert and Mike screamed as they found themselves hanging on for dear life against the edge of her hand. Their worries compounded as the woman twitched, flinging them high into the air with her casual little movement. Robert and Mike found themselves subject to the cold, thin air at such an extreme altitude, completely unaided and about to plummet to their deaths in freefall. But the woman simply caught them in the open palm of her hand.

“Tell me, where is your nearest city?” the woman asked.

Mike and Robert just groaned and rolled on her soft skin, nurturing their bruises from the long fall.

“Tell me!” the woman repeated, picking up Mike by pinching his torso with her thumb and index finger.

“I-I’m not sure! Wait! Helppp!” he screamed as the woman lifted him farther and farther away from Robert. He put both of his hands on those fingers of hers and pushed as hard as he could, but her vice-like bind was utterly unbreakable.

“Wait! Wait!” Robert screamed, eager to answer and to potentially save his friend. “Let me just... let me take a look...” he looked pleadingly at their captor’s face.

She raised an immaculately sculpted eyebrow at him, then made a little gesture with her head, giving him permission.

“Thank you!” he gushed, scampering along the small dip in the palm of her hand so he could reach a vantage point at the “cliff” of her hand where her fingers started.

He could feel her heartbeat through her hand as he scrambled across her hand. To think that the soft floor he stood on was flesh and blood, so powerful and dominating... that if she were to flex her hand, he would be sent flying high into the air, or if she closed her fist that he would be crushed like a helpless insect...

Robert tried not to think about it as he frantically ran toward the edge of her hand lest she change her mind. He gasped when it hit him just how high up he was... one peek down from his high altitude post, and his stomach lurched as he was seized by a wave of vertigo. He looked back at the giant woman, who was just looking at him expectantly.

He was losing his balance.

“Well?” she prompted him, growing impatient.

“T-that way...” he pointed behind him at an angle.

“Is it a big settlement?” she asked.

“Big?” Robert mulled over the question, almost laughing as he looked back at her enormous yet beautiful features.

“Rob!!! Get me out of here!” his friend yelled from over yonder in the distance, stil in between her fingers.

“Yes! Yes! It’s big! One of our largest cities! But not as big as you...” he said, in total worship. He’d never felt more supplicant or emasculated in his life.

“Really? That’s great!” the woman laughed wholeheartedly as she closed her fingers over Mike.

“Wait, no! Please!” Robert yelled as he ran back toward her palm. In an instant, he was enveloped in total darkness, warmed by the heat of her skin.

Robert punched and pushed at one of her fingers, but all he managed to do was hurt his fists. The woman didn’t react at all to his violent onslaught. But he heard a muffled scream from outside.

“No! No! Don’t! Pleaaaaaase!” He could hear Mike’s voice. “No! You’re... a monster! Aieeeeee!”

Then Mike’s voice went silent.

“M-Mike?” Robert whispered.

Mike didn’t have to wonder long what happened to his friend. He felt himself rising to the air at incredible speed as the acceleration threatened to flatten him. He would have screamed from the G forces, but he was unable to draw breath.

Finally, the woman’s fist opened up around him, gripping him by the collar. Mike’s feet dangled as he found himself above the woman’s forehead. He looked around for Robert, frantically searching for her other hand. His friend wasn’t there.

“What did you do to my friend?!” he gasped.

“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll join him soon!” the woman answered gleefully.

“What? No...” Mike whispered, knowing that whatever had happened, it couldn’t have been good.

He didn’t have to wonder for long. The woman tilted her head back and brought him above her plump lips.

“N-no...” he begged, knowing what was about to happen.

The woman licked her ruby lips, smacked her lips a few times, then opened wide. Then, Mike went plummeting down into her dark, red abyss.

“Mmm! Not bad! Time to find more...” Dee declared as she greedily swallowed her victim.

Chapter 4 - Military Dee Intervention

Pleased with her first interaction with the native inhabitants of this tiny planet, Dee charged in the direction that her food had so graciously pointed out.

Soon, the empty rural countryside began to shift from plots of undeveloped land and neat rows of agriculture into paved roads and bridges. Dee stomped past all of it, reveling in how easy it was to get around for her on this planet, and how easy it was to crush things beneath her bare feet. She ran parallel to the roads, going out of her way to savagely throw a kick at a concrete bridge.

