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Nineteen Years and a Day

Coral yawned as she awoke in the morning. For a moment, she panicked. Had everything that had happened on her 19th birthday been a dream? No way, right? Everything had felt so real, especially the dry humping!

She almost yelped out loud when she realized she was floating in midair above her bed. Her soft pink blankets were draped over her body and descended down to the bed like curtains.

Coral laughed out loud. No dream!

She yawned and stretched, letting her invulnerable yet sensitive body rub against those familiar sheets. God, it felt good. Her hands began to explore her body as they sometimes did in the mornings, tracing her slender—and now much more powerful arms over her generous curves. She couldn’t believe how high her breasts rode even while she was lying flat! Flat in midair, that is. She could barely see over those mountainous swells to her lower body, and she had super vision!

Marveling at the silky feel of her own jet engine-proof skin, Coral let out a low growl as she traced feathery circles over her torso with her arm and fingertips. As she glided her fingers around the voluptuous, full outline of her breast, feeling intense tingles race through her body and pinching her nipples with enough force to crush steel, her first thought was to just spend the entire day inside, floating and finger fucking herself into oblivion. Maybe her father and Penny would be going to the country club today...

Her second thought, as her cleavage absolutely engulfed her slim arm, was that something was missing.

Her beautiful sapphire eyes shot open, and not from arousal.

The necklace!

Where was it? She wasn’t wearing it!

Coral almost—well, did think that she was going to fall out of the air like a cartoon character, where the physical laws of the universe had to be observed before they had to be obeyed. Arms and legs trembling, her midsection tensed harder than any man made steel, she waited for a gory ending. Soon, she would fall six feet into her bed, no more super eyes (or laser for that matter), no more having any one she wanted, no more... oh god, what if Alisa came after her for revenge!

Was it over? Had she fallen yet?

Hands frozen in place where she’d been fondling herself, Coral opened a single eye. She peeked left. Peeked right. Still frozen there in midair.

“Oh thank god!” she whispered before realizing how silly she was being. As if still floating there in midair wasn’t ridiculous.

Coral whipped her pretty blonde head around at superspeed, scanning for her necklace which apparently were not the source of her powers. Strange. Very strange.

At least I don’t owe that woman for the gift, then. Her mind couldn’t help but go to petty places.

She found the strange, large, unique necklace on her vanity.

Floating over and performing a head over heels flip in midair to enjoy her new power, Coral found that she suddenly seemed to lose control. It was like being drunk and being behind the wheel of a car, except this car was a gorgeous female body that was stronger than a plane and ten times as tough. As she tried to complete her midair rotation, a wave of nausea washed over her, and with her feet pointing toward the ceiling, she charged right toward it!

A loud crash and a ton of plaster dust later, a panicked Coral hurriedly tried to park herself.

She landed in the nude on her tippy toes in front of that mirror. Damn, even her vision was going woozy! Taking a few deep breaths and noticing that at no point did she have to stop inhaling, she checked herself out to make sure everything was okay. Sure was. Coral had never been one for excessive modesty, but damn, she looked as good as she felt! And she felt super... but another wave of dizziness hit her. Almost as if there were too much power inside of her nineteen year old body.

Still taking her time to recover, Coral continued to check herself out. Flexing a bicep, the resting supergirl saw a tiny swell of muscle bulge up. Nothing enormous—she just looked like perhaps one of those fitness models when she clenched her muscles without all of their photo editing touch ups. Not that she wanted to look like a pile of bricks. This was perfectly fine by her. Large eyes, long blonde hair, huge breasts, slim waist, long, long legs, and absolutely no sign of skin tags, which she was definitely very qualified to report.

Coral began to blush. She really was checking herself out! Well, why the hell not!?

She turned 90 degrees to get a nice profile view... and it was dramatic! Wanting to get a better view of her tight rear, she floated into the air and twisted around freely.

“Damn, I’m hot!” she giggled. But unfortunately, there was a huge imprint in the ceiling and she couldn’t figure out why.

Still, there were so many questions. Why could she fly? And apparently lift cars with a single hand, tear metal with her fingernails, and break windshields with her spittle? Hell, she’d downed an airplane by accident!

Did the necklace give her powers? Was it like some sort of battery?

Coral eyed it suspiciously. Thinking back to her little cartoon logic moment, she decided to keep the necklace on, just in case. Freya be damned.

