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Enter Trixata
Commissioned by danio13
Written by HarmonyMotion

A Fresh New Start

Jovie awoke calmly to a new Cirranean summer day. Her carnival had gone well. Archie was breathing softly next to her. It was... strange.

She couldn't remember the last time she didn’t wake up screaming or in a cold sweat since that tragic incident with Bev.

She almost felt guilty.

“Bev, I’ll never forget you,” Jovie swore to herself.

“Mmf. Did you say something?” Archie mumbled as he rolled over underneath the blanket.

Chucky, their brown bulldog terrier who had curled himself into a donut in between Jovie and Archie, grunted at being shoved by Archie’s movement.

“Shh shh shh,” Jovie scritched the fuzzy puppy behind his floppy ear. His lip curled as he leaned into it. He also began to snort in satisfaction.

Leaving her two boys to snooze, she went to the bathroom and began her daily morning ritual. Curling her finger at her toothbrush, she checked her own disheveled appearance in the mirror. A large yawn, and a languid, arm-extended back-curling stretch. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she opened her mouth with a soft “ahh.” She beckoned her toothbrush over with a finger. It floated out of its holder. A twist of her fingers now, and the toothpaste cap came off. They began to move of their own accord, squeezing a dollop onto her bright and garish toothbrush before it began to scrub her teeth.

Slipping out of her clothes (somehow her shirt fell right through her body and to the floor), she checked out her body in the mirror before jumping in the shower.

It automatically turned on upon her entry. Her shower head was shaped like a cartoonish duck with a cylindrical cut out for its mouth. She turned the setting to mostly angry, making its eyebrows slant down and inward and turned its white head red. The shower head duck figurine began to float around and spray Jovie down with its high pressure massage, digging deep into her smooth skin while her toothbrush worked by itself. She ran her hands through her hair, massaging her scalp and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

When she stopped out, the duck figurine detached itself and floated along with her. Jovie turned the setting to hair dryer, and it began to rotate and blow hot air onto her brunette curls. She had to slap it or wave it off a few times when it got too close or stayed in one place for too long. In the meantime, she put on her makeup—her regular makeup, that is, not her clown alter ego—touching up her eyes and her cheeks just by looking in the mirror and willing it to happen.

She smiled at Archie as he walked past and took his turn in the bathroom. Jovie went into the kitchen of their modest one bedroom house, Chucky finally taking his leave of the bed and following his mistress to where food happened.

Jovie scritched his wagging butt as Chucky’s tail whipped wildly, smacking against her bare legs. She scrunched up the side of her face as she measured out Chucky’s portion in her mind, then tilted her empty hand to fill his bowl with kibble.

Moving to the table now, she reminded herself to switch to her berry grain-free cereal before pouring herself a bowl of breakfast as well. The last thing she needed was to get another mouthful of Chucky kibble because she wasn’t paying attention! Her left hand poured the milk simultaneously with the cereal in her right, and a little flourish of her hand conjured a large metal spoon.

“Don’t forget your 3B apron,” Archie brought Jovie her apron uniform, complete with the Busy Bean Bistro logo—dancing bean with googly eyes on it.

“Thanks Archie.” She finished off her bowl of cereal, slurping up every last drop.

Archie just stared at the girl whom he’d found sitting in that deep, dark alley so many years ago. Jovie was hardly recognizable now. In good spirits, performing good deeds around town, managing her famous pop up carnival once more..., plus the sight of her soft lips with a trace of milk dribbling down it reminded him of the wild blow job Giggiline had graciously given him last night.

At least his erection wasn’t tied and twisted into a billion knots! His orgasm had been so intense as it tried to travel through those choke points, but also extremely agonizing. He’d never experienced so violent and cathartic a release before!

“What?” Jovie asked as her sexy tongue slithered out of her mouth and licked up the last drop.

Archie shivered as his loins stirred. Jovie/Giggiline had done a serious number on him!

“Whatcha thinkin’ bout, big boy?” Jovie snuck a not-so-clandestine peek at Archie’s boxers. He was pitching a bit of a tent. She looked up at him with a mischievous smirk on her face.

“Ah, ha, ha, nothing...” Archie blushed.

“I don’t have time now anyway,” Jovie said regrettably as she slid her apron over her suddenly fully clothed body. “But maybe tonight...”

Archie’s tent grew larger. He coughed as he shyly tried to cover it up by crossing his arms in front of his body.

“Slow down there, big boy! I gotta go to work now. Kiss?” Jovie grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder. Archie approached, bow-legged and still embarrassed.

They both closed their eyes as Archie leaned in. As soon as their lips touched, Jovie decided she wanted more than just a chaste peck. Archie sure didn’t mind.