It broke into a million fragments as the reinforced bricks sailed off into the distance. Dee stood and admired it for a while before dipping her foot into a lake to clear the dust off of it. The water wasn’t nearly deep enough, and her little action soon overflowed it, leaving it a wet crater as large waves spread outward.

Pleased with her foot bath and eager to try out a full shower later, Dee continued her run toward the city’s boundaries. She was pleased to note that she stood higher than the tallest building in that city’s skyline. But before she could descend upon it and rain her brand of size terror, the sound of a regular, mechanical hum rang in her ear.

A strangely organized formation of flying creatures were approaching her, flying high over the city. She focused her eyes and examined those gray things... there were little inhabitants like the two she had just eaten, piloting the things!

Dee couldn’t wait!

She continued running forward, excited to try swatting them out of the air with a nice backhand. Drawing her right arm across her body, she prepared to strike.

Suddenly, the machines extended some long metal barrels. They all began to spark and flash in sync to the sound of brief, sharp, staccato beats.

Dee couldn’t see what they were doing, but the intent was clear enough. Just on cue, she felt something peppering her arm and her body, making little scratch marks in her prison uniform.

They didn’t hurt at all.

She looked down and examined herself. Her smooth skin was slowly being revealed as those little pellets bounced off her body harmlessly. Was their intent to get her naked?!

No, these had to be the weaponry on this planet. So primitive compared to Ginormon’s phaser guns! Dee bent forward in laughter at the helplessness of this civilization!

She didn’t see the next salvo of weapons being sent her way, but she heard it. Another synchronized attack from these people, but not the rhythmic drumming she’d heard before. This one had a whizzing, rushing sound.

When she looked back up, she could see some cylindrical tubes headed her way. They almost looked like phallic objects, except they were way too small for her use. She waited patiently, curious to see what they would do.

When they struck her, the metallic pieces exploded into sharp bits that pinged off her skin uselessly and shredded her costume even more. They also generated a ton of heat and dirtied her skin with its oil and gunpowder, but nothing more.

Enough was enough. It was Dee’s turn.

She roared enthusiastically and lunged forward, meeting the objects as they continued to approach her. They rotated and tried to fly to either side of her in order to avoid a collision, but Dee brought both arms up and swatted indiscriminately.

One, she caught in her hand and crushed inside of her palm. The thing exploded into little bits, leaving nothing behind!

Her imprudent swat also caught a whole bunch of the machines. They didn’t explode into little flaming bits; instead, she had caused enough physical damage to either the machine or their pilots that the things rapidly descended out of the air like a stone in freefall.

Wanting to get on with it, Dee continued her slow march toward the city, paying only cursory attention to their hover machines when they got too close. And when they did, she clapped at them with both arms as if swatting an insect, flattening the machine into another useless pile of exploded junk.

When only a few remained, Dee took care to be precise and pluck one out of the sky. The machine seemed to speed up, but there was no way it could outpace her easy walking. Making sure to be gentle, she grabbed the machine by its hind part and retracted it toward herself. Its pitiful engines were never going to win that particular tug of war.

Treating it like a piece of candy, Dee tossed it into her mouth and crunched its hard shell into tiny fragments before swallowing it.

On her way into the city, she saw a trail of vehicles making its way out toward a side road. She quickly ran over and stamped a few cars out of existence under her silky soles, smushing them into the ground by twisting her foot.

She decided to follow the road into the city, causing a massive panic and backup for the vehicles below. Treating it like a red carpet, Dee took her time, struggling like a model on a catwalk, making sure her feet only touched the column of cars as she walked her way in.

Leaving a trail of flaming destruction behind her, she reached the boundary of the city proper and licked her lips. But suddenly...

A large column of light, buzzing and crackling, appeared in front of Dee. She shielded her eyes from the blindingly bright illumination.

When the energy dissipated, there knelt Samantha in the burnt out crater.

“Samantha!” Dee gasped. She made a lunge at her captor.

“Ah ah ah!” Samantha pulled her arm back, revealing Dee’s size ray.

“My research!” Dee halted in her tracks. “You didn’t...”

“It’s quite brilliant, really. I tested it on some superiors I couldn’t stand! Smaller and smaller they turned, begging me to stop. But I stomped them all into nothingness!”

“You’re a fucking hypocrite!” Dee spat.

“I suppose so. I only learned how fun this was after you made it a reality. And now, it’s time for me to get rid of you and exploit your technology all for myself!”

Dee gulped.


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