The cool stones, clasped behind her elegant swan-like neck, still felt cool to the touch as they plunged down her chest with its largest gem right between her protruding, gravity-defying breasts.

The nausea went away. Coral’s wooziness immediately cleared, and she just knew that she was in control again.

With a little nod of encouragement, she decided to go about her day. Before Coral had fallen asleep, all she could think of was how she had hurt Matthew. The Coreys, always together, him following her around like a little puppy while everyone picked on him for being whipped and friendzoned, which Coral had never admitted to herself until she finally decided to give him that underwater blowjob... poor Corey!

Coral’s own little escapade with losing her virginity had been wholly underwhelming. It had been a sudden, daring thing. A moment of opportunity. She had to come back home after the deed and google it to see if it was really supposed to be that boring. And then she’d tried boyfriending… Turns out, her first ex had been extremely selfish and had given her nothing. No foreplay, no sexy talk, just... quick business and a sloppy ending.

But at least her ex hadn’t hospitalized her!

She turned into a blur and disappeared into the bathroom, brushing her teeth with her newfound super speed. Two seconds later, she had gargled and spit and was deep inside her walk-in closet, both feet off the ground as she gingerly put on her lacy pink underwear. There was a large stack of boxes she didn’t recognize, lining the shelves.

Her birthday gifts! When had they gotten in here! Hopefully... hopefully no one saw her while she was sleep floating!

Coral closed her eyes and twitched her ears as she focused her hearing across their entire mansion. No gossip among the servants in the kitchens, nor the gardens outside... if her father were here, he wasn’t speaking... and Paris was on the phone talking to some guests from yesterday.

Shit! Coral thought. First Alisa, and now potentially someone else too?

She sighed. No use worrying about it now. It’s not like anyone could threaten me anyway, she thought back to how she’d crushed Alisa’s phone.

Still far too scantily clad, Coral slipped on a gray miniskirt and a tight, short-sleeved pink polo that did nothing to hide the splendorous curves of her chest. Experience had taught her that this was a good way to get Matt to go along with what she wanted.

Ah, no! Coral scolded herself. She floated over to the full length mirror in the corner and checked herself out. Well, maybe one more time. As far as she was concerned, she’d need every advantage when apologizing to Matt. Even if she hadn’t been romantically interested in him, she kept telling herself, she couldn’t stand the thought of him rejecting her.

Blurring once more, she slipped on a pair of ankle socks and stepped into a pair of pristine sneakers, both feet at once. She scanned the house with her super hearing... if anyone was looking for her, they probably wouldn’t miss her. Opening the window, she floated out of her mansion bedroom, adjusted the heels of her shoes with her fingers, and flew off to Sand Valley general hospital.


It had been a brief visit. Coral was planning to walk into the hospital and ask what room Matthew Corwin—remembering to use his proper name—was in before she felt the first discomfort she’d experienced since she put on that multi-gem blue necklace. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy! What if Matthew didn’t want to see her? It would be so embarrassing to follow a nurse to his room, only to be kicked out!

It was a good thing she had superpowers then. She pirouetted on her heels in a perfect 180, trying to pretend as if she hadn’t just totally derped in the hospital lobby, and walked back out. Whistling very not inconspicuously, she made her way between some trees and bushes near the hospital’s parking lot. When she felt fairly certain no one could spot her, she flew as quickly as she could up into the branches, chopping away some ratty branches with her bare hands and creating a nice perch for herself. The process took under a second.

Dressed in her pink and gray camouflage among the trees, Coral focused her mesmerizing eyes once more. Both her pupils and her necklace glowed as she scanned floor after floor, window after window from hundreds of feet away. Thank goddess he had actually been in one of the rooms on that side!

And if Coral’s incognito costume hadn’t given her away, the sudden sad whimper from her vocal outburst didn’t help. Corey’s legs were wrapped up in casts, and he was hooked up to IVs! She watched as tears began to well in her eyes... at least his breathing was regular and the beeping green line monitor thing looked normal.

She burst through the top of the tree, leaving a display of green confetti in her wake as she bolted back home.

Coral had probably hurt him during their friendship because of the one-sided sexual interest. And then she’d flipped everything around and given him head, leaving him in that wretched state. The only thing to do, she sniffled to herself, was to properly fuck him! There was no way he would say no to that, Coral thought to herself in her screwed up mental state. But she had to be careful! And she wanted it to be good. The superpowered blonde was pretty sure that Corey was a virgin, and she wanted to make his first time special.

She needed practice.


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