She darted her tongue against his lips before gripping his lower lip with her teeth. Suckling on Archie’s nice folds, she broke the kiss, satisfied with his increased heart rate and cute little moans.

“See you later, Archie!”

His eyes were still closed, his lips still seeking out Jovie’s. God, she could kiss! Only the sound of the front door closing snapped him out of his sexy reverie.

But something was amiss.

Looking down at his boxers, he could see that his erection had now been twisted and tied into some sort of animal with an enormous neck. A giraffe?! God, it was huge! He couldn’t go to work with his dick sticking out of his pants and way up past his belly button!

And now he was horny too.

He whimpered as he pulled his boxers down and headed back to bed. His giraffe dick sprung out, standing tall and proud. Archie only prayed that he could somehow rub one out of the twisted knots of this beast and get to work on time. No doubt Jovie was laughing her head off at him right now as he began to grip and tug his twisted and contorted shaft...

An Old, Familiar Acquaintance

Jovie rinsed off her metalware before steaming and frothing up some milk for another customer’s latte. For this one, she decided to get a bit cheeky and create some art of a happy clown in the cup of coffee. It came out to perfection with a big round face, large close-set eyes, and a big circular bulbous nose. She considered having it speak to the customer before her first sip, but no... that was probably taking it too far.

She handed the order to a smiling customer. It was a slow day in Cirrane as far as crime went, and that suited Jovie just fine. People were smiling, there was still a slight buzz about her carnival around town, the birds were chirping...

A regular clicking sound interrupted Jovie’s reverie. Her boss, Bowie, was impatiently tapping his pen rhythmically against the counter. He gave her a disapproving look when she turned her head to meet his gaze.

Jovie nodded and turned her back to face him as she cleaned the pot she’d just used. When he disappeared back into the office, she rolled her eyes. He’d always been such a busy bean body! Still, at least she wouldn’t have to disappear on her shift today and perform some heroic clowny feats.

“Ahem,” a female customer cleared her throat at the counter.

Oops, Jovie had immediately gone back to daydreaming. But where had her co-worker Monica gone?

“Sorry, be right there!” Jovie shuffled her way to the register.

Only to see her.

Standing at the counter was a short woman of approximately Jovie’s height, dressed smartly in tight blue leggings, a pair of blue heels, and a white top with a large portion cut out to reveal her expansive breasts and cleavage. The garment had a turtleneck with a ring clasp decoration in front of her throat. Completing the outfit was a blue blazer, cinched around the waist and flared down toward the hips.

Some things never changed.

“I’ll have a... oh, whatever it is these humans drink,” the woman announced.

“Trixata!” Jovie hissed. “What are you doing here?!”

“Oh, you recognize me in this form!” Trixata showed satisfaction while radiating pure disdain. “After all this time playing with humans, I thought maybe you would have forgotten about me. Gone naive, I believe your little friends call it? No, was it nutty? Gone nutty!” Trixata clapped her hands joyfully, thinking she’d gotten it right.

“Gone. Native,” Jovie corrected her sister. “And how could I not recognize you! You and those colors you’re always wearing!” She hissed.

“I think they look good on me. Don’t you?” Trixata smiled smugly and emphasized her curves, running her hands over her voluptuous body and swiveling her hips. “Oh, what a strange shape these creatures take!”

“Is Jovie giving you trouble, ma’am?” Bowie was suddenly bearing down upon Jovie again.

“Not at all, Bowie,” Trixata got his name right without missing a beat. Jovie watched on, shocked that her sister was coming to her rescue. She rummaged in her blue pockets, pulling out a bunch of eerily lifelike dolls, ungodly amounts of lint, before finally revealing a whole wad of bills and coins. There was so much stuff, yet it hadn’t made any sort of imprint in her pockets.

“There you go,” Trixata shoved the money and fluff toward Bowie over the counter. She plucked her creepy dolls and put them back into her pocket, which still didn’t bulge at all. “I trust that will be enough money? Jovie isn’t giving me any trouble at all.”

Bowie’s eyes grew huge. Before Trixata could change her mind and rescind the offer, he happily scooped the money up into his arms and took it into the back to pick out the lint and count up the bills.

“Now, can we talk?” Trixata huffed.

There was a bit of a line forming behind her now. Jovie, becoming increasingly uncomfortable about her estranged sister’s sudden appearance, fidgeted with her apron as she bit her lip. This was supposed to be a chill day!

“Are they bothering you?” Trixata asked, able to read Jovie as easily as ever. She dug deep into her endless pockets once more. “I can pay them too.”

“Stop!!!” Jovie yelled.

A powerful shockwave struck the floor where she stood and radiated outward in a violent rush. Nothing was damaged; no one was hurt. But everything in Cirrane, within Jovie’s influence, immediately ceased to move. The birds and clouds in the sky, the running water in Cirrane’s famous river, Archie at the arboretum... time stood still under Jovie’s little outburst.

“Is that it?” Trixata gloated. “You’re done pretending to be one of... these?” she gestured at all of the frozen people as if they were beneath her. “I haven’t even done anything! I just played along with you. You should be grateful!”

“It’s not pretend!” Jovie stamped her foot.

“Oh no? Then why do you play at being a hero, in your colorful costume as you protect these pathetic lower beings?”

“Our kind has often taken many forms amongst humans,” she emphasized the word. “There’s nothing wrong with what I’m doing!” she insisted.

“No, no, of course not. What you say is true, sister. But then, you debase yourself, sister. Your costume even involves dressing up like one of them. Living like one of them. Being one of them.”

“It’s not... it’s...” Jovie was at a loss for words. She fidgeted meekly and looked at a random spot on the floor.

“And to think you lost your way after one of your precious little pets died.”

“BEV WAS NOT A PET!” Jovie clenched her fists and looked back up at Trixata furiously.

“Exactly my point.”


Trixata sighed and walked around the statues of the Busy Bean Bistro’s customers, running her finger idly over some of their clothes. She took a seat at one of their tables next to another patron, crossed her legs, and giggled.

“What do you mean?” Jovie followed her. “And don’t touch her!” She swatted Trixata’s hand away.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry. This isn’t my domain. You know I have no power here. Compared to you, at least.”

“Hmph. Bev was my friend. She... she didn’t deserve what happened to her. You apologize right now!”

“You’re still proving my point,” Trixata faked a yawn as she tried to prod at the frozen-in-time customer’s face before dodging another Jovie swat. “You care too much. You’ve become too close to these people. You even believe you can be one of them now. Just look at you!”

“I’m... I’m not...”

But Jovie’s voice wavered. Deny it as much as she might, there was no way Jovie could rebut what her arrogant and far-too-often right sister was saying. Even if Jovie wanted to squeeze her smarmy little face. How did her obnoxious attitude convey so well even in human form?

“Just one of these creatures dying was enough to break you! At first, I thought you were just pretending, like what you’re doing now. But no. You really disappeared. I sensed nothing from you. No use of your powers, no acknowledgement of your real self... it was really like you’d become one of them. I almost felt sorry for you even. Almost.”

“Why are you here?” Jovie tried to cut to the point.

“Imagine my relief, sister. Yes, relief,” she emphasized when Jovie raised a skeptical eyebrow at her, “when I discovered that you were back to using your powers. Obviously, I don’t care for your antics, but at least you were doing what we Ensients do, once more.”

The sky suddenly rumbled and turned ominously dark. A black cloud of smoke descended upon Jovie, blacking out every frozen person, every piece of furniture... everything. They weren’t even standing in the Busy Bean Bistro anymore. Trixata was sitting on nothing; Jovie was standing on nothing.

Jovie’s fingers and eyes began to bulge, pulsing larger then smaller, larger then smaller. When the dark, opaque smoke enveloped her fully, she burst back out from it in a blaze of tentacles, teeth, and spikes.

Her flagellating limbs seemed to be limitless, wobbling and thrashing every at once. Her dark, leathery flesh had no face, but it did contain a wide, gaping maw, filled with millions upon millions of teeth. To travel down that cavern, should one survive the razor blades in her eldritch flesh, would mean falling infinitely until one caved to insanity and longed for death.

Jovie roared loud enough to split the sky. And split it did.

The smoke cracked open, breaking apart the heavens to reveal the blue sky of Earth once more. Their parallel illusion—or was it reality?—broke into a thousand sharp, jagged-edged pieces before hitting the ground and dissipating into smoke. The smell of sulfur lingered in the air.

Jovie and Trixata were standing in the Busy Bean Bistro once more.

All of the patrons turned up their noses at the smell. Where had that come from? Otherwise, it was business as usual. Cirrane moved once more.

“My my. Very impressive, little one.” Trixata’s mastery of sarcasm was immaculate.

“So you see? I haven’t forgotten!” Jovie emphasized her point.

Trixata sighed. “And now you’re so desperate to prove it to me.”

“AM NOT!” Jovie spat.

The two women just looked blankly at each other. Thankfully, Monica was back at the brews and handling business. Jovie looked at her, and Monica mouthed at her to go talk to whoever she was talking to.

They wandered around the city blocks, not caring where they went. Jovie in her flat, trendy, human sneakers, and Trixata in her business-like heels.

“You’re different too, you know. You’re more... subtle,” Jovie commented. It was an implicit confession that Trixata had been right about everything.

“Yes, I suppose so. It was bound to happen, ever since we left our kind and struck it out on our own.”

“So why do you care if I’m changing?”

“The more connections you make with these beings, the heavier your heart will weigh. We can do great things, impossible things that other creatures couldn’t even dream about, but I don’t think we Ensients were meant to bear this. Our hearts are not made for compassion. It may take a while, but the more you put on it, the more you will start to break down. Like Atlas,” she tried, using a ludicrous human mythological being. She knew that Jovie did so love stories.

“Atlas still bears the weight,” Jovie countered. “He has, forever and ever.”

“And what if it doesn’t stop at Bev? Look what happened to you when you lost her. What if you lost your precious Archie?”

“TRIX! YOU WOULDN’T!” Jovie shrieked.

An old couple stopped to look at the two women, then shook their heads and muttered about rude youth these days.

“No Jovie, I wouldn’t. Not my style. But these humans, despite how small and stupid and misguided they are... they can cause you immense pain. And by their own standards, they are capable of great, great evil. Could you imagine killing our own kind? And not just one. These beings kill each other by the hundreds. Every single day. Not to mention what some do to the non-humans...”

“That’s why I have to protect them!” Jovie interrupted. “There are so many more good ones than bad ones! The bad ones just... they just... they get the upper hand sometimes. It takes a lot of good ones to overcome the bad ones. That’s the balance of humanity. I have to protect my friends.”

“So you admit it. Your heart is bearing more and more weight.”

“Maybe my heart is rubber!” Jovie quickly conjured her red clown nose and gave it a squeak. “Whatever comes my way, I’ll just absorb it! There’s no end to my heart!”

“How foolish of me to use these Earthen analogies,” Trixata sighed.

“And... I’ve been low, yes. I feel low when I think of Bev. But you can’t have highs without lows. And the highs... I think... I think they’re worth it,” Jovie whispered.

“Sentimental to the end.”

“So why are you here, sister?”

Because I’m your sister. We only have each other now.”

“Who’s the sentimental one now?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

They reached a parked limo. To Jovie’s surprise, Trixata knocked on the window. The driver got out of the car and opened the passenger door for her.

“Wait! I thought you didn’t have powers here!” A shellshocked Jovie pointed out.

“No. Just good old human cunning. I thought you’d like that sort of thing,” Trixata chuckled. “Oh and by the way, if I had to guess, I’d say that your ‘Archie-kin’s’ transformation might be due to you passing some of  your essence onto him. Regardless, if you insist on caring about these beings, perhaps you should stop deceiving the ones you really care about and show them who you really are, hmm? Okay, ciao sister!” She rolled up the window. The limo pulled away.

Jovie could scarcely pick her jaw up off the ground as the limo zoomed off.

Exit Trixata... Until Next Time

“Oh sister,” Trixata sighed, checking herself in a small mirror as she rode in the dark, air-conditioned limousine. The creature that stared back at her was... wholly unrecognizable. Indescribable.

It was a sign that she was back within her realm of power.

“What is to become of us?” Trixata soliloquized as she snapped her little makeup case shut.

From the front, she heard a knocking on the one way mirror.

“Yes, dear?” Trixata slid the separator open with a wave of her hand.

“Ah, er, um... Miss Trixata... I was wondering... I’ve worked for you every day for three years. I was wondering if I may have... have a vacation?” he asked nervously.

“Do you have a good reason?” she raised a blue eyebrow.

“Well, um, er, it’s just, ah...”

“Oh hush! You’re annoying me. Here, I’ll give you a good reason.”

She winked a large, sapphire eye at the man she employed, whose name she never even bothered to learn. His body seized up as his buzzed brown peach fuzz grew out into long, luscious, wavy locks of deep auburn. His slightly unkempt facial hair depilated itself, leaving only smooth, silky skin with no sign of wear and tear. His eyes grew wider, nose cuter, his lips and jawline, rich and feminine.

He, or she, gasped as a pair of breasts protruded from her chest. Suddenly, the driver’s seat was becoming too tight. She sucked in a deep breath and hurriedly scooted her chair back as her belly bulged, larger and rounder, skin distending as she carried the weight of a baby seven months into pregnancy.

“There you go,” Trixata laughed. “Now that’s a good reason. Go on. You may have your vacation.”

She left the shell shocked driver in her seat as she flew up into her tower to play with her little humans transformed into dolls.


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